Good gods my luck is just getting weird. (lessira)

Xi clocks off of work and runs into some unexpected company.

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Good gods my luck is just getting weird. (lessira)

Postby Ximal on April 6th, 2012, 5:27 am

27th spring 512AV evening

Gods above today had been rough sixty-three fights in total, and seventy-four bodies, and near a hundred crates. He ached, moving over a ton and ahlf of weight in total today he was exhausted on top of the training he did in his breaks. Thank the gods he hadn't gotten any blood on him today, other wise he would have had to was that out as well. In the side room of the pits he pulled on his shirt and body pack fastening it securely and then strapped his armour in place tucking his gauntlets into his belt. Finally draping his cloak over him. He shot a goodbye at Bull who just grunted and left him too it. Nearly falling out the door he closed it behind him. He was getting stronger but that just meant bull made him do more work. Stumbling up the stairs and high enough into the air to feel the breeze. He wandered down the tunnel and out back onto the glorious pit of a cesspool that was sunberth. Sucking down the air he stood upright and felt the breeze on him. His har was to his waist now and his beard he trimmed back to a shot bush over his face, to keep the scars covered. Still he felt good. the hood of the cloak over him. He wandered to the edge of the pit s walls to lean on them and catch his breath. He though of what he'd done and how he'd really earned his money today but heck pay day wasn't until the end of the season. So he was glad he had a little bit of spare money on him if he should need it.

catching some rest against the wall he felt the aches fade, he'd done all the work and not needed to use his flux once. Still progress was made every day he felt himself grow. after all a man of his height needed to have some meat on the bony foundation. Staring his almost black blue eyes off into the distance he smiled as he watched the stars over the last couple weeks his luck had been all over the place, but now it was on the up and up. Still what did the gods have instore for him next? what possible event could shake him now?

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Good gods my luck is just getting weird. (lessira)

Postby Lessira on April 6th, 2012, 7:03 pm

This was her first time here, if first view of this place called the blood pits... It was unlike anything Lessira had ever seen before. Before her eyes men threw themselves at one another, gashing open flesh and spilling forth life until one came out victorious, but sometimes even the victorious died...

Lessira was still uncertain of her place within this world of mortals, and in fact she doubted she would ever truly belong. The world was so vast and unusual, and each and every day she discovered more and more that she did not know or understand, but slowly she was starting to learn. Mok sat beside her now, his voice loud and joyous as he won another round. In fact, he had won the 2 before this as well, and Lessira could not help but smile as she watched his face light up with pride. So strange that such a man as this, one who could cause such harm and pain if the time arose, that he could still look so much like an excited child. It was such an unusual thought that the girl giggled.

Casting her gaze upward, Lessira could see that Syna was beginning her decent down to the horizon, and she felt a thrill when she thought of seeing Leth once more. Looking back to the pits, Lessira winced slightly as a man was cleaved shoulder to waist by his opponent, but still she did not look away.

Mok said that I must grow used to this sight... that I must acquaint myself with the sight and smell of blood, and if he wishes it then so I shall. She flinched as a fleck of blood landed on one of the seats to her left, Though I would wish not wish to experience the feel of it this day as well...

So she sat, watching the fights for a few minutes more as Syna moved farther and farther overhead. Turning to Mok, Lessira whispered her need to make her place of employment just after sunset, and he was quick to shoo her away. Smiling, Lessira touched his shoulder for just a moment before standing to exit the pits.

Sighing heavily, Lessira looked around, slightly glad to be free of that place of blood and death, but of course she would never say so to Mok. Turing to walk along the wall of the Blood Pits, she took out a strange object from the pocket of her tunic and began absently running her finger over its ridges. The object was, in fact, a single, rusted looking gear that easily fit in the palm of her hand. The girl's eyes gazed upward, tracking the path of the sun as it made its slow journey across the sky, anticipating her first glimpse of Leth. Her mind was so occupied with these frivolous thoughts that she did not notice the boxes against the wall where she walked, and suddenly she was falling.

With a gasp Lessira tilted her shoulder and let herself roll over, letting her motion absorb the impact of the fall, but when she landed her hand opened and the gear flew from her grasp. Rolling back to her feet Lessira began after the gear, rushing to catch it before it rolled into a crack in the wall. Jumping forward, she managed to catch it just before it disappeared into the wall, but as a result she ended up in a very awkward looking position laying on the ground with her arms extended close to a pair of shoes. Raising her eyes, Lessira smiled up at the man leaning against the wall, for the moment at a loss for words.
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Good gods my luck is just getting weird. (lessira)

Postby Ximal on April 6th, 2012, 7:28 pm

Sighing heavily as the day turned into night, glancing up at the sky Xi smiled. Xi always preferred the look of the night to the look of the day but then again he'd never really had time to enjoy the day. Taking a deep breath his strength returning and his body relaxing he felt strong again. Good he's need his strength for the trip home. He was almost always a target for someone and tonight would probably be no different. Thiough Xi heard a strange clatter and clamour of noise coming from the tunnel next to him. Then a small gear rolled to his feet. and near the crack in the wall at the base of it.

Then suddenly a pair of hands clasped it. Following the hands back, his face still shrouded in darkness the arms connected to a body, strangely still lifting as far as he could tell, but one thing glares out at him, on the side of the body's head ther was a sped of red dust or was it blood from the fall? Staring for a moment he kept his eyes going, clearly it was a woman. From the shape of her body, xi could feel the embarrassment creeping into him again. Looking at ehr a long while he crouched down the wall, and then suddenly her facs shot up to stare at him. By the gods and the seven hells, she was stunningly beautiful. What had he don't now that this turn of luck would fall his way. Strangely haunting and sparkling violet eyes. Looking his deep almost black blue eyes straight into those eyes for a loong moment. He was astonished, radiant skin, and a supply yet womanly shape of body. His face burned with the flush now, his cheeks felt soo hot he each breeze of wind became a stinging slap of pain.

Staring into her eyes for that long moment. It was as if time had frozen. Finally grasping up enough courage and thought process he asked.
"A-a-are you al-alright miss, d-d-do you ne-need a hand ?" He could feel his hand shaking as he out stretched it to offer her help to stand, He could feel everything the air was doing he felt that hot. Still he was trying to be his normal sef even if everything about him was screaming at him. His mind faltered and stayed completely empty. He fet as if he was going to pass out, still something battled through him and allowed him to some how stay concious. Then the moon caught his eyes even beneath his hood illuminating them with an eerie, subtle and warm glow. He couldn't help but Falter every thought he had, as the second it entered his mind whilst he looked at her it crumbled to dust.

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