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Postby Dallisetria on April 20th, 2012, 8:24 pm




Born on the eighteenth of spring. Is only about two years of age,
but appears to be about eighteen in human form. As this is
because ocelots develop sexual maturity at 18-24 months into life.
Born in the year 510


Only knows the Common language, at all

She has milky white, clear, smooth skin. Her eyes are a dark golden,
like an ocelot's, with large pupils and barely any whites. Her hair is
flowing, right to her shoulders where she cut it with her knife on
purpose. Before she cut it the knife was sharp as hell, afterwards,
very dull. Her hair is thick, and dark, dark auburn with light
dirty blonde tints. She is 5'4" and weighs 110lbs. She has sharp teeth
made for ripping, not chewing.

She is usually very bitchy, witty and cunning. Oftentimes seen as
a pessimist, or just a very solemn soul. She has tendencies to use
very vulgar words, or just offensive ones. Although sometimes she
does have her high, and she can be seen as bubbly, and kind.
She does not trust easy, though. Despite this, she is very open.
With everything.

She does not really have any morals. Dallisetria is a very open
person, and always speaks what's on her mind, whether she thinks
the people around her want to hear it or not. She does not get
awkward, and when she does it means it would be twice as bad
to another person who isn't she. She will do what she wants when
she wants, unless she's scared. She does have a conscience,
even though she finds it hard to show any emotion that shows
what she really thinks. Such as, love, or a crush.

She loves climbing, writing, or drawing. She loves to be where
the air is pure, and the view is breath-taking. She loves the
kind people. The people who have self respect, the people who
are so kind to others and don't think twice about it.

She hates people
who are like her- you know, the assholes- because she hates herself,
really. She's always seen the abandonment from her parents as her
fault, her fault. So she hates people who act the way she does, unless
for some reason she just can't help herself.

Dallisetria was born to a Kelvic mother and a human father.
Her father did not know that her mother was Kelvic, and so when
he saw he had an ocelot for a daughter, in fury he immediately
murdered the mother. He did not know of her Kelvic state because
her animal form was one that required water at all times, and so she
never changed. It was a dolphin.
Even though he found it fit to kill her mother,
he for some reason, could not kill Dallisetria. He thought, that to kill
a creature that could not defend itself, especially with his blood,
would be like suicide. It would kill a small bit of him as well. He raised
her until she was about five months when he taught her the basics of
hunting with his bow and arrow, and then left her with it. Even though
it was five months, she could not manage to remember any bit
about her father. And obviously, nothing about her mother. After
she got hungry, like, starving point hungry, she decided to use the
bow and arrows. She got the hang of it, and can now hunt a little bit.
Enough to survive.. Since she was very lonesome, this led to her
bitterness, but she also learned how to tell stories so well. Many stories,
all told to herself to stay amused. At that point she was more
confident, and she started to leave.

Even though Dallisetria does not like to stay at one place at
a time for very long, she has bought a suite in Riverfalls.
This is because when she had gone there, she had met some
people she didn't really want to say goodbye to, and she found
that they were not going to be leaving any time soon. Since she
wanted to stay near them, she decided to stay there, at RF.

She wears leather boots, shorts, a dark maroon tank top, and a
leather jacket. She carries her bow and arrow, which little does
she know, was passed down from generation to generation
on her father's side of the family. It is the heirloom she carries
around. She does not let anyone touch or use it other than
herself(it's a short bow).
She carries a waterskin, a brush, and soap. (starting package)

Shortbow 20/100
Climbing 10/100
Running 10/100
Hunting 11/100
Unarmed Combat 10/100
(Kelvic)Logic 2/100
Compassion 2/100
Strategy 1/100
Weapon(dagger) 1/100
Vanity 1/100
Intelligence (Ocelot) 1/100
Conversation 3/100
Rhetoric 1/100
Observation 5/100
Kissing 1/100
Socialization 5/100
Tracking(hearing) 1/100
Reflexes 1/100
First Aid 1/100
Intimidation 1/100

My Moneys
(starting pack) 100 gold rimmed mizas
(crashing at Rykanis's place)so cashing in house for 500
20 arrows cost 1gm, so that leaves me with
subtract monthly expenses. Or whatever you call it. -135
Leaves me with 364gm.

Her job is a Waitress at the Glass Gull.


Ability to recognize the footprints of a mouse, Mice are hard to catch,
I got hiccups, Ear scritches are nice! Playing is fun!, Kitty is a nice name,
Gentle sensibilities, Being a proper passive Kelvic, Kitty strategy,
Attraction is confusing when you're a Kelvic! Is it rejection?, High strung kitty, Cat pride, Lovable kitty, Explaining instinct isn't easy for a Kelvic, Ocelet grooming lick, Is this the start of Kelvic Bonding? Kitty closeness is natural, First kiss, First time brown-chicken-brown-cooow! A Kelvic smile isn't always friendly looking, Natural growling, Get a flower-give a flower, Making friends is the best, Meet the Ocelot, Nude is natural, Chase that man! Poor high strung kitty Kelvic, Rykanis: He’s Irritating When He Brings Home Strangers, Setting Stupid Humans Straight


Spring of 512:
Kelvics At The Zoo - Daemon
A Meeting Just Two Days After the First- Mishani
Awkward Meeting- Rykanis&Syrah
A small shopping spree- Dex
Last edited by Dallisetria on April 28th, 2012, 6:25 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Aaaand I'm back. <3
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When I'm not hiding, you'll know.
Posts: 83
Words: 39128
Joined roleplay: April 20th, 2012, 6:20 pm
Race: Kelvic
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