Hunting a muse is harder than hunting a giant octopus. Not only are most people convinced they don't exist, but those that do take up the hunt often grow insane from the thrill. I have been lucky.
No, idea are not silly at all. Not yours, not anybody's. deGrey stared intently at her as if extracting more and more ideas from her. Inspiration was something Alistair was always searching for. It was to him as water was to a desert dweller. He thirsted for it, he needed it to live.
"When somebody works as I do, new ideas, even ones that others may call "silly" are what one looks for." deGrey enjoyed the muse like quality Ha'na had just revealed, hoped dearly that it would bloom. "So please, always give me any idea that cross your mind, I thrive off of it." A beam spread across deGrey's face as he imagined the plethora of ideas that might eventually stream forth from Ha'na, some less appropriate for public than others.
"I can only guess, that during certain... err, situations you've been in, you have not always been free to voice exactly what you think. But I want, no need, all of those lovely ideas bouncing around your head." Hopefully she would understand. deGrey was still feeling the waves of euphoria Ha'na brought on, but now a serious bent could be heard in his tone.
The sun had not stopped for the two, and neither had society. An elderly man barged through the portal to deGrey's shop, a sour look creasing his already wrinkled facade. He was thin and carried what appeared to be the mangled remains of a cane. His expression changed rapidly when he saw the two younger people, hands clasped. First a look of panic, had he forgotten the location? the trials of memory had never before plagued him, this was worrisome. But then his eyes adjusted, scrutinizing the man before him, and a raucous laugh erupted from his old bones. "deGrey! I didn' recognize ye with a woman on yer arm!"
Alistair blushed deeply, realizing this was the first time anybody he knew had ever seen Ha'na. "Evening Mr.Ballard, is that..." deGrey's eyes shifted to the silhouetted remains that lay in the old man's hand. "Yep! Broke me cane again. Nottin' do about it though, youn' bastards always get it comin'" Alistair blinked a few times as the old man hobbled up before the counter. "Didn' want to come all the way, but the wife made'n me go to the 'Zaar anyway."
The inventor was still staring warily at the man before him, who had just admitted to beating people with one of his inventions. The keen old man had been waiting for that reaction though, and unleashed another surprisingly hearty laugh, " now there'n deGrey, you didn' think I actually hit 'em." He clapped a hand onto deGrey's shoulder a few times. "Ye'll learn 'en ye get a sense of humor. But now I got'n two questions for yeh. When kin I get anothe' cane? An' who is she?" Mr.Ballard jerked his thumb in Ha'na's direction and a whistle escaped his lips.