Ok so I have found a serious and possibly reality breaking issue in the world. Alright so I was cruising google searching for some possible new pics for Evalin to add to her CS, and of course I decided to type in "witch" in the search engine. Why not right? She is called a witch in almost every thread. Well what did I turn up? Something I did not expect. Behold what holds as a witch now a days! Beware if you have a weak stomach you have been warned.
What is this!? Since when are witches pink with wings? These look more like fairies right? Ok I admit I am not well read when it comes to these types of supernatural things, but something tells me witches were never meant to be this. I sense the end is nearing when witches are suddenly pink fluffy fairies who use sparkle magic to do whatever it is fairies do. On a side note, what is up with the glasses girl's hair? Witches now have tentacles growing out of their skull? Lol well needless to say this pic will NOT be going in my CS.