Master (Eorar)

Sylkra looked for what could be her master.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Master (Eorar)

Postby Sylkra on April 7th, 2012, 11:57 am

Spring Day 5
Sylkra stopped just outside the borderline of Zeltiva, not going over they're border until she was a welcome member. She was in human form, dressed in a pink dress to show off her beauty. She was beautiful. Se had flowing blonde hair, and electric yellow eyes. She had no shoes on of course, but usually people didn't mind. Sylkra even put on a little make-up, to add even more pizzaz. She got a little uneasy waiting for her to-be master, but any Kelvic would, this is a life step. She quickly fixed her hair, and braided it back. She really couldn't wait for him to come. As she waited, she thought of the fortune teller.

She found the fortune teller, named Clartela, lost on the road to Zeltiva. She offered to help and in return, Clartela granted Sylkra one prediction. So she asked Clartela if this stranger she was visiting really would be her master. Clartela gave her a straight-out yes. She also described the master as a fish out of water. Syltra didn't know what that meant, but nor did she want to figure it out. Any master fits her.
Last edited by Sylkra on April 7th, 2012, 9:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Master (Eorar)

Postby Warden Thrice on April 9th, 2012, 10:48 pm

It was quiet. It was always quiet, ever since the storm. There were only two kinds of people now; there were those that huddled in buildings to escape the tragedy of what had happened and there were the people who stalked the barren streets, scavenging for anything worth taking. It was the hunters and thieves who were out and about, the ones whose feet remained silent on the wet pavement.

He hadn’t been able to stand it. The room he shared at the University wasn’t small, but the sheer silence, the heavy wait for the unknown, it had stifled him and forced him out. He needed air. Just a little bit would be enough.

He walked at the corner of the streets and kept his senses alert. He was bedraggled and his clothes were torn, so the few stray undesirables that he passed barely gave him a second glance before deciding that he wasn’t worth any trouble.

He came to the edge of the city and took a deep breath. This area had not been defeated by the storm; here ancient homes were still scorched by some fire in the past, and weeds and ivy claimed what little was left. He had met a ghost here, once.

He walked between overgrown walls with slow steps, stopping every once in a while to smell an early spring flower. The district was sandwiched between the larger buildings and the mountains, so it had escaped the majority of the damage the storm had wrought, and he enjoyed it. This little piece of nature in the sea of stone streets was a welcome relief from Zeltiva’s trouble, even though it probably wasn’t technically part of the city anymore.
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Master (Eorar)

Postby Sylkra on April 9th, 2012, 11:14 pm

Sylkra was tired of waiting around, so she eventually headed into the city. Maybe her to-be master was there.

Sylkra ears picked up a walking noise, but who was making it was unknown. She tore off her clothes and shapeshifted. Her libs grew, and some shortened, and pretty soon she was a tan-blonde wolf.

Ears pricked toward the noise, she took off in a run in the direction of the walking. What do you know, walking along a street was a human. Sylkra panic and hid behind a building, now torn down. She took a couple of deep breathes and slowly, and so very alertly, strode toward the stranger.
"If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away."

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Master (Eorar)

Postby Warden Thrice on April 9th, 2012, 11:41 pm

Eorar heard running and wheeled. Something brown vanished behind a wall and he tensed, unsure of what it was. There wasn’t really any wildlife around here, at least nothing that size. A few songbirds and a raccoon, perhaps, but the thing had been tall, at least three feet at the shoulder.

He waited curiously, and after a few moments he saw something black and damp peek from behind the hiding spot. A brown-greyish snout followed behind, then a forehead and ears, and soon enough an entire creature slid into the open. Eorar blinked. Was it a dog? He had seen a few around the docks, but they were different. Smaller, and with less regular coloring. Wait… it was something similar. He had heard another student speak of it in passing, but what was it called?..

Wolf. That was it. A wolf. Were wolves dangerous? The dogs he’d met were friendly enough, but they weren’t wild animals.

The wolf walked sedately towards him, fast enough to be getting somewhere but slow enough to convince him that it was not stalking. He shifted his weight uneasily.

“Er… hello?” he said. He hadn’t the slightest inkling how to deal with wolves, much less ones that were walking calmly in his direction, but he didn’t back up. He simply stood there, uncomfortable, and watched it.
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Master (Eorar)

Postby Sylkra on April 9th, 2012, 11:53 pm

Sylkra almost jumped when the human talked. She wasn't a people person, and felt weird talking to strangers. It was one of her worst weaknesses. She looked up into his eyes, and she saw kindness. This man wasn't looking to do harm.

She ran behind the building again to retrieve her backpack, and shapeshifted. She reached in the pack to grab her skin bikini, and slipped it on. She walked out from the wall, pack slung over her shoulder, and walked toward the man again. She was shy, unusual for a wolf, and whispered, "Hi there. I'm looking for a master. Do you know where a master is?" She blushed, and waited for a response.
"If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away."

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Master (Eorar)

Postby Warden Thrice on April 10th, 2012, 12:13 am

The wolf paused, then darted away. Eorar almost took off after it, but common sense restrained him from doing so. He felt a small jolt of disappointment as the bushy tail disappeared around a corner, but he knew better than to pursue. He didn’t want to be attacked, after all.

He sighed and made to leave when he heard more footsteps from behind him. He threw a look over his shoulder and froze.

A young woman wearing practically nothing save what would preserve her dignity was approaching with a pack over her shoulder. Eorar managed to rein his eyes to her face after a few moments, deciding that she must be foreign. Very, very foreign.

But then, was I much different when I stumbled here?

“A… master?” What an odd question. “I’m… not quite sure what you mean…” Was she a slave, to be looking for a master? He would have thought that a slave would relish freedom, not seek more chains. A kelvic, then? That… that would explain a bit. She might have been the wolf a few seconds earlier, and would certainly explain her lack of modesty.

He turned to face her fully.

“Was that you, a little bit ago? The wolf? Are you… kelvic?”
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Master (Eorar)

Postby Sylkra on April 10th, 2012, 12:22 am

This stranger obviously didn't know what just happened. Sylkra was very kind, so explained, "Yes. I am Kelvic. A wolf, to be exact. I am in search of a master, and was wondering if you could help me find one. Well... I mean... you don't have to..." She trailed off, then resisted slapping herself for being so stupid. He doesn't want to help her! He doesn't want to help Sylkra! She put her head down in shame, angry at herself for making a mistake like that. Her eyes swelled with tears.

She raised her head again, and quickly blurted out, "No, I'm sorry. You don't have to help."
"If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away."

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Master (Eorar)

Postby Warden Thrice on April 10th, 2012, 12:41 am

He nodded as she confirmed his suspicions of her wild nature, but he still wasn’t quite sure what she wanted of him. Find a master? It wasn’t exactly something someone advertised. If someone wanted to be another’s master they would simply go to a slave market, and he wasn’t quite comfortable with placing this girl or anyone really in the care of someone like that.

Tears. Oh shyke.

“No, no!” he said quickly, hoping to dissuade a breakdown of some sort. “It’s alright, I’ll helping. It’s fine, really. I just…” he looked down sheepishly, “am not sure what you wanting. Looking for a master is a bit of an odd thing to asking. What do you meaning by ‘master’?”

He had encountered kelvics before, Ndale had even told him a bit about how their minds worked, but he still wasn’t sure what the bonding process involved. Was it a specific personality suited to a different kelvic? Would she only bond to a strong person or a gentle person or a funny person?

His thoughts spiraled out of control, and out of the blue a little voice reminded him that he had forgotten a basic introduction.

“Oh, sorry for quickliness. I am Warden." The false name spun off his tongue easily. "What is your name?”
Last edited by Warden Thrice on April 13th, 2012, 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Master (Eorar)

Postby Sylkra on April 10th, 2012, 12:50 am

She stopped sobbing, and looked up at him. He was scared by the fact she was crying, and that was a sign more than ever that he was friendly. She even smiled a bit, relieved he was okay. She listened to his question thoughtfully.

Oh, her name? That was an easy question. Most people she met on the roads were asking her her backstory, and what she was like... but he was different.

"I'm Sylkra. It's nice to meet you Eorar!" she cheered, happy to meet someone who stopped to look at her. She shook his hand, because that's what she heard humans do when they greet. It was an awkward shake, her hand was grasping, not his hand, but his wrist. She continued, more formally, "Master? Oh well, Kelvics main purpose in life is to find someone to serve and protect. And as one of those Kelvics, I'm looking for a master. I need help though, I just can't seem to find one."
"If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you've done and whoever you were and throw them away."

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Master (Eorar)

Postby Warden Thrice on April 10th, 2012, 1:24 am

He grinned in spite of himself when she shook his wrist in greeting. He had made a similar mistake before.

He frowned as she continued. He had heard as much about the race, but it still didn’t shed any light on what she was specifically looking for. After a few moments of mulling it over, he came to the conclusion that he simply did not know what she wanted, so he changed to what he knew.

“Am I right to assuming you’re new here? To Zeltiva?”

She seemed so. Anyone else walking around seeing a woman in clothing like that would have probably had much more sinister intentions on their mind, leaving little room for trial and error.

“Do you have a place to staying yet?”
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