Rykanis could tell that the rack of weapons excited the kelvic, for the fact that they were mainly shiny. He was such a simple creature... Then he almost wet himself, upon realizing that a pair of stiletto blades were built so that the opposite hilts were there sheathes. Tamo he was fairly certain they were called... Though not something he ever used, or planned to. He preferred his lakans, which could stab to an extent, though mainly slashed. Those thin little stiletto blades, could only stab. Plus they did not tend to be all that deadly... It was hard to kill someone by just stabbing them, unless you managed to hit the right spot. Not with those thin little narrow things... "Those little thin flimsy things? I suppose you could use them... Though a bit frail... They are okay for stabbing, but not all that good in combat... Maybe if you are sneaking up and killing by surprise, but they are next to useless in open combat... Are you sure that is what you want to use?" As the kelvic tried to convince him that he could just call him by kelvic, or even kelvic ferret, he snorted out loud. Really, that was the most idiotic defense he had ever heard. "Yeah, that might, in some situations. But it would not work if there was more than one kelvic around, then they would all look. And did you ever think, maybe you are not the only kelvic ferret? If there was another, then it would not work... Really, you need your own name, you cant just go by kelvic, when there are more than one. " "I already said, it would be pointless to make a name up, since then it would end with you being called a dozen different things, and utter confusion as to if we meant the same kelvic. John? What do you mean it is the name you had to use? Were did you get it?" |