[Kendoka Sasaran]A turbulent meeting(Rykanis)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kendoka Sasaran]A turbulent meeting(Rykanis)

Postby Antar on March 27th, 2012, 1:52 am

10th of Spring, 512 av

Riverfall was a ... unique city. Even in the wake of this season's disaster it seemed it wanted to breathe life back into its shattered edifices housed at the top of the cliffs and the reconstruction was just beginning. Reconstruction was good for him, Antar mused as he pondered the implications. It meant a time to learn more of the trade he had so desperately started in Sunberth in order to give him a means to find a life free from the endless toil of blood.

Not that his time in Alvadas had been any better. He had only wanted a small bit of peace, a time apart to consider how things were developing between Shai and him. He wanted to explore the mysteries of this place while simply being with her... and yet he still did not fully understand the reasons why he felt compelled to do so. Then had come the time he'd need for a bit of recovery, and recovery was why he came to Riverfall.

He'd been gaining back his strength here in the city, trying to merely rest.

So why would today of any days would he venture towards the Kendoka Sasaran? Well that was simple. He wanted to see what the place was like... even if some seemed to consider it no outsider's business going to such a place.

Antar would go anyway.

He had heard about the hunting of game on the plains, as well as the dangerous predators there. Both the natural, and the other racial ones. He wanted to see what a culture such as the akalak had martialed over the years to prepare themselves for such a threat. As such, he felt compelled to be respectful though. Entering a house of combat for another was a tricky thing indeed.

So, shrouded in his robes, girded in his armor, and decked out with his assortment of weapons , he entered the place as quietly as he could, bowing respectively towards the large eight foot akalak who seemed to be the master here before taking a silent position against a wall being ever sure to keep from jostling any of the students or practicioners there. Merely content to reserve himself to the actions of watching the others this day. And if he saw what he liked, perhaps he would approach the master , whom he overheard named Mizra Aqdas, for permission to use the grounds to train a bit or two.

Such was only respectful after all... even if he was still recovering.

With careful eyes he watched the students practicing a myriad number of forms and weapons against each other. Soon though... soon he would gain back his strength... soon...
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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[Kendoka Sasaran]A turbulent meeting(Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 2nd, 2012, 6:46 pm

A greatsword! Really, who came into a dojo, to fight a guy using a lakan, which was a small waepon, with a greatsword! Sure, all of the weapons they were using were made of wood, but the thing was still heavy!

Rykanis had been trying a bit of an odd move though... His other side reminded him that he had rather overextended himself in his attack, and put himself at risk, if it had failed. And failed he had.

He had tried a bit of an acrobatic technique, a swing of his wooden imitation of a lakan, which ended up being deflected by the man with the greatsword... And then a dive back, which in his mind he saw as a graceful back roll, landing back on his feet, out of the range of the greatsword, with his weapon held out at the ready. But that was not how it had worked in real life.

Instead he had stumbled on his back step, tripped, and got smacked across the chest by the huge wooden greatsword. And with the force behind it, he got knocked pretty well. Launched through the air, he would unknowingly go smashing right into a human standing and watching.

Well, if the human did not move. If he was able, and saw it coming, he could possibly get out of the way, diving, or even sidestepping his path, depending on how good he was. Or he might not be able to, and the two of them could end up as a heap on the floor, a tangle of limbs. Needless to say, it would require some action on the part of the human.

If he crashed into him, Rykanis would apologize, and try to help him up. If he did not hit him, perhaps the man would be kind enough to offer him a hand, and pull him back to his feet.

Regardless, Rykanis would hear a shadow chuckling in his ear, something thought his action had been quite funny.

Speaking to the shadow, he would mutter angrily at it, "Shut up the laughing, it was an accident... Like you could do better, all your doing is watching."

Of course since there was no visible person to whom Rykanis was speaking to, the man would likely think he was the recipient of Rykanis' anger at the shadows.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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