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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Osaleni on April 23rd, 2012, 4:17 am

Name: Osaleni[Maahleosaleni].
Race: Dhani - Rattler.
Birthday & Age: 120; Fall 391 AV.
Slave: Saivone Masaiken
Gender: Female.
Physical Description
Human form
Image A beautiful women truly, Osaleni possess fair skin and hair as black as the patterns on her scaled snake form. Her Iris is that of bloody crimson surrounding a purplish hue after which is the black of her pupil. A body which holds itself like an innocent human girl she is a deceptive little thing standing at around 5'5 and possessing a slight but similarly tricky build. She appears almost innocent with her tiny body but when looking upon her eyes one does not see the eyes of a virgin, they see the eyes of a calculating snake. Though her pupils are round her iris, as mentioned, are not ordinary.

These eyes of hers often instill a sense of the exotic in those who look upon them. They have been known to draw lust, anger, fear, wonder, and occasionally...hatred and jealousy. She often keeps these eyes, and face alike, hidden beneath a cowl or hood to stop unwanted attention from being drawn.

Scales of black and white. Much like warped stars overcoming the scape of black behind. Osaleni's body is much like this with patterns up her scaled tail to her human torso and arms where light scales still cover her for protection. Slighter of build but taller than most of her Rattler kin she is formidable at a length of 16 feet making her longer than most. Her slightly elongated, serpentine neck supports her fierce center of power, her head. This head is adorned by the same designs that adorn her in snake form. If one gets close enough it becomes plain that her slitted eyes are unique. As observed in her human visage her eyes are unchanged and remain their unique double hue. Her humanoid torso, also covered with scales, still reveals her bosom, though the scales hide the more sensitive areas.
Snake form
She is around 14 feet in her serpentine form and appears as seen belowImage

Character Concept
Personality: Shades from black to white, Osaleni is an innocent girl to the world outside her nest and is curiously drawn to the strange, alien, and new things of the world beyond Taldera. In this respect the males of other races are interesting to her but she is shy and so tends to be tremulous around such individuals. Her slave, Saivone, is, of course, an exception to this rule and is often seen as her sole protector. She is perceived as an innocent girl new to the world around her and tends to allow people to think this. The reason? Well…that’s precisely what she wants them to think. The truth is different, though some of these traits do often show themselves.

In truth Osaleni is strange by the standards of her kind for she is not solely a vicious hunter, a sadist, or even violent. No, Osaleni is more than this, far more. Osaleni is an inventor with a stark desire for the strange and new with a sharp tongue and a mind to match. Osaleni may not frequent the paradigms of her race but she is just as winding and deceptive as any snake ought be. Though appearing docile in comparison to the rest of her ilk Osaleni is a multifaceted creature. Beneath the coils and rows of scales and skin is something more primal, lust.

Lust...for power, or pleasure, and as the rarest and deepest...for the pain of others. Though she would be pressured to admit it Osaleni does have a violent streak. It is deeply seated and is a remnant of her childhood times when she enjoyed the feeling of gouging open her prey or watching them die slow as her poison pervaded their veins. She is not known for this violent and she considers it one of her darker secrets. This lust however does not necessarily end with the enjoyment of combat, she also enjoys the pleasures of the flesh quite a bit more openly than those aforementioned diversions.

She can often be a charming individual, though with a sharp tongue to exert her hidden violence. Though her bite seldom stings those of the realms her tongue often lashes the egos and soft spots of those around her. In this way she can appear as a sly alluring young fox curious of her peers but not unwilling to bite those who threaten to near her. She is wary often covering her tracks before she even takes a step, this trait has saved her pretty arse many a time. It was often that her less feminine siblings tried to rise against her will and strike with the authority of their parents.

They rose up only to find no ledge or solid cloud to rest their flightless body upon and so plummeted back to earth where they were promptly punished by the mother's sometimes brutal discipline. This rather frequent occurrence has largely led her to form an undertone of overconfidence in her own skills. Furthermore this has largely led to her belief that the male sex is lesser than those of the female. This is further accentuated in the male's of other races and she see's many of them as short-sighted and easy in a manner of ways. Now despite her almost habitual caution she does have an aspect that sometimes emerges from the depths of her psyche, this elusive thing is an intense curiosity that only pokes out its grizzly innocent head every so often. Her bouts of intense curiosity range through many things but are more often geared towards anything by the nature of magic or in general for informational purposed. This trait can, and likely will, get her in many levels of trouble...she is often left lost and confused when these subside almost as if she did not understand her own interest...strange.

As a side note one should always consider that Osaleni is a rather playful individual and even teasing sometimes, though more often in a shy way. She enjoys many things and as she is curious it is not overly often to dislike and if so it is usually for a good reason.

Character history
Born in the Dhani nest hidden in the region of Taldera. Her family nest was of larger size than most with an impressive brood of 20 split through 2 or 3 generations. She was neither eldest or youngest among her siblings, but the males did not matter much to her or the others. of the 6 female siblings she was the 3rd hatched of the 1st generation. Among her brothers she was the 5th but the masculine is nothing to a Dhani such as her.

She matured fast, faster than her siblings and stole any food she could as a hatchling. She was avaricious in her hunger and so she was successful and quickly passed her years and emerged into her teachings. Her Dhani and serpentine form alike came as easy as the next. Through her years as a Snakeling and even a youngling her other siblings, even the 2 eldest daughters, began to avoid her as intelligence and a subtle authority dawned. It had bee sibling rivalry and she was dominant, he size made sure of that. She often left the nest with 1 brother or another whom she controlled and forced to teach her the ways of hunting.

Many thought that she might have the blood of a constrictor with such lengths but no one knew for sure. Her mother Kiolisssmaahleo, or Maahleo, as they called her was a protective matriarch. She kept eye and fang near her brood as often as she ought. Those of foreign nest did not enjoy her company and her children were not to be harmed. Learning the ways of the hunt even before she ventured beyond the greater nest Osaleni practiced...on her siblings. She was barely conscious of her actions but her fangs remained in the sheath of her mouth never puncturing, never insinuating poison into the veins of her poor younger brothers. She often found it easy to trick of intimidate them into protection or work when need be. Many of her brothers died off in these years, mostly from starvation...she had robbed them of their food. Finally she began to mature and as she matured it was seen that her violent tendencies seemed to grow lesser and lesser by the year.

They were replaced by something else, fierce determination, lust, and intellect. As she grew to maturity her tendencies became almost docile but it was all a facade, a front really. Those who challenged her or disputed her in some form found themselves in a tight, no, choking situation. For unlike most of her kind she had the tendency to save her fangs only for those who truly deserved them. She instead used her tail and he body to impede the movements of her prey and her aggressors alike. It had always been this and her sharp but charming tongue that led others into the troublesome realm of her domain. Unlike many of her sisters she choose not to raise the clutches to come and rather began going out more and more often. Likely caused by this would be the small faint marks on the palms of her hands, the backs of her arms and various other areas on her body.

These marks are nearly invisible scars that she is not particularly proud of and is rather sensitive to. They were given to her when one of her brothers finally found the gut to straight up challenge her. She may have made his life miserable because of it but he managed to leave these marks on her flesh that she finds occasionally drip a strange fluid that she knows is not blood. Her suspicion is that it is djed which of course helped spark her interest in the area of Magecrafting. Eventually though her sights lead her to steal from others she found near their nest, on the surface.

She stole many things though it was more often then not that she discarded these nearly useless trinkets. Rather they helped her learn of some of her craft as at one point she was lucky enough, with Saivone's help, to catch a mage unawares. (Note: Write a flashback at some point) The man was caught unaware's by a poisoned needle and as he looked for his aggressor, down came a 14 ft serpent from the tree nearby. Wrapping his body with her own as an extra measure she dosed out a small amount of her poison knocking him out. While he remained unconscious she looked through his things and eventually found one of his tome's. A tome on magecrafting, a skill she'd wanted to cultivate for a large majority of her life.

She took the tome and bound the wizard to probe him for information. She found what she was looking for and gained quite a bit of lore on Areesa Tallshade and her creations. Taking immense interest she allowed the man to live but took his tome and has it still to this day.

Continuing their journeys across the lands of Mizahar she was able to bolster some of her skills and gain a fair amount of knowledge about identification. She found she was largely able to figure out what was edible or medicinal by close observations. It became a very useful skill for treating wounds as well as for Saivone. After travelling with caravans here and there they found themselves in the wilderness with her on watch duty while she allowed Saivone the sleep he needed. You see, Osaleni did not need sleep as much as her compani-...slave did. That particular night the moon was bright in the sky and her look turned upwards, lonely...sad even as she thought of what she lacked in the world.

Eventually she had simply shaken off the feeling and -albeit with a sigh- switched shifts and gone to bed. She slept fitfully that night with dreams of strange people and things she had never seen before. (Note: Possible Flashback/Dream/Reaccuring Dream/Accidental and unknowing Premonition) The next morning she awoke and as they packed up their small camp, doused the fire, and set off again it was silent. Until her slave told her what he had seen last night, emotion overtaking her briefly she lost her composure and slapped him -hard- across the face. However, she did recognize the talent "you need inspection" she had said.

It was soon after that she was able to locate -through a bit of sleuthing and her skills in deception- a local aurist, and to her joy, Magesmith. The two traveled to the man's location, Saivone Masaiken, his name had been. Coming upon it she managed to get them in without being skewered by the man's well equipped assistants, damn users of the Flux.... It had been a short bout really, some seduction mixed with her avid love for persuasion. The man had not lasted and he never even realize her true nature, finding her slight accent pleasant to the ear, fetching even.

Despite his pestering however, he did not find his way into her bed sheets but did give in the next day to inspect her slave. An auristic ability, he had confirmed, and given a bit of teaching for the slave boy to work on. While this transpired the Dhani had assisted the man's assistants in packing up camp. She secretly planted some of her venom in the man's drinks, but not enough to kill, and stole herself some provisions. By the time they realize what was gone they had already taken a hearty dose of her poison and passed out, sick. She never found out if they died or not, but she did not care.

Soon after, to remember the man's name, whom she knew had survived as a man with such skill did not die so easily, she named her slave as such. He became Saivone Masaiken as the mage had been...or maybe, still was. Taking their time they traveled and as they re-entered Teldara word came to them of a god's impending release. Traveling as swift as possible and using her homing instincts they found their way back to the underground nest of her people just as the storm hit. A tremendous release of djed scored the land and even the Dhani prayed and cowered below the ground as the continent wide cyclone exerted its wrath upon the lands.

It was unnatural...and had she been a better magesmith or Saivone a stronger aurist she would have made use of the power influx. It was not to be but soon after they managed to depart once more, now for her next destination. She wanted to learn, and learn well of the magical arts. So, she decided promptly that they would head for Sahova, the home of the nuits. It is here where her journey begins, west of Ravok with a long journey ahead and many strifes behind.

Skill, Lore & Languages
Poison: 10/100
Acting: 6/100
Seduction: 5/100
Weapon(Name Stealer): 7/100
Magecraft: 11/100
Observation: 5/100
Persuasion: 6/100
Hunting: 10/100
Lore, Research/Knowledge of Areesa Tallshade and her creations.
Lore, Identification of Medicinal Flora.
Snake-tongue: Fluent.
Common-tongue: Mediocre.


Name-StealerImage(2 Chakrams): These blades are unique and she possesses exactly four of them. She dubbed this weapon the title Name-Stealer due to a rather interesting belief of hers and to relate herself to the god Lhex. Lhex is said to give new names to those who enter a name stage of the reincarnation cycle, but she has always wondered...what happens to the old names? Thus as something near a joke, she named these weapons Name-Stealer to imply that any man, woman, or child who dies has their name stolen from them so that they may receive the new name from Lhex.

Though Name-Stealer has no true ability its craftsmanship is incredible and its function is clear. The weapon can be thrown or wielded in direct combat and its blade have the capability to fold for storage or other use. As yet it has no other function than this but Osaleni intends to change this...and do so quickly.

TomeThough Saivone often carries it, she does possess a tome that has minor details on each magic discipline but is really more extensively used for Magecrafting. Within its leatherbound pages are the essential things and processes needed for the art form but it can only go so far. She is actually near finished with it and is looking to procure a better...and more hefty, volume of the manuscript. The original Saivone, whom she tricked with her allure, translated much of the script into common through his notes...but the rest was in the ancient tongue and its taken her quite a while to translate.

Waterskin: A small waterproof pouch that holds water or any other liquid for travel. To start out it is full.

She does not carry/possess a backpack as Saivone does so and otherwise they hunt for their food. Additionally it would be too restrictive if she had to shift forms.

Ledger: 535 gold mizas.
20 gm: Chakrams(2).
+500 gm: Housing Cash-in.

Thread List :
Uncertainty's hold, West of Ravok: Her slave dies in an unfortunate accident, along with a brief meeting with a mysterious savage. She moves on, grief in her heart, towards the docks of Ravok.
Last edited by Osaleni on April 29th, 2012, 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 19
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Joined roleplay: April 22nd, 2012, 8:18 am
Race: Dhani
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