Jaden White

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Jaden White

Postby Jaden White on March 29th, 2012, 3:53 am

Jaden White
True Evil, comes not from heritage, ambition, or history, but straight from the depths of a mans soul.

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Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 29 Spring 493AV
Gender: Male


Language 1: Fluent - Common

Physical Description

Jaden White, a scrawny man of five foot three, one hundred and twenty pounds. He was never one of the most handsome men in his class, never the most athletic, or the most talented. His stomach rolled straight down, no abs, no fat. His biceps and calves average sized. His body was toned to allow him to move fast, and blend in.

Jaden had medium length dark brown hair, bordering black. He cared deeply about the appearence of his hair, and therefore, it would nearly always be flipped to the side, none of his forehead showing. This was one of the things Jaden hated the most, when there was a part in his hair, showing his forehead.

The rest of his face was average, normal sized lips, ears that were almost always covered, and a small and cute button nose. There was one distinguishing feature however, that set Jaden's gruelingly average body, which was his eyes. His eyes were those meant for a hypnotist. Jaden's eyes were the perfect snow blue that is portrayed in stories and films throughout the world. One could get lost in them, as easily as getting lost in the woods. Jaden knows this, and can sometimes take advantage of it.

Generally, the clothes Jaden wears are normal, mainstream clothes. He is often hot, and therefore dresses light on most occasions. A normal outfit for Jaden would be a plain colored shirt, loose fitting pants of any style, and any type of footwear. Sometimes Jaden will wear a light over-shirt on particularly cold days, or a hat on some randomly selected days.

Character Concept

Jaden is a well rounded individual. Due to his past, Jaden has learned to respect anyone who doesn't give him a reason not to, but also not to trust to easily. He yearns for acceptance, but will not go past being himself to obtain it. To Jaden, being who you are inside, and following your true to yourself is more important then anything else in the world.

Since Jaden lives on his own, and has to fend for himself in the world, its very seldom that he finds time to make many friends or do extracurricular activities. Because of this, he cherishes those moments that he has. His lifestyle revolves around having enough money to make it by, and enough food to put on the table for the next night, and this makes it hard for him to relax sometimes.

Although it is often hard for him to relax, Jaden adores the few friends he has, and often tries to incorperate them into his daily routine, most of the time at the displeasure to his friends however. He is a kind person, and truly a loving person at his soul though.

Because of his father and mother, Jaden has become a person that is skeptical, and it is extremely hard for him to trust people. However if you do gain Jaden's trust, it is also very hard for you to lose it. This can be both a good and bad thing, and while Jaden has not had any bad experiences with his trust issue yet, it doesn't mean that they are not coming.

Jaden has almost an obsession with his appearence. He refuses to go out into public without straightening his hair, and putting on a new set of clothes. Since when he is hunting he puts on a hat to keep his hair out of his eyes, it gets messy and knotty when he takes it off. He won't even go into the shop he has set up without combing it down beforehand.

Character History

Jaden had a rough past. His father and mother were never meant to be, and had never intended on getting pregnant with him. But even though they knew it was a mistake, his father, Lane, and his mother, Jayce, decided that they would attempt to keep their baby, and raise him the correct way.

This ended up being a major mistake. Once Jaden was born, they ran out of money so quickly, it was nearly impossible to take care of themselves, and their baby. Figuring it out pretty quickly, the two turned to a different approach to getting money. The ended up growing their own type of drug in the basement of their newly bought apartment in the Maiden district of Syliras.

The new method of acquiring currency lasted for quite a few years, and Jaden's life was fairly nice for the first five years of his life. However when the local law enforcement found out about what was going on, they came knocking on his door. Lane and Jayce decided that they had to leave one person here to take care of Jaden while the other took the brunt of the punishment. Lane volunteered to go to jail instead of Jaden's mother, however she told him that Jaden needed a father figure more then he needed her, and so he ran out the back door leaving her to take the punishment.

After another five years of living with just his father, Jaden and Lane started to resent each other. Lane had started to blame Jaden for the loss of the love of his life. He had also picked up the habit of drinking, which after a long night would often end in him yelling at Jaden. Jaden, at such a young age had never known what to do about it, and so he would just take the punishment, and he had learned to wait it out.

When Jaden was twelve years old, his mother got released from jail. This would normally be a great day, however on that day, his parents decided that they no longer wanted him, or loved him. They kicked him out on the street, and would never allow him home again.

With no parental support, and only twelve years of living on this world, the first month was very hard for Jaden. He had learned in school that the basics for survival were food, drink, and shelter, so he acquired them, in whatever ways possible. Sometimes he would steal food, and he would often travel just outside the city to get a drink of water from a nearby pond.

Shelter was always something that was tough of Jaden. He normally holed up in barns, or in abandoned shacks for a few nights at a time, but never for to long. Jaden was afraid of the law enforcement, they had taken his mother, and he had no other memories of them, but he didn't want them to take him as well.

Jaden lived like this for a year, before meeting another boy who was lost along the streets of the city. The boys name was Hunter, which was ironic, because that was exactly what he did. Hunted. Hunter taught Jaden the basics of hunting and surviving off the land. He taught Jaden how to use a bow and arrow, which at first, was very hard for Jaden, but eventually he could shoot with some efficiancy.

The two decided that they would live together, hunting, gathering, and selling to make a living, and this they did. They built a small hut just outside of town, not big enough to live comfortably, but enough for shelter from the weather. In fact, it was just enough where the two could sleep without bumping into one another.

They would go out in the morning, alternating between one picking berries and other fruits, and one hunting wildlife, and then at mid day, they would go into town with whatever meat or vegetables they had gathered, and attempt to sell it. Whatever they didn't sell, would come back home and serve as their food.

Soon enough, the two had made enough money to buy a house of their own, one that was actually inside the city, and would give them more then enough room. Jaden and Hunter were both ecstatic, and when Hunter left the first morning of Spring, Jaden was so giddy for him to get back, that he skipped hunting that morning, however as the day passed, Hunter didn't come back. Then night dragged on to the next morning, and still no sign of him.

Jaden went gathering the next day, getting a bucket full of berries, and bringing them into town, selling mostly all of them, and heading back to their shack. Hunter had still not come back. The next morning when he went into town to sell some squirrel and rabbit that he had shot, he saw Hunter, with a girl and two other boys, laughing along and entering an apartment, Hunter had the key.

Jaden felt dejected, and went back to their shack outside the city. He lived by himself for the next three years, continuing on the same routine that had been started between the two of them. Jaden's nineteenth birthday, is where our story begins...

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

25/100 - Hunting (SP)
10/100 - Herbalism (SP)
15/100 - Riding(SP)
15/100 - Archery(SP)

Lore of The Sylirian Wildlands
Lore of Poisonous Plants and Berries of Sylira

Equipment and Possessions

- 1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse(Gildling), a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags
- 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
- 1 Waterskin
- 1 Backpack which contains:
- 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
- Food for a week
- 1 eating knife
- Flint & Steel
- Short Bow
- 100 Short Bow Arrows


+100GM (Starting Package)
- 30GM (Short Bow)
= 70 GM
- 5GM (Short Bow Arrows)
= 65GM

Thread List
- When Hunting Goes Wrong
Last edited by Jaden White on April 2nd, 2012, 7:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Jaden White
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Joined roleplay: March 28th, 2012, 7:06 pm
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Jaden White

Postby Shepherd on April 13th, 2012, 3:15 pm


Hello new adventurer!

Welcome to Mizahar! My name is Shepherd, and I am here to assist you in completing your Character Sheet in a manner that is respectful to the Lore and overall theme of Mizahar. I have found a few areas of confusion and error, and I'm here to work with you to set things straight.

Things Needing Fixed
Archery is not an appropriate skill. The proper skill would be Weapon: Shortbow.

Lore of Poisonous Plants and Berries of Sylira is actually two lores combined into one. You can have Lore of Poisonous Plants of Sylira or Lore of Edible Plants of Sylira.

I noticed that you had no Heirloom item. You can have an heirloom, which is a single item worth up to 50gm. These are usually items that are important to the PC.

Please make the changes I've noted above, and send me a Private Message. Upon receiving your message, and reviewing your changes, I will remove the Intervention. Thank you for coming to Mizahar, and I hope you enjoy writing here.

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