8th of Spring, 512 AV The weather was too warm out for Lixue. A dribble of sweat coursed down her forehead, weaved around Vantha almost-too pale facial features, raced down her thin neck, and disappeared underneath a white blouse. The snow had all melted after a huge storm ripped through Avanthal, and was instead replaced with insufferable heat. Morwen's palace was melting, even with the help of others! The high temperatures needed to leave! To escape the unusual weather and in an attempt to cool off, Lixue was headed to the library. The library itself was smaller, with only two rooms that Lixue knew of. There may have been one more, but she had never ventured past the actual library. The books were in neat order; by title and the topic they covered. Upon entering the library, Lixue made her way towards one of the workers. He seemed to be intently focusing on placing books onto shelves. Quietly making her way toward him, Lixue cleared her throat and quietly chuckled when the worker seemed to jump. "I am sorry," she told him in Vani. "Just a quick question, where are the medicine books?" "Come with me. I shall show you," the male told her and walked away. As she followed, Lixue could not help but to compare him to Ly, her best friend. Jack almost seemed to share the silence of the library; Ly walked loudly and with energy. Ly had a darker skin tone and the man leading her did not. It was not that the worker was not attractive, it was simply Ly stood out more in Lixue's mind. Realizing what exactly she was doing, Lixue was startled. Comparing him to Ly? Why? The action had seemed almost natural, scarily so. She was popped back to the present when the man stopped and spoke, "Here they are. You may find what you need by alphabetical order." Lixue was scarcely aware of the librarian walking away. With one fingernail skittering along the spines softly, she scanned the titles with only one topic in mind: aiding . Only a few seconds had passed before she found a title which seemed to match up with the topic: Remedies To Insomnia. Plucking the book from the shelf, Lixue plopped down in one of the many seats littering the library. Thankfully, the book was in common and she would be able to read it. Opening randomly to a page, Lixue began to read…
Lixue glanced up from the journal, mind whirling with possibilities. The writer had not mentioned where Garden Heliotrope was found, but the information was useful. Only after several moments of staring into space, book open on her lap, did Lixue realize she was actually staring directly at someone. |