On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Day two of Xi's long running marathon in Sunberth.

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On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Postby Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 12:57 pm

8th spring 512AV

Back, Xi was back in the city once again. He was running, pounding down the streets. That gods forsaken mob as on him again. Don't these bastards ever get tired? And is that more? Ivak's breath... Xi's boots pounded the tone beneath him as he powered down the streets. The could feel the stiffness in his joints from yesterday growing in pain. The cuts on his arms throbbed but the sensation of pain was less that it could have been. Xi couldnt help but have to use his arms occasionally. He was getting tired, he'd been doing this for almost asolid day yesterday. And the stint with him sitting still for too long it felt as if his joints had locked. Still Xi dug deep and powered on. Flipping left down a side street then right then right again and then back to the left. He was trying to confuse the mob cashing him but every time he returned a corner a wave of people washed over one of the possible exits and them closed it off behind him, leaving him with just one route. It was almost as if they were trying to corral him some where. Then a voice within him spoke again. The voice of the beast flaired back into life.

Their driving us towards the slave quarter. We need to go the other way. I think theres an ambush... And there it was plain as day, an execution block. Surrounded by people... Petch, petch, petch, petch...Gotta get out of here now... Xi saw a low hanging rope...His only thought at that moment Use his power and speed boost into it... So he did just that, he focused the power within him into his legs, the rush of energy when devoid of emotion was incomprehensible. Slamming his foot down mid stride he bolted himself forwards. He limited how much he needed, but he needed the boost. Latching hold of the rope he used his momentary boost of speed to swing on the rope, letting tit climb high into the air. Whilst it dangles there Xi began to climb up/along it. getting higher and higher and further away from the crowd down below. Heaving and hauling himself up he pulled his huge frame atop a building. Then others began to climb the rope. without a second through he used the edge on his gauntlets to cut through the rope. With the characteristic sound of rope snapping like twine, the rope fell several of the crowd still holding it. As they crashed with a clamour into the ground and other people below Xi was safe for the moment but still he was some what isolated. Taking a moment to catch his breath he sat down. Ovek your a cruel, cruel god, but when you come through for me...Thank you. Breathing a sigh of relief, Xi splattered out atop the building just to catch his breath a moment.
Last edited by Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 10:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Postby Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 2:08 pm

The world around him faded and blotted out as Xi slipped back into he meditative state. He was not sure whether it was just sleep or if he was truly finding peace in his own mind. Still he fell back in to his mind, the dark deep blackness sharpening and focusing back into the world. The monolithic obelisk of a mirror rose before him. The worlds around blanketed in red and green but still mostly monochrome. As the pieces came back to the mirror so did the colour to the world, for at the moment their only lie shades of grey. He ornate workings of the huge mirror set out before him propping it against the sky, He fragment of blue was almost complete, but still missing it's occupant. Within the world of blue lie books scrolls, an vast and magnificent library of copious times and fractured and segmented knowledge. Still If it was devoid of it's inhabitant the fragment was not complete. Then Xi turned his attention towards his peaceful self. A world of calming beauty, peace, tranquillity. Still some what grounded though, living with his head in the clouds, but his feet on the ground. An then there was the side he tried desperately not to allow footing towards...His primal self, bursting with madness and malice. The beastial self smiled lightly as he clocked onto XI with his golden eyes. Those eyes spoke volumes about the beast behind them. Sheer terror and horror, coupled with madness, and the willing ness to do anything. The beast strode towards the mirror glass as if wanting to converse with Xi directly? or was he just wanting to show that he had control over his prison. Then the trees ablaze in this world, outside of the mirror began to burn brighter and more fiercely with the beasts approach. The tail of the beast sliding from side to side behind him as he walked then lashing out at the crystalline wall. The beast folded his arms across that huge brazen chest adorned with Xi's brand. Powerful arms slipping over each other in a declaration of superiority. Making no attempt to hide his nakedness almost as if he was showing off, pride in every part of this beast, arrogance, and sheer madness. The beast smiled as he cocked his head to the side lightly and leered at Xi.

Do i get a thank you? What? Oh come now, don't be shy. I saved us, i halted your emotions for a brief second to allow you to focus on your survival instincts. And the power that rushed into your legs, don't tell me you weren't intoxicated by it? The feeling of being better than others. Being stronger than those who wish you dead? Come now...I do deserve some thanks do i not? After all this is OUR body and i wsh to keep it safe as much as you do. The beast re positioned his legs standing with them apart and dropped his arms to show he had the power, and was willing as well as more than able to use it. Arrogance dripped off of him. He was using Xi as a puppet. Madness was his strength and Xi knew it. Could you please cover yourself, it';s distracting when i;m trying to have a conversation with you. Come now, i'm no diffrent from you as faras anatomy goes, i mean after all, we are the same, i'm just more, animalistic in some areas. Others just a bit more brazen. Still wheres that appreciation i deserve? Xi really wanted to hit him now but he had a point he sad saved them...Thank you...For both warning of the ambush and the extra burst of power... Xi felt sick with anger than the knew he had to do this else wise they would probably have been killed. The beast smiled and smiply stretched. never breaking eye contact with Xi. Your welcome. Though you are going to have to learn how to quiet your emotions and use your powers on your own. It's no fun competing with a prey that has no way to defend itself. Your a pice of work you know that? Of course...It's what makes me...ME.
Last edited by Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 10:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Postby Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 3:59 pm

Staring down Liro, Xi stood resolute. The madness emanating off of liro was insane, and Xi's resilience was erring but not bending. Xi could hold his gaze with liro long. For what seemed like chimes, Xi stared down Liro. Then liros face cracked and he burst out laughing. What are you laughing for? If we don't start moving soon, lets just say that noose is gonna be a heck of a lot closer than we'd like. The Xi was snapped back to reality over the sound that shook him, they were climbing the building...How long had he been there? He didn't care right now. He scrambled up from the ground and kicked th ladder off of the wall but not before someone leapt up. One on one, Xi didn't want to fight right now his arms were too sore so he could barely block even with the steel gauntlets. His opponent was a head shorter than him but carried a longsword. Xi Gritted his teeth, His opponent leapt at him swinging the sword into a cross slash, Xi slid back and was about to drive his knee into the smaller man's gut. When the sword snapped back across. Xi snapped his arm up and braced himself for the impact fo the sword. The singing clamour of steel on steel. Xi gritted his teeth and focused power into his right arm, focusing hard for a few moments, then darted his hand out into his opponents face. Hr bare had of him rocketing into his opponents face. The man fell backwards in disbelief of the speed and fell clean off the building. Xi didn't want to kill anyone so when he looked over and saw that the poor dos had landed on a few of his friends. Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Spinning on his heel he turned and bolted for the next building leaping the gap in a single jump. His acrobatic skills coming in handy here as he occasionally lost footing, he had to roll into a tumble to get onto the building safely. Only when Xi was two buildings away did he notice his arms cut had re opened. He was running on adrenaline, his hear pounding, and now he had to stem the flow of blood...Stealing a piece of cloth off of a near by window and fixing it into a makeshift bandage, he continued his escape. It never ceases to amaze me. How fragile you are. Shut up right now i've got more pressing concerns like escaping?
Last edited by Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 10:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Postby Ximal on April 24th, 2012, 5:59 pm

Running across the roof tops was saving Xi's hide until Ovek really must have been with him until...The boards across the roof of one of the buildings gave way under his weight and he dropped straight down into the centre of it. A plume of dust erupted from the hole in the roof he'd caused. Coughing as he stood up he groaned. That was a long drop, his backside now hurt tremendously. Spluttering he rose from the ground and looked around his eyes still marred with dust. Blinking away the dust he saw white. his vision cleared completely and it became clear as to where he'd landed. Ducking just in time he dodged the sword sailing over his head. He'd landed in the core of a warehouse and the guards were none too happy. Scrambling to get to his feet he was now dodging blades swinging at him from th sides. He made a bolt for the door and the guards chased. Springing out fo the door he looked around and then cursed audibly. The mob was fifteen meters away and had seen him. * spinning on his heel he made a run towards the docks. The moment i think your helping me you slap me in the face. You enjoy this don't you ? Picking up the pace he started running again. This was going to be a long hard and very, tiring day. Taking a deep breath he picked up a random brench near by turned it length ways and pole vaulted over a wall useing the bench as a half stepladder. Launching himself up and over a wall and down a dark alley, his joints were hurting, but he was happy that he was now starting to escape. Everytime he'd used his energy today he could feel the beast in him prising itse'f out a little more as if looking for a key to break free or a momentary lapse in Xi's control to burst forth and break free of it's prison. Remember Xi, madness and greatness go, hand in hand...

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On the run...Luck is a fickle mistress...(SOLO)

Postby Fallacy on September 27th, 2012, 4:49 am

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • +2 Running
  • +1 Flux
  • +1 Acrobatics
  • +1 Climbing
  • +1 Meditation
  • +1 Unarmed Combat
  • +1 Interrogation
  • +1 Rhetoric
  • Is That an Ambush?
  • Luck is a Fickle Mistress
  • What it Feels Like to Have a Roof Give Way Beneath You

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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