by Cade on April 3rd, 2012, 7:51 am
Didn’t Take long for the sunberthian barbarian to get word of the Spire crew looking for assistance. Now if one was brave enough to enter this city on their own free will they were desperate and desperate people paid well. Well, that was a theory Cade would run with on this. He gave word to his motley crew of misfits all ranging from a skilled cook to the skilled killer. This is what made Crimson Edge the guild it was today, the diversity of skills, races and religion and all under one banner of the Blood red double dagger known as the insignia of the CE.
The half blood myrian and his entourage, numbered over twenty, found the spire people and the might jamourian who he had found out went by the Name of Torth. Being the captain of this mercenary clan, Cade approached the ape, his dark sullen eyes with svefran blue hues stared deep into the jamorua’s brown, fierce gaze not once breaking eye contact. His hand never ventured far from the hilt of his longsword, just from the first glance he could tell that this three man crew would be a formidable match if he were to stray from politeness but Crimson Edge’s numbers would be a match in itself as well. Another aspect that this clan has strived for, safety in numbers.
“ I am Cade and Captain of the The Crimson Edge Mercenaries, we will enlist into your campaign..... for a fee of course.” He exclaimed, waving his left hand to the mixed race crew standing guard to his rear to introduce themselves.