[Kendoka Sasaran]How to hold a stick[Kennen]

Rykanis and Kennen go to the sasaran, to learn some new weapons.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Kendoka Sasaran]How to hold a stick[Kennen]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 24th, 2012, 9:03 pm

53 Spring 512

Rykanis had decided, today he would learn a new weapon. He already had been learning to use his lakan, as most akalak did, but he felt like maybe he should learn to use something a bit bigger.

His lakan just did not have the range of the bigger ones, and only worked in certain kinds of fighting. But as he walked in, and eyed the weapons racks, he saw many big steel weapons that he could learn to use. He almost drooled at the sight of them all, all of the secrets they held, the things they could do...

He went form one to another... Which should he use? He picked up one weapon, a shortsword... Moved it a bit in his grip... But it was not much bigger than a lakan... He saw another one... Which after asking, he found out was a great sword... But that was a bit to big...

There were also a bunch of longswords... Not to heavy, made for one handed fighting, with both edges bladed... But as he held it, he realized he could only use it with one hand... Well that was kind of annoying...

Then he saw it... It was with the longswords, but was a bit bigger, and had a longer hilt. Which it turned out, was so that it could be used either one handed, or two handed! Interesting...

He moved it around a bit, making a few practice swipes with one hand, and with holding it with both... And he decided, he would try it out.

Putting it back on the rack, he went and found a wooden practice version of it, and looked for someone to spar with. He was sure he would find someone soon enough.
Last edited by Rykanis Dakshata on April 25th, 2012, 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]How to hold a stick[Kennen]

Postby Kennen on April 25th, 2012, 2:26 pm

Kennen entered the Kendoka Sasaran hesitantly. He had been told earlier, that as a guest if he stayed longer here he would be required to fight in the defense of Riverfall. Well, as it stood, there was no way he would have been able to defend himself, let alone an entire city. He would have been more of a liability. This was something he had been dreading for a couple days, he knew he wasn't ever going to make a great warrior. Or even a decent one. But hopefully he could learn how to hold a sword without cutting himself. If he accomplished that, he would be happy.

As he entered he found himself confronted by the biggest, strongest, Akalak he had seen yet. he was huge. About three feet taller than Kennen himself, and he looked as if he could bench press Kennen with one hand. What weapon would i like to train with? As he started to open his mouth to respond, the big man waved dismissively and picked up a staff about the same height as Kennen and passed it over, noting that it would be the safest for a weakling like him to learn on. Though he wanted to get angry over the comment, he realized that it was probably true so he simply moved on.

He was placed with another big Akalak, learning the basics of the place and how to hold his staff. However, soon, he was already fatigued. When he was told he'd be ~learning~ something, he didn't think it would be so strenuous. Hold it firmly but loose. Hands so far apart. And roll the staff to attack or defend. Nothing overt. The staff is a balance, not an offensive nor defensive tool but all about balance. Experts of it could seem not to move at all, and simply let their opponents beat themselves. But for now, Kennen couldn't seem to get the hang of it. Every time he tried to roll one end forward in a basic attack, he would forget to steady the other side, and ending up hitting himself in the side with it.

He was just about ready to give up and go. In fact, that's exactly what he was doing. He slowly started backing up whenever his partner turned in an attack, trying to edge towards the door without seeming to. However, he must have lost his direction in the practice and exhaustion and he bumped into something. Horror dawned on his face, what had his partner said? If you back up into someone it automatically starts a spar to simulate combat? Uh oh. Kennen didn't want to be beaten down like he knew he would against any real warrior, or even child Akalak. So he immediately spun, hands shifting on the staff to grip it by the base and swinging it like a bat at the person behind him.
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[Kendoka Sasaran]How to hold a stick[Kennen]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 26th, 2012, 2:13 am

A bastard sword. That was what it was called. It was more or less the same as a longsword, just a bit bigger, and with a longer hilt so as to be able to be held with both hands. He did wonder though why it was called that.

As he was thinking about this, he edged his way onto the fighting area. He thought on it, but it just did not really make sense. It just seemed a weird name to him...

While he was thinking of this, he had the misfortune of bumping into someone, which as he knew well, meant the start of a fight. He whirled around upon meeting his foe, holding the weapon up in the air.

He grabbed the hilt with both hands, and brought the weapon up just in time to block the blow. It jarred up his arms, as there weapons struck, but he managed to hold. Then he took a step forward, and pushed forward, trying to knock him back a step.

A bit away from him now, he made a vicious war cry, and swung his weapon threateningly through the air... Only to look down, and realize he was no longer holding one. In his exuberance, after his war cry, and with his exaggerated slash, his weapon had slipped, flying across the room...

He certainly needed to practice a bit more with it...

"Hold on, it slipped, let me go get it back..."
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[Kendoka Sasaran]How to hold a stick[Kennen]

Postby Gossamer on October 1st, 2012, 8:32 am


Character: Rykanis
Experience: Bastard Sword +1, Observation +1, Logic +1
Lore: Knowing How To Select The Perfect Weapon

Additional Note: I loved Rykanis being in Goldilocks mode picking weapons and having them be not big enough, too big…. Oh man just right! I chuckled. I also loved how you dropped it. That was great.
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