15th Winter, 506AV 'Garlic contains antimicrobials that can speed up the healing process,' Nira'lia repeated in her mind. She used her finger to keep her eyes focused on the small text that she read, afraid she would lose her focus. The old book on the desk described how everyday ingredients could serve as natural remedices. The book contained basic knowledge that most expert healers would already know, but Nira'lia was indepth in finding out about as much as she could. She wanted to learn beyond her knowledge, and for this she tried to memorize the names of the ingredients she could find almost anywhere. She was surprised to see that sprinkling sugar on a wound could help stop the bleeding. Ice, on the other hand, could reduce the swelling as well -- but she already knew that. At the moment, she was reading about a common kitchen ingredient: garlic. Garlic was a helpful ingredient in getting rid of bacteria, and she continued reading about how to convert the garlic to a paste. In her mind, she wrote down the steps to make the paste, which involved mincing the cloves, and then crushing it until acceptable. 'Do not leave the garlic paste on the wound for extended amounts of time. Garlic contains compounds that may burn the skin if left too long...' she was so engrossed in the book it that after a half hour, she was already on the last page. It wasn’t a lengthy book, but she felt good about being able to finish it within half a day. Smiling and feeling content, she stood up and returned the book where she got it. Nira'lia scanned over the many other books on the shelves. There were tons of them, and she stood tiptoed just to get a better look on the ones that were much higher than eye level. Her face was in awe, just like it was every time she came to this place. Nira'lia told fortunes and worked as a healer on a day to day basis, but on the few days that she had time to herself, she was often at the Wright Memorial Library. The Konti looked to her side as a handful of students passed by. They spoke about the class they had just attended. Nira'lia frowned to herself, feeling intensely envious of these students. When the students passed, she resumed to looking for another book she would be interested in. She once again stood in front of the shelves that held the medicinal books. By a stroke of luck, she found she spotted the second volume of the book she had just returned -- Quick Home Remedies, Volume II. As she reached to get it, Nira'lia realized that it was further up than she realized. The Konti stood on her toes as much as she could in an attempt to reach the book that was just an inch away from the tip of her finger. She looked silly, and she knew just that as some female students passed by and giggled at her. Embarrassed, she frowned and planted her feet flat on the ground once more. Nira'lia looked around, wanting to see if there were any ladders nearby. Instead, she spotted someone close; and by his height, she knew he’d have no trouble helping her. "Excuse me, sir..." she said, attempting to get his attention. He had her back to her, but she hoped he would know he was being addressed. "Would you be kind enough to reach that book for me?" |