The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Syrah meets Rykanis again and questions him on his weird behavior from last time.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 25th, 2012, 12:47 am

Spring Day 52, 512 Kulkukan Tavern and Inn

Syrah had heard that this tavern was a good place to relax and talk to people. She didn't feel like talking but she didn't mind the relaxing part and was currently lounging on a bar stool with a glass of wine in her hand and a pitcher full of the same wine on the counter beside her.

She wanted to go to the Glass Gull, but it was expensive, a sort of expensive that she couldn't afford right now, and needed a reservation. She had heard great things about it though and wanted to go sometime, maybe with a friend or someone.

Her wine was purple and rich, cheap but good and she was fine with it's taste. She wondered though how, or if, she was going to finish the pitcher. She wouldn't mind doing so, but she didn't like to get drunk. Not only would her head ache in the morning but she didn't like her personality difference during intoxication. She had paid good money, well not good but enough, for the pitcher and was wondering if there was a way to carry it all back to her home.

Tonight the tavern was full as she heard was usual and filled with many men and women. Most women were promptly accompanied by a tall Akalak but Syrah was alone. A couple of men had started to approach her but she warned them off with a cold stare, she just wasn't in the mood. She had a bad day, just one of those days where her luck seemed to turn its back and welcome bad luck in its place. Well it was the time of the month...But Syrah didn't admit that that was why she was so mean and unhappy today. Her mood was always swingy, today it was just a bit more wild.
Last edited by Syrah Steele on April 25th, 2012, 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 25th, 2012, 2:04 am

Rykanis was not much of a drinker. He did not often go out to drink, did not often get drunk. He was a bit unstable when he was drunk. He almost always had trouble controlling his emotions, but especially so when he was drunk... And had more trouble keeping quiet... And not telling secrets... Which was one thing that pained him more than anything else, when a secret was wrenched out of him.

But he decided a bit of company would be nice. Even if all he did was drink with others around, not talk much, but maybe go over a new dagger someone had gotten, or some such trivial thing like that. He had seen one akalak drone on about one, when he was sloppily drunk, and nearly send the dagger through someone. But all Rykanis had gotten was a nick on his shoulder, and that had healed.

So in he came, still early enough that there were few people completely drunk. Though it looked like one or two had either started early, or were light weights.

He walked around the place for a bit, giving a nod to a few people he had sparred with, or perhaps even gotten in a tumble with in the bar. After a bit though, he saw someone he did recognize. Someone he had not seen in a bit.

He walked up behind her, and greeted her warmly, there last parting forgotten.

"Hello Syrah. How have you been? It has been a bit since we last met. So what are you doing here, drinking alone?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 25th, 2012, 1:29 pm

She was totally at peace for the first 30 chimes or so she was there, sipping carefully on her first glass of wine, when she heard someone approach her. She was just about to turn around and tell then to petch off, when she heard a familiar voice.

Rykanis, that was who the voice belonged to, oh no...what if he is mad? Syrah liked him, she did, and she certainly didn't want him to be mad. She turned around to face him and once again took in his extreme tallness and good looks. Syrah smiled, her bad mood forgotten for the moment and said, "Rykanis! Hi! Come sit down with me, I'll pour you a glass. It's good to see you again."

At their last meeting it ended kind of awkwardly, and Syrah thought that was all her fault. She had brought up bad things to bring up and got Rykanis down and then partially rejected his flirting, then left, quite abruptly. She felt bad and she wanted t make it up to him. hoping a couple glasses of wine would do the trick.

She quickly beckoned to a bartender for another glass and skillfully poured Rykanis's cup to the brim, sliding it over to the seat next to her, which was conveniently left empty thanks to her deathly stares.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 25th, 2012, 5:36 pm

Rykanis simply smiled at Syrah, as she responded. It was funny meeting her here by chance. There last meeting had not gone to well, so he was not certain how she felt about him, or what she wanted or expected form him...

Then she seemed to brighten upon seeing him, her face looking happier, perhaps even her mood shifting. Though he could not be certain, he had not seen her face before greeting her. He happily sat down next to her, and took the offered drink. Wine? Why did that not surprise him, she did love wine making.

"It is nice to see you again also... Though why does it not surprise me that you would be drinking wine? Have you learned anything more of it while staying here?"

he looked down at the wine, examining it. It seemed okay, probably locally made. He brought it up to his face, took a deep breath of its aroma... Took a small sip... Swished it around for a bit tasting it... And finally swallowed.

He took a second larger sip, savoring it for a moment, before swallowing, though not as long as he had the first sip.

"It is good... I suppose you of all people, a vinter, should now how to drink wine... Sometimes you must take it a bit slow, to truly experience it, and to understand it, before you can enjoy it... Though I suppose that also carries over to other things..."

Saying this, he grinned at Syrah, letting the words float through the air, not clearly flirting, but possibly flirting... It depended on how Syrah took his words...
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 25th, 2012, 10:42 pm

He seemed to like the wine, or at least willing to experience it. Syrah smiled, happy that he would give it a chance. No it wasn't the most expensive wine, but it was wine and it was good. Probably straight from the Bluevein winery. She wasn't sure if Rykanis was more used to fine wines and was a bit anxious when he tried it. But now she was happy he liked it.

She laughed at his first remark, "Yes, any wine, unless poorly made, is what I love. I have never had a taste for beer or any kind of ale. Thats not my thing. And yes I actually did learn some things." She smiled remembering Kennen at the Academy Library. "I visited the library and learned some new recipes. I haven't had a chance to try them out yet, but I love to collect them."

Syrah poured her glass full, having gulped the rest of the first glass in her excitement to see Rykanis. She had forgotten how easily she got drunk and soon she would start to feel woozy.

She was too happy and relaxed because of the wine to get uncomfortable with his second remark. Instead she chuckled at it and replied, "Very clever Rykanis, but true as well. I'm glad you understand that about wine."

She wasn't sure how educated Rykanis was with wine but he seemed to fully appreciate what it was, that made her very happy.

"So how have you been? Have you seen anyone trip on their own attacks lately?" She asked remembering how their spar ended last time.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 26th, 2012, 3:36 pm

It was interesting to know, that she only drank wine. Though he supposed it made sense. He drank ale on occasion, as it was usually cheaper. Though he was not all that big on drinking period.

"Well, I suppose if you have the money, you can afford to only drink wine. Not everyone does though, which is why most drink ale, it is cheaper. Do you drink often?"

Rykanis tried to be a bit nonchalont. He seemed incapable of talking to someone without interrogating them, or steering the conversation in whichever direction he wanted. Perhaps it had just become a habit, from his inquisitive nature.

"Really, some wine recipes at the library? How does that work, I did not know it took recipes. Is that for the actual making of the wine? I am sure as a vinter, having knowledge of many different ways of doing things is important, so you can try and pick the best."

Rykanis continued to sip at the wine, enjoying its taste and texture. Unlike his partner, who seemed to be downing it like it was cheap ale. She was already pouring herself a second glass, while he was only half way through his first. Though he supposed getting someone drunk was a technique used in several things... Both interrogation, and seduction... Which was he aiming for? Or was it both?

She simply laughed at his comment... But he was not sure if she was growing more comfortable around him, and more open... Or if it was the drink loosening her up...

Though then she got on to some questions, asking the general ones people so often asked in passing, usually just out of kindness, and not caring for the answer.

"Me, I have been okay. Just keeping busy, the same as always. Training, working out, enjoying the views and the parks. I do enjoy experiencing the greenery know and again. And if I recall, both of us tripped up quite a few time in our match. It does happen."

It did seem though that Syrah was getting drunk, at the speed with which she was downing her wine. He simply took measured sips, enjoying it, not hurrying it as the conversation flowed.

"But what about you, how have you been? Met any new friends, or men lately? Your not sparring with other people are you?"

He said this last bit with a grin on his face, a combination of being playful, flirting, and teasing. He did like to tease on occasion, never to the point of being mean, but just to see there reaction. Or if he was a bit more vindictive at the moment, to get a rise out of them. Though that was not what this was aimed at doing.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 26th, 2012, 10:33 pm

Syrah sighed, "I drink more than I would like to admit. I don't like myself when I get drunk, as I think I am doing now." She grimanced down at her wine glass, and tried to sip at it more slowly. "I get too... different, weird. I guess you can say. and of course there's always the headache in the morning."

She recrossed her legs, a habit she had from her mother teaching her to be a lady. Once she had heard that it was bad for her legs, but it was one of those habits she couldn't shake. It meant she was comfortable and relaxed, to cross her legs. Though others could take it as a sign she was stressed. That was wrong though.

"I haven't actually been to a library before, besides my schools when I was younger and those I only went into to get a book for class. So I'm not sure whats unusual for a library. But yes the man there, Kennen, helped me find a wonderful book written by a man who traveled the world looking for wines and he wrote them all down. It's called Uncommon Wines from Across the World. It's really great."

At this point she could feel herself drowning in the wine. She was trying to fight it but she had a very low tolerance for alcohol, it was really a misfortune. Her vision was okay but if you listened closely someone may be able to hear a slight slur. Plus she could tell that she was letting her usual guard down a little more than she liked, she struggled to put it back in it's place.

Syrah laughed at the next thing he said, "Yes, I guess we did trip up a bit. Well that's part of learning of course. I have been fine, a Kelvic is following me around. Another Kelvic mentioned...bonding? I'm still not sure what that is. The man turns into a ferret for Gods sake." She sighed thinking of Lewis, and her torn emotions over him. She did not want to like him, he was very annoying, but her mind was willing her to. "I think if I meet another Kelvic any time soon I'll go insane. Then there was Kennen, he was nice enough, handsome too, but young." She smiled, she may have a little crush on him, but she normally didn't chase after younger men. "And no, I haven't sparred anymore. I will go back sometime, I defiantly want to hone my skills."

She liked Rykanis, he was nice, not to probing, and seemed truly intereested in what she had to say. Every man should be like this, she thought.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 27th, 2012, 4:15 pm

Rykanis smiled at Syrah, as she spoke of the evils of drinking, and that she did it anyways... He took another measured sip. He did drink on occasion, but not to the point of being drunk. He would not let any such thing alter his ability to think or sense...

For obvious reasons, since you did not want your mind addled, as you tried to think... To maneuver your words when they were bogged down in the muck... No, he would keep his head clear, and use the other persons un-clearness to his favor.

"Really? Well, if any place would have such a book, it would be a library in Riverfall. Though I myself have not visited to many libraries. I believe there is one on Mura, but it is all about medical things..."

He had been listening to what she said, when a small detail had popped out... A ferret... Wasn't that what the tube of furry flesh thing, that stretched out rat kelvic thing, had called itself? Surely she did not mean the same kelvic, that had broken into his home looking for shinies?

"A kelvic is following you? A ferret you say? Those long furry tube things? He is not by any chance obsessed with shiny things is he? I think we may have met..."

Though as she went on, her words a bit slurred, she spoke of the man that had helped her in the library... Young and handsome? He could not help feeling a bit jealous that she seemed attracted to him, and felt a desire to show off his manliness for her... To impress her... To make her forget of this... Kennen...

"Well... I am sure this... Kennen... is nice... I am sure he is quite useful around books... Though often those so good around books, are not as good in other areas... Or in a fight... I don't know if I could rely on such a man, who cannot protect others..."

"Young though... Often that can be even more dangerous, being inexperienced... Sometimes things get better with age..."

Rykanis smiled at Syrah, saying this, which clearly had a double meaning, besides the one to do with wine. Since he was also most definitely not young.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 27th, 2012, 10:55 pm

I need to stop drinking, I need to stop drinking now. I am getting too drunk, Syrah thought to herself. She heard the slur in her voice and felt the fog cloud her mind. She was sure that if she stood now she would be a bit unsteady. She put her glass down.

Mura, something about Mura tugged on her mind. Ah! Yes! "Mura, I heard they have a wine shop there the Two Sisters Winery, with a wine called the Lovers Wine, it's said to increase..." She trailed off, what she was about to say was obvious and she blushed a little, unconsciously she picked up her wine again and took a nervous gulp. Then after realizing she drank more alcohol she hastily put the glass back down.

"Yes a Kelvic, he is rather nerve racking. His name is Lewis. Well actually I don't know his name, that was what I was going to name him when I bought him then he turned into a human and said Lewis was fine. And yes that is what a ferret is, and yes again, he does seem to love shiny things... You've met? Then you know how I feel." Oh Lewis, what a creature he is. "You don't happen to know what bonding is. I asked a little Kelvic tiger and he didn't tell me. Stupid animals." She muttered.

When she mentioned Kennen the tall Akalak actually seemed a bit... jealous? Syrah grinned inwardly. When he said he was sure that Kennen was nice it seemed more like he was saying that he was not a nice man at all and then proceeded to lists all the bad things that Kennen must be. Of course by now Syrah was absolutely glowing inside, she had never had a man jealous of another man, over her. The one line he said, Though often those so good around books, are not as good in other areas, defiantly had a double meaning and she blushed, again. And being almost fully drunk she couldn't help herself from being flattered at his flirtatiousness.

"Yes, you are probably right, young men are inexperienced. I was just enjoying his looks, I don't normally go after younger men, well any men. I just didn't have time back at home with my father one step behind me. But Now my father is far away and I have way more time to get to know people." She looked up at Rykanis through her lashes. She was having fun. She didn't know how fun flirting was until she got here. She was aware of her looks and, as Rykanis had said times before, he was aware as well.

One part of her mind was warning her off, but the haze in her brain blocked the warning and her wall was completely down. That last gulp of wine had really done it. Syrah picked up her glass again and gleefully took another sip.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 28th, 2012, 7:19 pm

Rykanis simply smiled, as Syrah awkwardly mentioned some Muran Wine. Maybe he should try it the next time he went... He was fairly certain what she was implying about the wine, which was interesting to know... He nearly laughed, as she blushed and drank some more.

Lewis though, she had said the kelvic was named Lewis? That was odd... He had tried to pull a name from him, but had never been certain if he had told the truth... It seemed she had little more luck... And bonding? Funny she had asked that...

"Well, I don't consider myself a expert on kelvics, but I do know a bit on bonding. It is sort of a link that forms, between a master and subordinate pet kelvic. As you grow closer, they start to mirror certain of your traits at times, and want to make you happy."

"But as to how it works, I don't really know. I am sure though there are those who would, who study such things."

he was interested in her last statement... She did not go after any men? She had been to busy? Though now she might? Was she trying to say that she was inexperienced with dealing with the opposite sex romantically, but now she might have time? Was she trying to say that she was interested in him now?

He could not be certain... There were to many possibilities... Who knew if he was right, or had things completely wrong... It was always hard in such cases, with to many options...

"Why Syrah, are you saying you would like to court with me? That is very unladylike of you..." He said with a smirk on his face, teasing her. "Though I am certainly no young spring pup like this... Friend... Of yours..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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