Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Xi is out in the edge of Sunberth meditating and training. When along wanders a young girl.

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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Ximal on April 25th, 2012, 12:32 am

35th of spring 512AV

Sitting silently in the gaggle of trees, Xi began to slow his breathing to re-enter his mind. Liro was becoming more violent, more power hungry, more controlling. Xi took slow deep breaths to clam his nerves. He did not want to go back there. And potentially leave himself open to an assault by liro. But he had no other choice. It was either that or be slowly consumed by the beast within. Xi calmed his mind and soared into it, the world of grey monochrome scale erupting and erecting itself around him as the immense mirror jolted forth from the ground. Xi looked at the world, a staggering amount of it was now red and ablaze where as before it was more evenly spread. The madness of corruption was spreading thoroughly and insanely fast. Xi looked towards the mirror and saw another fragmentary prison starting to form. It was yellow, bright vibrant.Full of joy, but the denizen fo the mirror shard was still missing much like the one from the blue. Xi heard a strong snickering. It could only be from one bastard. Xi leered into liros mirror shard. Liro stood bold and brazen letting everything show, as usual. Xi stared him down and liro stared right back. Molten gold meeting black blue fire. Liro smiled that wry devilish smile he always had. And then spoke slowly and almost nonchalantly.

Well welcome back, i was beginning to think that you'd forgotten about me. By the way thanks fro the name. LIro. Has a nice ring too it. After all, it is my new name. Xi leered at him. the anger and the pain rising within him. He wanted nothing more than to strangle the bastard but what would happen if he did that. Right so tell me illustrious king. what exactly are you doing with the peasants and the beasts? As the beast said the words beasts Xi realized that ther might be more than one of liro. that scared all hell out of him. Well I came to find out how you became powerful enough to assume control at will. No chance of me telling you that you'd have a better go at getting blood out of a stone. Xi looked into liros eyes. The beast that was liro had released nothing but what would happen if he was allowed free gain. Liro was a absolute evil peace of work. He knew all the answers but was only going slow. Liros advance had been hard and more easily laird together. Xi smiled as he was lead though he was some thing he didn't. XI liftded his eyes again and sighed his mind still reeling with the possibilities of what may have caused Liro to gain a foot hold in his mind.

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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Saber on April 25th, 2012, 1:00 am

Saber looked out to the outside world, her mind taking in every detail that surrounded her, seeing if there was something, anything, that would spark a memory... But nothing came. She stared at the scenery, but then... something caught her eye.
...A lone figure was meditating alone. He looked calm at a glance, but Saber thought otherwise. There was something about his aura that seemed... off.
"E-excuse me..." She squeaked.
And, with that said, the young man shot Saber a glare only Death could give.
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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Ximal on April 25th, 2012, 9:15 am

Xi gazed deep into Liro trying to ship away at his mentality as liro did to Xi. But all Liro did was smile, chuckle and brush it off. His fangs beard he smiled and stepped closer to the edge, the fires fo madness erupting hugely, violently, and fiercely. Liro spoke to him slowly and smoothly almost as if toying with him. You may wanna snap out of this, theres someone approching you in the world. We can have this staring contest another time, that ins unless you'd like to compare sizes after all in that regard we are equal, being of the same mind. Now before we end up with several inchis of steel down are spine wake the petch up. With that Xi snapped back from his mind to reality and noticed a small girl approaching him. No blades nor weapons to be seen. He must have been leering at her as she recoiled lightly. Rising from his seating he towered over her by a good foot. Looking down at her he spoke some what warmly bu with an edge of annoyance. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Xi was a wall of man tall, broad of both shoulder and chest. Large but lean, muscle but no fat. From the eep blackness of his hood he leered down at her. A few stray strands of black hair falling from his hood and shadowing his eyes further Making those black blue eyes blaze with liquid fire and as he looked at her. He could sense she was no threat. Some thing about her told him she did not wish harm.

oocSab your posts are a little short, if you want to improve them just think about what would be around you, describe each minor movement or each intricate/unique feature of your character with some depth. Do that and you'll immensely lengthen your posts :D

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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Saber on April 25th, 2012, 8:16 pm

Saber flinched at the man's sudden annoyance.
She struggled to find the right words so that the young man wouldn't get angry.
"M-my name's Saber... I was just wandering around--
--But don't get the wrong idea! I'm not -completly- lost... I just... needed to get out and relax."
The man spoke roughly, as if he was still annoyed.
"So, uh, what are you doing here?" Saber's voice cracked, as if his aura was crushing her. She felt intimidated, what with his appearance making him look like he could snap her in half like a twig.
...Yet... that wasn't all that made her nervous. There was something else within those dark eyes of his... something inhuman; something... feral.
She could feel it.
...Just what was it?
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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Ximal on April 25th, 2012, 9:14 pm

Pulling his hood back off of his head slowly, and running his hands back over his hair to brush it out of his face. His dark eyes still studying her. The four deep red scars on his cheek glaring out from beneath the light beard he wore. Xi cracked his neck as he cocked his head to the side. She was fumbling over her words. Xi was a brick wall of a man sure but still it did not warrant her falling over her own tongue. Then her voice cracked as she spoke. He was scarring her.Putting a leash on his aura he erased the annoyance even with liro still goading him to attack her to let him out so he could assault her. He took the harsh edge out of his topne along with the annoyance with a sigh. "Sorry about that. It's just i've not got many friends inside the city and virtually no body comes this way. I'm not used to having company this far out of town. Well other than my brother." Xi cracked his knuckles then hoisted a log off of the ground almost as wide as his middle. and heafted it over his shoulders resting it across them. Looking down at her ne softened his gaze a little. She was small, but not tiny. Well, well, well...What do we have here? A lost little lamb ? Lets see if we cant scare the sheep... Xi could feel liros madness leaking out of him and into his aura around himself. not much but enough to be felt. With the weight of the log he'd placed on his shoulders it would be an early warning for her. Should liro over come Xi. "Well Saber was it? Out here is dangerous. And not just because of the creatures." Looking her in the eye, Xi began to sum up what he saw about her; Small, trim, blonde, blue eyes...Xi clenched his fist and held his gaze on her. Some thing about her was a little off but he couldn't quite place it.

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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Saber on April 26th, 2012, 10:39 pm

He was staring, waiting for her to answer. Saber was confused. What did he mean? Sure, he scared her at first, but her fear ebbed away after awhile.
"S-sorry... I don't understand... I don't have any memories... What else is there to be afraid of, aside from the monsters?" Saber asked quietly, and then she quickly added, "...Um, I don't remember hearing your name."
Saber stepped back a little, just in case if that -strange aura- took the young man over... If that was possible. She stepped forward to looked Xi over. Suddenly, she got even closer, making him back up an inch. Saber looked straight into his deep, dark blue eyes.
But she suddenly felt out of place again in the man's prescence, so she gave him some space.
...And then...
...That feral aura came back again. Saber's eyes narrowed at its prescence. It was like a part of the young man, yet it didn't belong. Not with him. That's what Saber thought as a worried expression crossed her face.
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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Ximal on April 29th, 2012, 12:36 am

Xi looked at the young girl the large log over his back. His aura around him was maddening and growing, intimidating et inviting, something was off about liro today and then her next words hit him like a smack in the mouth. She had no memories? She was in danger not from Xi but from liro. Liro was clawing ravenously at Xi's mind. Clawing at him dragging him back from control. Then she asked what else is there to be afraid of and all Xi could think to do was scream 'me'. But he didn't, dropping the log he sat down on a tree stump and looked eye level with her. She stared straight into his eyes, and his deep black blue eyes of liquid fire stared straight back. Something in them must have set her on edge as she slightly recoiled at the sight of them. Xi then realized by hearing from her that he'd forgot to give her his name. Xi spoke slowly his voice low and clam as he never took his eyes off this enigma of a small girl. "The names Ximal...Just call me Xi." Cocking his head little he looked at her and made a quick summary of her. Small, light, lithe, blonde, blue eyes, sword possibly her preferential weapon? "So you've got no memories? You do realize in this city that's almost as lethal as being naive. Never speak to strangers without a reason. I'm an exception. But be more careful ion the future." Xi saw the worry in her face and his eyes flicked and changed their positioning from her eyes to her sword in case she was to draw it. If she did Xi would have to subdue her. Xi reached a hand up and rubbed his temples. His head was pounding, that coupled with liros presence and constant pushing, he was a little on edge and liable to snap at any moment.

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Mind Troubles...( Saber )

Postby Saber on April 29th, 2012, 1:30 am

Her gaze flickered. Saber didn't know what to say anymore...
She suddenly realized that she was crying for some unknown reason.
"I-I'm sorry... If you're w-wondering about the s-sword I have... I can't remember how to use it... I-in a matter of fact, I only just noticed that I had it recently..." Saber said this with absolute certainty, staring right into his eyes so that he could tell she was telling the truth, despite the tears rolling down her cheeks.
She wiped them away the best she could. They were tears of frustration. Saber took a deep breath, and regained her composure.
"I think we're more in common than you think. You see, I'm... alone, too. I don't have any friends here. Well, except one, and I'm... I'm not even sure if... he's alive or not." She looked at the ground, wrapping her cloak tightly around her, breathing in its scent. It's what she did when she had any negative emotions, such as sadness or fear. The cloak served as comfort when she needed it. "This... this was the last thing he gave me." Saber said, straightening herself from her 'comfort zone'.
After a while, she said, "Thank you, Xi, for listening to me. Is there anything I can do in return? Anything at all?"
Saber's chivalrious personality suddenly came out, despite the two just meeting a short while ago. But now, Saber didn't care about that. She just wanted someone to hear her out, and that's what she got. Now she waited for Xi to answer, but deep down in her mind, she feared what the answer might be.
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