The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Ships go out to survey the waters around Mura to see what is going on and why wreckage keeps washing up on shore.

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Hadrian on May 30th, 2012, 5:34 am

If he had known he would see people he knew, he might not have enhanced his physique, although it seemed to have the desired effect. He colored slightly that Faraluun noticed, but he nodded, and thankfully L'orlei didn't seem to, or at least had the good grace not to mention the transformation. Clothes that had been a bit loose were now quite fitted; this was what they meant about filling out one's clothes, he supposed.

"I'm doing well," he admitted to his old roommate, and nodded to L'orlei, smiled vaguely at Y'sta. "Ah, yes. I was planning to see if they needed my help..."

The lithe Konti had his arm, and Faraluun had one too. He liked these odds, then felt guilty at the thought. When he had first developed feelings for Kendall, she had looked little like these fish-women, but Kendall had changed and changed, and seemed ever more reserved. Hadrian didn't know what that meant.

"To the Wave Runners, then?"[/indent]
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Faraluun on May 31st, 2012, 4:54 am

"Are the men of your race gifted similarly?" Faraluun asked before letting the inquiry stop. After all, as patient as she might seem, the woman could grow irritated of his questions. Curious as he was, further questioning would have to wait as it seemed something by Wave Runner Boats required his aid, and hers as well.

* * * * *

Faraluun was glad to see Hadrian's familiar face, his presence bringing a touch of comfort to the strange island. Detached as he had been from all his former associates, it was good to meet one on the island, if not a bit unexpected. Still there would be time for pleasantries later, for now other things demanded their attention. "Lead the way if you would" He spoke with a smile, following to wherever the beautiful women lead.
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Cachet on June 21st, 2012, 2:04 pm

Y’sta smiled “Good I would hate to try and abduct this man.” She laughed gingerly almost like a giggle as she and the other Konti women moved to get to Wave Runner boats. With a motion the other Konti women lead the way as Y’sta then made some conversation with the other man in the group.

“There are no Konti men, only women Faraluun. Although someone like you two should appreciate that there is no competition among locals. Although there are stories of outsiders who stayed in Mura long enough to obtain Konti gifts. ” She playfully tugged at Hadrian’s large arm and looked up to him. Petite in comparison to this large man.

“Wave Runner boats needs assistance. Many of our Konti longboats were destroyed in the storm…and debris has been washing ashore. There may be stranded survivors and supplies out in the waters.” They had only a few chimes before they reached the pavilion for Wave Runner boats. Enough for small side conversation if they wished it.

“So darling what brings you to the White Isle?”
She said as she grabbed Hadrian’s attention again with her stunning Konti voice. It was like a song, smooth, comforting and seductive. Surely early sailors must have mistaken these women for sirens or something of the like.

Listen to the island
The waves and wind
That is the pulse
Note it, feel it
And become one with serenity

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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby L'orlei on June 26th, 2012, 3:46 pm

L'orlei was glad for the flirty Y'sta. Though she was just fine among her sisters, L'orlei didn't know how to act around men unless it was to sell them something. Even then, she was a bit awkward. Truly the only time she was most comfortable was when she was using her gift, or out in the wild collecting ingredients for the things she would make. If she could just heal and collect all day long, and not have to worry about paying the bills, L'orlei would be happy. But she had a house, and she had to eat.

L'orlei took the arm of Faraluun, making sure to touch only his sleeve so she wouldn't get a flash of names, as she tried to copy Y'sta. She was trying to be flirty, but had no idea how. Flirty seemed to be the best way to deal with men, though, judging by how well Hadrian seemed to be reacting to Y'sta, and L'orlei really did want to make them both eager to help her people. Granted, they seemed willing.. but if Y'sta was doing it, then L'orlei should do. Or maybe Y'sta was just a flirt?

Leading the men to the boats, L'orlei wondered what they would talk about to fill the chimes of awkward silence that would otherwise follow. She was glad when Y'sta broke it and asked her question, genuinely curious about what Hadrian was doing on the island. And Faraluun.

"Oh, yes! Tell us a story. And you too, Faraluun. Are you here for a reason, or just here for the girls?"
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Faraluun on June 27th, 2012, 12:23 am

"Interesting" Faraluun spoke quietly, absorbing the striking fact. He'd had his suspicions after having spent a time amongst the islands inhabitants, but he figured the notable lack of men bearing their racial origins had been due to some ancient tradition. It hadn't occurred to him that by something peculiar to their nature, no males of their race existed. Mages had most likely spent years studying these beautiful beings in hopes of uncovering the secrets of their origins. Perhaps he could find some manuscripts on the subject once this business by the sea was finished. He made a mental note to do some searching, focusing again on the conversation at hand his eyes alternating between the beautiful konti women, and Hadrian.

L'orlei's question played so well off the other woman's so well prompted him to think carefully about his answer. A stray word could spell ruin for him. "I came chasing rumors of place of unrivaled peace and beauty to aid in my communion with leth. I've found such a place here." He said smiling softly.
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Hadrian on June 29th, 2012, 4:59 am

Hadrian blushed. If one were to see into his soul, they might find a long-abiding admiration for Konti women, though he had never loved one. He had very little experience with love, physical or otherwise, and though his magically enhanced body made him suddenly attractive, he was not sure how to handle the attention.

"Oh, ah, I am just stopping here on my way south. It's a fantastic place you've got here, this Mura. I am glad to be able to help."

That said, he looked ahead as they approached the Wave Runners, trying to suss out how best he could help them.
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Cachet on October 28th, 2012, 5:33 pm

“Yes it is a good place to find peace. Many come here from shattered pasts to renew themselves. It is an island of peace and tranquility.” Y’sta continued to march the group along all the way to the Wave Runner pavilion. Once there she smiled.

“It looks like there is still some help needed. Although it is minimal.” She perked a smile and nodded.

There right before the boardwalk out to the pavilion were several boats that looked to be assembled. They were up on saw horses three of them each so they could be kept off of the ground. They were in a sunny spot and there seemed to be only around eight or so Konti moving around these vessels. There were exactly ten longboats laid out on these sawhorses. Turned with their bellies up exposing the intricate design that had gone into them. It was said that the knowledge of how to make these boats was a gift to Ilavin from Laviku himself. But one thing would be clear, neither of the men had ever seen a design like this before. They were slender and obviously meant to navigate the immediate waters around Mura. They were not meant to go out to sea. But the amount of water it displaced was minimal meaning it could navigate over the reef with very high efficiency.

“Ah, it looks like you brought me some more able bodies.” A konti said approaching the group.

“We are about ready to finish these boats. Some need sanding others need a sealant applied. Those two at the far end are drying as we speak. Tell you what, if you help I will take you out with us.”

Listen to the island
The waves and wind
That is the pulse
Note it, feel it
And become one with serenity

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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby L'orlei on October 30th, 2012, 8:17 pm

L'orlei found it interesting that Faraluun had come all the way to Mura to communicate with Leth, though perhaps it made since. Laviku and Leth shared a unique relationship, as Leth's power also affected the rise and fall of the sea tides. Maybe Mura was a good place to commune with the god of the moon, though L'orlei had never personally heard of Leth making an appearance on the island. But perhaps Faraluun knew something she did not.

As for Hadrian's answer, she found that much more curious. L'orlei might not be the most insightful Konti on the island, but even she could see he wasn't giving the full story. Surely there was a story to tell. Maybe he was an adventurer on some grand quest, or a blood thirsty pirate here to rob the isle. Strangely enough, L'orlei found either idea just as fascinating. She didn't really fear pirates anyway, there were very few people who could threaten the isle without its residents knowing well in advance.

L'orlei tried to recall her geography lessons from years ago, trying to remember what cities were to the south. She knew Nyka was to the west, not the south, and it was the city she was most familiar with. She'd never been there herself, but Nyka was the closest mainland city to the island, and so many of her customers were from Nyka, or at least had passed through there. She wasn't really trying to be nosy, but L'orlei was genuinely curious about Hadrian's travels.

"Where are you heading, Hadrian? I've never been off the island, myself, but I've always wondered what the rest of the world is like. And you too, Faraluun, where did you come from?"

She hoped she wasn't being too nosy, but she was genuinely curious. And they still had a little time for conversation before they reached the boats. Even if they didn't answer her, she would forget about her questions once they arrived. The boats themselves were not all that impressive to L'orlei, she had seen them many times before having lived on the island her entire life. Even so, L'orlei found herself growing excited. She knew next to nothing about building ships, but she was always happy to try something new. And she loved going out onto the water. Plus if it would help her people, and possibly save lives, then she was more than willing to help out.
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Hadrian on November 1st, 2012, 9:47 pm

OOCFaraluun hasn't logged in since August, so I'm going to go... I don't know if his absence ruins the thread, or...?

"Ultimately to Zeltiva," he said. "I was traveling to Lhavit originally, but the storms caught me in Avanthal and... I decided to return. I wanted to help with the rebuilding, but Avanthal wore me out, and a ship heading to Mura would give me time to rest. So here I am, helping. If I have to stop anywhere else on the trip to Zeltiva, I'll try to help there, too. I suppose I sound like an altruist... but after something like this, it's self-serving to serve others. Otherwise civilization will decay and life will become impossibly more difficult..."

He realized he was rambling then, and stopped. Perhaps it was all the Konti; he had yet to meet an unattractive one. Thinking quickly, he said something more to the point to L'orlei.

"It's a good thing I put that ointment of yours on this morning if we're going to be working in the sun."

Then they were greeted by another Konti, this one possibly in charge of what they would be doing today. Hadrian smiled awkwardly, then looked to the elegant boats, hoping he could learn a thing or two about their design and deployment. There was a small craft waiting for him in drydock in Zeltiva. It would require a crew, but he could figure all that out later. He ought to know what he was about with ships, the better to eventually command his.

"I will help with whatever you need," he said, putting himself out there and ready to learn from experience.
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The Surveyors [Hadrian, Faraluun, L'orlei]

Postby Traverse on February 4th, 2013, 3:22 am

For the Weary Traveler

Hadrian :
Socialization 2

A Swift Magical Tone Up
Y'sta: A Flirtatious Konti
Just Being a Self Serving Altruist

L'orlei :
Observation 1
Socialization 2

A Little Awkward Around Men
Faraluun: A Strapping Stranger

Additional Notes :
As a note: If anyone else wants their grades released PM me and I'll add them to this thread.

I liked the two female two male dynamic that had just begun, but alas the heart of this quest could not be reached. I did not award any Flux points because of the very casual way it was described over those two posts. I am sure that greater detail would have been divulged when Hadrian was sent to do some manual labor, but since those events never happened, and the fact that this is the hinge point between Hadrian being competent and being an expert at Flux, I decided not to award it. A shame there wasn't anything more to give.

Questions, Concerns? PM me and we'll be to the bottom of it. Safe Travels!
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