Stikka nodded to Eris as she introduced herself and rolled his eyes at Rand’s continued stumbling. Mentally he reviewed the merry little band. Mugen, the Dhani warrior was clearly used to being the big man of a group, which meant he probably thought he had the skills to back it up. Hopefully he was right, Stikka didn’t want to have to babysit anyone in a fight. Stikka couldn’t tell much else about the snake man yet. Idly he wondered why he wasn’t with his own kind, as humans tended not to think too kindly upon his race. The woman, Eris, was one to play her hand close to her chest. She was the least likely to open into the group. That was fine so long as it didn’t interfere with her actions, Stikka didn’t need to know her life story anyway. Finally there was Rand; the glassbeak raised ex-navy man. Stikka was fairly sure he had been forcibly removed from service, the Zeltvian Navy had always been quite uptight when he had encountered it. Stikka hoped that he made up for with other talents what he lack in social graces.
It appeared that the meeting, if you could call it that, was over. Stikka glanced out the window, still enough time to get back to the Dancing Badger and earn some coin with his flute. “I also have a place to stay. Do you have a place to meet in mind for or next little gathering?”