Timestamp: 81 Spring, 512
Location: Injury Ward/Base Camp
Asha grumbled darkly as she walked through the Base Camp, heading for the Injury Ward. Her large black legs covered the distance quickly, bringing the makeshift first aid station closer and closer. Her right hand was grasping her left tightly; a few drops of blood marked her path. She felt quite the fool at that moment, and her eyes darted around to see who was witnessing her self-proclaimed ordeal. Only a few minutes before she had been helping some elderly Jamoura to strip bark from a sapling with a sharp knife. Her hand had slipped and the knife had cut her finger, much to the elder’s mirth. Wicked old creature. The wound was superficial, nothing more than an annoyance really but the blasted thing just wouldn’t stop bleeding. Once the elder’s laughter had subsided he had instructed her to scat and get her “gaping wound” seen to. An elderly female Jamoura who had been overseeing the bark stripping had patted Asha’s shoulder in sympathy, shaking her head at the laughing Jamoura. With a curt farewell she had trudged off to nurse her finger and her pride.
Asha’s mood was rather sour at the idea of visiting the Injury Ward. She hated the smells that accompanied such places, the metallic scent of blood and astringent medicines stung her nose and nauseated her stomach. She had a weak stomach for illness and wounds, even her time in the fog of the Spires and the fights she witnessed had not improved her disposition towards matters of the health. Having the metallic scent of blood rising from her own finger was extremely unpleasant for Asha, her stomach began to churn as she thought about it. And as all fears go, the more she thought about it the more irrational she became. With each step towards the Ward her mind created a new fear: what if it got infected from the blade? What if it didn’t heal properly and fell off from gangrene? What if she bled out completely and was nothing more than a husk of fur and bone? Suddenly she was at the entrance of the Injury Ward, she was slightly surprised to find herself there, having somewhat displaced her sense of time and place while lost in her fears. She shook her large black head a few times to scatter the silly thoughts away, they were of no use. Determined to get it over with, she stepped through the door.
“Can somebody bandage this?” Asha loudly called across the ward and stuck out her injured finger, keeping the dripping blood as far from her body as possible. As the healers inside glared at her she realized that perhaps she had been a bit too loud with her request. As she saw that some of the patients were in far worse condition, she felt a bit sheepish for her selfish way of demanding service, and brought her finger back towards her body to clutch again. She looked down at where a few drops of her blood had marked the dirty floor and felt her head begin to swim. The sight of the ruby spatters was a bit too much for the Jamoura to handle.
Location: Injury Ward/Base Camp
Asha grumbled darkly as she walked through the Base Camp, heading for the Injury Ward. Her large black legs covered the distance quickly, bringing the makeshift first aid station closer and closer. Her right hand was grasping her left tightly; a few drops of blood marked her path. She felt quite the fool at that moment, and her eyes darted around to see who was witnessing her self-proclaimed ordeal. Only a few minutes before she had been helping some elderly Jamoura to strip bark from a sapling with a sharp knife. Her hand had slipped and the knife had cut her finger, much to the elder’s mirth. Wicked old creature. The wound was superficial, nothing more than an annoyance really but the blasted thing just wouldn’t stop bleeding. Once the elder’s laughter had subsided he had instructed her to scat and get her “gaping wound” seen to. An elderly female Jamoura who had been overseeing the bark stripping had patted Asha’s shoulder in sympathy, shaking her head at the laughing Jamoura. With a curt farewell she had trudged off to nurse her finger and her pride.
Asha’s mood was rather sour at the idea of visiting the Injury Ward. She hated the smells that accompanied such places, the metallic scent of blood and astringent medicines stung her nose and nauseated her stomach. She had a weak stomach for illness and wounds, even her time in the fog of the Spires and the fights she witnessed had not improved her disposition towards matters of the health. Having the metallic scent of blood rising from her own finger was extremely unpleasant for Asha, her stomach began to churn as she thought about it. And as all fears go, the more she thought about it the more irrational she became. With each step towards the Ward her mind created a new fear: what if it got infected from the blade? What if it didn’t heal properly and fell off from gangrene? What if she bled out completely and was nothing more than a husk of fur and bone? Suddenly she was at the entrance of the Injury Ward, she was slightly surprised to find herself there, having somewhat displaced her sense of time and place while lost in her fears. She shook her large black head a few times to scatter the silly thoughts away, they were of no use. Determined to get it over with, she stepped through the door.
“Can somebody bandage this?” Asha loudly called across the ward and stuck out her injured finger, keeping the dripping blood as far from her body as possible. As the healers inside glared at her she realized that perhaps she had been a bit too loud with her request. As she saw that some of the patients were in far worse condition, she felt a bit sheepish for her selfish way of demanding service, and brought her finger back towards her body to clutch again. She looked down at where a few drops of her blood had marked the dirty floor and felt her head begin to swim. The sight of the ruby spatters was a bit too much for the Jamoura to handle.