The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Syrah meets Rykanis again and questions him on his weird behavior from last time.

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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 3rd, 2012, 8:39 pm

Dallisetria would have purred, if she had not yet heard what had came out of the human female's mouth. Her eyes narrowed, and her sharp teeth gritted against one another, trying to smile and failing. Her hands curled into fists, her knuckles turning white. She thought over and over again, A slave?! No, I'm not a slave! I'm anything but a slave- how dare you-... her thoughts continued ravenously, somewhat. Instead, all she said was, "Slave..?!"

As Rykanis tried to explain things to Syrah, Dallisetria was having to keep from throwing herself on the woman, sharp nails scratching, teeth biting. Although, it was also hard not to change into an Ocelot, and pounce that way- the nails claws, the teeth making it easier to hurt Syrah... she pushed the thoughts back. She had never known herself as such an angry and violent Kelvic, but it seemed getting called a slave, and the unexpected happening- Rykanis bringing her here- just didn't work too well for her. However when Rykanis had said he was a master, in a Kelvic sense, that did not upset Dallisetria. She did not deny it, or feel a need to, for in a Kelvic sense it was true. When he finished speaking, and that was quite obvious, she cleared her throat and said, "I'm no slave, I assure you."
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on May 4th, 2012, 12:25 am

Syrah was confused. The girl wasn't a slave, but Rykanis was her master? They had no intimate relationship from what she assumed. So what place did she hold in his life? Master...maybe a pet? Like a dogs owner is its master. Ahh, that made sense. Kelvic did turn into animals after all. She saw she had offended the Kelvic and her cheeks reddened in shame. She couldn't imagine the anger the girl much feel towards her. If anyone called Syrah a slave she would not be able to hold her anger in as well as Dallestria was doing. Even in her thoughts Syrah knew she had offended the girl enough to not be on a nickname status to call her Dall, like Rykanis did.

She looked over at the girl and then looked down, unable to meet her eyes. Their goldness stared at her and Syrah broke the gaze first. "I am sorry." She said, clearly hard for her because she did not like to admit she was wrong, but here, she clearly was. "I was mistaken, I apologize for my assumption. I was raised around slaves, not pets, so I came to a decision rather quickly. But that is no excuse." She darted her eyes quickly up to Dallestria again then back down, hiding her reddened face behind her strawberry blonde hair.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 8th, 2012, 3:07 am

Rykanis smiled at the two woman, under the impression that they were getting along quite well, that after the first bad impression, they had cleared the air.

He had no idea that Dall was seething with anger inside, and wanted to rip the woman he had brought home to shreds. He had no clue. Perhaps he was not quite so observant as he thought...

He simply grinned, and nodded, as Syrah apologized to Dall for her ill spoken assumption. Now everything was going much better.

"Good, good, it is nice that we can understand each other. Clear the air of misunderstandings. I would not want to leave you in the dark."

Which of course was a bit of an ironic statement for Rykanis, as he spent most of his times with people in the dark, hiding secrets and twisting truths...

Then he noticed something, and clapped his hand to his side... Were had he dropped that? He only know realized he had somehow dropped one of his lakan on his way here... And not his own, but his fathers... Which made it all the harder to find... He would have to go look for it.

"Petch, I dropped something on the way here... I will be right back, I am sure it could not have been dropped to far. You two can keep each other company right?"

Asking this somewaht rhetorical question, he would look to the two woman, and smile, before turning, and hurriedly making his way back outside, and leaving them alone, as he went to search for his lost item. What could possibly go wrong?
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 8th, 2012, 9:02 pm

She smiled back slightly at Rykanis, and waited until he was gone, door closed, and it was clear he was nowhere near the suite. She started screaming, knowing he would hear. "What do you think you're doing here?! You think you can just walk in, and expect to get intimate with Rykanis? You filthy, dirty, disgusting whore!" but now she was in Syrah's face, yelling at the top of her lungs. She knew that if she got physical, Rykanis would come back and know she had done something, and then his darker side would know. He would know, and then... Dallisetria couldn't let that happen. Instead she continued, making sure this was not to be forgotten.

"Maybe you didn't know I was here, but thinking you could stay? You hooker!" she shrieked the last word. "After he comes back, I want you to say that maybe this is a bad idea, and for you to leave." she paused a moment, shooting eye daggers repeatedly at Syrah. "If this hadn't happened," she growled, "we could have been real good friends." she stepped on Syrah's toe with great force that she got from the ocelot's magnificent strength in their hind legs(for climbing, really) and then stood back, the hair on her neck on end. "If it lets you know any more, Rykanis and I have already been intimate." she let that out into the air, and then added, "You, honey, are such a floozy. Next time, make sure the man you want to get it on with hasn't already done so with another." she reached forward, grabbing the hair on the back of Syrah's neck, and jerked it back. She decided, like she had before, that she shouldn't do too much damage, and so she stepped back. She wiped her hands on her shorts, fixing the hair on her neck, and the rest, to where it looked like nothing had happened.
"When Rykanis comes back, you do not speak a word of this happening. I didn't do any of this, I did not scream at you, or tell you off for being with him. If you do, if you try to even say I did a little bit of this, you know I can find you," she pointed to her nose, "with this." her hands now went to her sides, fists clenching and letting loose. "And remember, you should go. Now." she rolled her shoulders, and then spoke clearly, without any hint of anger- although she still felt it- "How was your drink?"
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on May 9th, 2012, 12:31 pm

Syrah was a bit frightened to stay with the girl and when he did leave she turned angry at the girl for screaming at her. What had she done wrong? She had apologized, shouldn't that be enough? But Dallisetria was obviously mad, really mad. She even got a little physical, but not much. Her drunken personality was very angry at this girl ruining her good time, and Syrah was not sobering up yet.

Syrah stepped back after the girl called her a whore. "A whore are you serious? Rykanis picked me up! And I should be able to do whatever I want." Syrah didn't see any reason for her not to do what she wanted. If she wanted to go to bed with Rykanis well then she should be able to.

"I shouldn't say anything to Ryk when he comes back? Are you crazy? I am a guest! guests are treated kindly, and the is clearly not happening! And why in the hell would I ever want to be friends with you?"

Syrah was extremely angry, she really wanted to slap some sense into this younger girl. Dallisetra should be treating her as a guest into a home, in which she didn't own but sometimes slept here, so the home wasn't even hers, and should be respecting the fact that Syrah was older and smarter, wiser and more experienced than her. Syrah was fuming and had to hold herself back from hitting the girl. Then the animal stepped on her toe, hard and thats when she lost it. "You try to threaten me?" she screamed, "I am invited into this home and you treat me with disrespect and threatened me, physically abuse me? Go to hell!" Then she packed as much force as she could into her hand and slapped the girl in the face. Before the animal had a chance to react she turned on her heel and walked out the door. "Oh, and I'll find Rykanis before I go home." she said before really leaving the girls earshot.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 10th, 2012, 7:53 pm

After the door shut, Rykanis focused on were he was going. He knew he could not have dropped it to far... It had to be around somewhere...

And to make things even more annoying, after a bit, his other side started spouting, talking in his head, a loud buzz of noise distracting him. He could hear in the background someone speaking, being quite loud, but he could not make out what was said, or who was speaking, over the distraction. He did not recall hearing that loud shouting before...

And then he found it! His blade sitting on the path... Though he wondered... When had he dropped it... He did not recall it falling... Though there were bits of the way back he did not recall... Had his other side... But as he questioned him... He did not seem to cooperative...

He tried to puzzle it out... He had a bit of a gap in his memory... But why would his other side want him to not realize he had dropped his lakan... Why would he want to draw him away from the house... Away from Dall and Syrah...

As he tried to puzzle it all out, he headed back to his room... To see Syrah coming out all in a fume, Dall still inside of his room...

"Syrah? What happened, why are you all in a huff?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 12th, 2012, 5:00 am

After Dallisetria was positive that her hair looked fine, that all over her there was no sign whatsoever of what she had just done to Syrah, she walked out. And she looked as though nothing had happened. Though it was even harder than before not to start chewing out Syrah, because she had already once let some of her anger out, now, and so she had known the feeling of it. So the temptation... she heard him ask Syrah what was wrong. She started to panic, and was thinking, what would happen now? Rykanis's darker side had told her to keep them away, so she had. She doubted Syrah was going to stay, so she had done her part. But now Syrah could tell Rykanis what had happened, and Dallisetria would have to think of a good excuse, or think of a lie. That she hadn't done it, and that she didn't know why Syrah was saying that, that maybe she was just jealous Rykanis had brought her to a household where there was another girl there... Even though it was sort of believable, she doubted Rykanis would believe it. Then again, he had clearly dismissed the friction already between the girls, so it wouldn't be too hard for him to believe the silly thing Dallisetria was possibly going to have to tell him.

She tried hard to keep her gaze blank, as she looked from Rykanis, to Syrah. She looked at Rykanis's hand, where he held the lakan, and she said hesitantly, " you found it?" she wanted to touch it, to look it over. To make it look even more like nothing had happened, but he may get frustrated that she'd even thought of it, so she kept the idea to herself. She waited for Syrah to respond, so she could make up something. She wanted this over with, lying was not her thing.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on May 12th, 2012, 6:22 pm

Syrah smiled a bit evilly when she saw Rykanis. That girl was going to get what she deserved, like a puppy who just peed on the carpet. She was still furious and wanted payback. She felt that her slap was not enough for the wild animal.

"Well Rykanis, maybe you should keep your animals in line better. This one seems to be completely out of control. Acting more like a wild animal than a tamed pet."

The day was darkening and now Syrah wanted to go home. Her house wasn't that far away, she lived in the Kuahala estates as well and all she wanted to see was Rykanis's reaction, then to leave and await her pounding headache.

She looked back at Dallestria who looked pained. She even tried changing the subject to Ryks lanken. She really didn't want him to know what just happened. Well she deserved it, that is no way to treat a guest. If she wanted to have fun, then to hell with it! It didn't matter if they were once intimate, she didn't care, its not like they were married.

"Now, I want to go home and sleep. I feel a headache coming on. Maybe I drank too much? Anyway, I except full repercussions on what your pet did, its not polite to treat a guest with verbal and physical abuse."

She quickly glanced back at Dallestria and narrowed her eyes into a glare, then faced Rykanis again.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 15th, 2012, 2:06 am

Rykanis was not quite sure what had happened... Or what exactly to believe... Or who to believe... He had not known Syrah for that long... And did not know her that extremely well... And here was Dall, his kelvic... What reason did she have to deceive him? He did not know of her doing so before... What reason would she even have to...

Dall seemed to be acting like nothing was wrong... Almost like she was puzzled as to why Syrah was acting as she was... While Syrah had an obviously angry look on her face, one of rage and... Some other emotion...

Calling Dall a wild animal, treating her as such... While most would call her so... And Rykanis himself would call other kelvics such... He certainly prickled at someone else calling his a wild beast.

Though with there wildly different stories... One of them had to be lying, not telling the truth... Only... What would be Syrahs motive for lying? He could think of a few... Maybe jealous of Dall? Though the same could be said in reverse as a motive for Dall...

"I am sorry if you two had some disagreement... If she did wrong you, I will make sure to address it with her. She can be a bit rambunctious at times."

He did notice the glare Syrah gave to Dall... Something was obviously going on between them...
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 22nd, 2012, 8:50 pm

Dallisetria sighed, and turned away. She let herself slowly slip down onto the ground, more like crumbling than the other preferred ways, and muttered "Oof" when she'd found herself on the ground. She sneezed, her nose had been tickled by something- the noise was high-pitched, but to any person who didn't know who had made the noise, they may have thought it a feline and found it oddly cute. May have. Some people weren't cat people. She felt the desire to step inside, but now, she felt good seeing that Rykanis wasn't going to go any further into the inspection. Thinking back to everything she had said and done, well, she found she could have done much better. And maybe, Syrah would actually of fled. And then if Rykanis found her running Syrah off, she could have said she didn't like the way Syrah seemed to her. Because young children and animals can sense a person's type of personality, and she could have said she found something wrong in Syrah's... maybe, if it came to that, she could use it. When she didn't think they were going to be intimate, she did feel like she didn't like her anyway. Although she could just blame that on other instincts as well, it being much more of an educated guess with them, anyway.

She didn't say a word when Rykanis spoke about how she sometimes acted. Though, like a child, she did not like it when her attitude was spoken of to others. Her nails dug into the skin on her knees, and she wanted to just disappear again. Stop talking!, she wanted to say. Make her leave!
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