As soon as the door closed behind her, Nissabella's legs finally gave way completely from under her and she leaned gratefully into Avarys' solicitous arm, delighted by the attention he was lavishing upon her. Now that the euphoria of performing had ebbed away, she felt weary and drained in body and soul. A little envy was mixed into her admiration and fascination as she gazed up at Avarys, who looked as spry and fresh as ever as he called for the next dancer, while it was all she could do to collapse onto the bench. Of course, he was much more skilled and experienced than she was, and she had given the dance her all to impress the judges. Still, it hardly seemed fair that she was reduced to a quivering mass of jelly, while he looked almost exactly the same as when she first saw him in the audition studio. As it happened, the next dancer in line was the arrogant Soraya Orchid, who had been boasting loudly about her aerial dance prowess before Nissabella's audition. Nissabella didn't like the way she ogled and leered at Avarys at all, and she narrowed her eyes belligerently in response when Soraya passed by and glared at her. The door closed behind them both, and Nissabella sighed as she curled up on the bench. She had done her best and she knew she'd put a lot of emotion into her performance. But was it really enough? She frowned at the closed door, suddenly worried about her chances. However, she couldn't help smiling when the two silver-haired girls who had been intently listening at the door rushed toward her, both of them almost vibrating with excited questions. "How was it? How did you do?" one of the girls asked. "Who were the judges? Were they mean or nice?" the other girl added eagerly. "Was Kanasa Curare herself there?" "And..." The first girl glanced back at the door, her eyes bright with curiosity, and giggled. "Was that Avarys? Avarys Anthurium? From the Weft and Warp? Was he one of the judges or something?" At that last question, Nissabella shook her head and smiled. "Oh, no. He was my dance partner." "He's the dance partner for the auditions?" the girls chorused, their eyes growing as wide as saucers. "Ooooh! What was it like? You have to tell us!" Unable to resist their enthusiasm, Nissabella described her dance to both of them. As she continued talking, she noticed that the other two girls in the anteroom were unobtrusively trying to listen in as well. Smiling to herself, she tried to weave as harrowing a narrative as possible about the difficulties of the dance, especially the times when she thought she was about to fall and plunge to her death or get tangled up in the various silks. The two girls gasped at all the right times and their pretty faces took on thoughtful looks, no doubt imagining how they would have to handle the same situation during their auditions. Nissabella couldn't help waxing poetic about Avarys' grace and masterfulness, causing the girls to giggle again and give each other meaningful sidelong looks. "I'm so glad you're willing to talk about your audition with us," the first girl exclaimed, when Nissabella finally ran out of words. "We thought the other dancers would all be so competitive, they wouldn't say a thing because they'd be scared to give anyone an advantage!" "I thought about that a little," Nissabella admitted, "but we have all trained together every day since we were little. We already know how well each of us dances. Whatever I say isn't going to change anything by that much, really!" The two girls nodded. The second one, clearly distracted by another train of thought, broke in with an impertinent grin. "Hey, Nissa. You like Avarys, don't you? You've got a crush on him, haven't you?" "I do not!" Nissabella protested. "Oh, she absolutely does. I can totally tell," the first girl agreed laughingly. She shook her head mock-reproachfully at Nissabella. "You ought to be careful with that one, you know. From what I've heard, Avarys flirts with everyone. He could probably charm all the spiders from their webs if he wanted. But," her voice went soft and conspiratorial, "I heard he only has eyes for his cousin, the head weaver at the Weft and Warp." "Uh-huh," the second girl chimed in, speaking in a low whisper, "I heard that too. My older brother, who trains at the Weft and Warp, says they act a lot closer than two cousins really should." "Oh." Nissabella felt herself deflating, though she did her best not to show it. Some of the glow faded from her dance with Avarys and from the memory of the words he'd whispered to her during and after her audition. He had made her feel so special and wonderful, saying that no one else could compare to her. The thought that perhaps he said such things to everyone, though, and didn't really mean them made Nissabella bite her lip. Trying to hide her disappointment, she said stiffly, "Oh, yes. I knew that." At that point, the door opened again and the first girl was called to audition. Nissabella fell silent after that, leaning her head against the wall and watching as the other aerial dancers were called one by one into the audition studio. Left by herself, she turned her attention to rubbing down the muscles in her arms and legs, as well as stretching her limbs in an attempt to reduce muscle soreness tomorrow. After his audition, the odd young man who showed up to try out for a female role sat down on the bench next to her. He too had black hair and violet eyes, Nissabella couldn't help noticing, while she worked on massaging her shoulders and upper arms. Wearily, she wondered again why he was here and if he'd gotten lost somehow. When the door opened for the last time, though, all of them straightened and snapped to attention. Kanasa Curare stepped through the door, and Nissabella's stomach felt as though it was full of fluttering silk moths as she waited for the dancing mistress to speak. When her gaze settled on Nissabella and she spoke, Nissabella felt as though her heart would jump right out of her chest. "O-of course, Mistress Curare," she stammered, getting to her feet and walking unsteadily toward the door. The blood was pounding in her ears, and her voice sounded thin and nervous as she said politely, "I am at your service." |