[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Xi's out training in the fields as usual...then a very big cat appears.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 26th, 2012, 1:20 am

32nd spring 512AV

Pulling himself up on a tree limb, his cloak and axes laid in a pile on the floor, along with his shirt and the body pack he normally wore. Xi was Pulling his weight up on the tree limb low hanging. Lifting his weight hard and fast his breath slow and long making sure to keep track fo teh ammount of pull ups he was doing. fourty-nine...fifty...fifty-one... Xi powered through sweat sliding off of him and glimmering as it slid down hsi chest. The scars adorning his body darker in colur than his normal skin. His beard trimmed back and kept to a light stubble showing the four scars beneath it. His brand on his chest forcing the sweat rolling down his chest to follow it;s shape around. Pulling his eight up faster and harder. He began to tire a little as he pulled his goal one hundred pull ups. he'd gotten over half way there. Well Xi nice work your building your muscles, more. This body needs to be in peak conditioning if it wants to use our power at it's highest potential. Xi now slowed his pull ups, delaying how fast he pulled up his weight, occasionally pausing at points which would cause huge tension and stress on his tendons, and muscles. This coupled with his weight of almost three hundred pounds. Causing him to have huge strain on his joints. Then dropping one arm he began lifting his weight with his right arm and back down then swapping to his left he repeated twenty times ten with each arm. Exhaling slowly, he dropped from the branch. One hundred pull ups done. Two hundred push ups. Dropping onto his face and catching his weight with his arms he began his push ups hard and fast.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 26th, 2012, 4:07 am

What was this human doing? It was so strange to see this form of activity. Sapphire had seen humans hunt, and even play some strange games, but never had she seen something like this. Is he trying to move the earth? It seemed like such a weird thing to do, but that's what it looked like. She felt her huge paws padding down the earth beneath her as she circled the man. With no need to be stealthy, no need to sneak then pounce on her prey, she merely stalked a continuous loop around him. Her body crushed the brittle leaves beneath her. Sapphire stared intently at this man with his strange practice. After working up the nerve to confront him she strutted forward, lay down, and purred at him.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 26th, 2012, 4:33 am

Sweat trickled down his forehead, the shine of it on his black glistening in the sun's rays that pierced through the foliage coverage. Xi now held the poises of his positioning, his arms holding up his body for extended seconds. Slowing down the rate he pushed himself up and lowered himself slowed hugely. Breathing slow and steady his heart controlled and slow beating. His pulse slow as usual. One-hundred and eighty-seven...One-hundred and eighty-eight...One-hundred and eighty-nine... Xi continued the next twelve push-ups slowly and with a brace of pain searing through his right shoulder. Now he heard something which set him on edge. Leaves crunching, and then whilst he was still in the push up position. A tiger slowly padded forth, it's face inches from his. Large fangs, and blue, blue eyes. His own black blue eyes leered back into them. As the tiger laid down and purred, Xi wondered what in the name of the gods was going on... Then liro spoke up. Well isn't this interesting, that's a very large kitty. Now that i is a little intimidating but it doesn't seem aggressive. Xi slowly tried to clamber to his feet, never breaking eye contact with the beast. The he spoke slowly, calmly but with an edge of intimidation. "Good kitty, i'm not gonna hurt you..." Xi was putting complete faith in his judgement as he put out his hand lightly and stroked the fur of the top of the tigers head lightly slowly and smoothly. Only trying to be friendly and not aggressive. He never let his eyes leave contact with the tigers. His was a little intimidated by the tiger in front of him. However it seemed docile so he made the choice of doing this. Stroking the fur atop it's head lightly, Xi took a breath, he was not sure of what would happen next.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 26th, 2012, 11:42 pm

Fear and confusion were the only two things in the man's eyes, though Sapphire couldn't fathom why, yet he was cautious and slowly rubbed her head between her ears. It felt good, just like how Mok used to pet her. Mok... she missed him so much. One day he went in to Sunberth and never came back out to see her again. Sunberth was a huge gang city, even though Mok was the strongest man she had ever known he could have easily been killed. Maybe she would be wrong about Mok's strength though, this man seemed like he was much stronger. Oh! That's what he was doing. His strange activities must have been a human's way of toning their body. He could easily beat Mok in... oh what was it called? An arm wrestle, yes. He would have Mok's hand on the table in less than a minute. Sapphire brought her attention back to the man. She let out a large yawn bearing her huge carnivorous teeth, then licked the man's face gently to show that she meant him no harm.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 12:00 am

Watching the tiger, and moving very slowly. taking huge precaution not tuo upset it he started to shift his weight from one where he was in an immensely vulnerable position, to one which would be better suite to conversing with a tiger. It's fur was soft smooth almost, then it's mouth opened, huge carnivorous fangs. Huge razor sharp and very very deadly looking but still it didn't lash out at him as he attempted to move, but rather instead it licked his face. A large tongue scraping over his face, it was rough even if a little damp. now he had tiger saliva in his beard. Great as if he didn't spell like an animal enough already. Sweat pouring off of him as he held his eight suspended. His hair reaching his waist and tied in several placed by simple bits of torn cloth from his cloak. Still looking in to the tigers blue blue eyes with his dark black blue ones. He smiled lightly, as he shifted his weight. Something about this beast before him was some what inviting, almost happy even. Xi levered his weight around and sat on his back side as he stroked the tiger again. The brand on his chest and all the scars he'd collected over the years glaringly obvious. Now he reached his hand a little further around the tigers head scaratchign it behind the ear lightly. " Your a docile creature aren't ya?" "it was always nice to get a visitor in the woods. though several hundred pound tigers weren't normally high on his list...He kept the air about him calm even subduing liro for a time. Survival instincts or no. Something told him he wasn't going to win a battle with a couple hundred pound tiger...Xi cocked his head to the side and a loud snap of his neck cracking could be heard. His mile worn lightly on his face as he looked down a the tiger and started to ruffle the fur on it's head a little. Then a sudden thought hit him...What in the name of the gods am i doing playing with a tiger that could easily kill me...?

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 12:18 am

His hand moved gently to the back of her head now, his neck made a loud cracking noise which startled her a bit as she perked her ears, but then she calmed down and relaxed again. For the first time Sapphire finally realized why the man was so cautious. She was massive compared to him, maybe if she showed him that she wasn't always such a massive beast he would calm down a bit. She stood up slowly and felt her fur sink in to her body, and that on her head grew down to reach her waist. Her ears changed to human ears, and the massive paws that could so easily break his spine transformed in to delicate but firm hands. She smiled and tossed back her orange wavy hair. "I am Sapphire, but you can call me what you like." She said, her words sweet and soft like chocolate.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 12:46 am

As xi scratched behind her the tigers ears he noticed they'd pricked up at the sound of his neck cracking like a whip. taking his hand back he now just looked at the creature, it was a large and powerful beast, strong lean, hard. Much like himself, he reached his hand up to the light beard covering his chin as he scratched his jaw lightly he closed his eyes. Letting out a small sigh he noticed a flash of light from behind his closed eyes. Opening them slowly such as to not get blinded if the light was still there he heard a voice. Feminine, soft, light. Strange as there was only him and the tiger out here or so he thought... Yet when he opened his eyes before him stood a woman. where the tiger had once resided a woman stood in it's place. Long orange hair, about on par with the length of Xi's if not longer, with delicate but strong features about her face. But her eyes were the same as the tigers, that strong blue. Then something told him to look down. As he did the colour n his face rose to an unprecedented level. His face rose and he could feel liro clawing at him to get free. Tiger lady, let me out , let me out, LET ME OUT. This is perfect for me to try my luck with. XI forced back a rampant liro as he stared blankly at her nakedness for a few moment before snapping his eyes shut.

He felt his mouth open but no words cam from him, nothing he was dumb struck, needing to say something then he felt himself, ask the stupidest question. But he'd found out her name. Sapphire, but he could call her what he liked ? I can think fo a few nmes to call her nehehehehe. Xi fumbled over his own words as he spoke, stuttering like an moron. "i-i-i-i'm sorry w-we-were you th-that tig-tiger?" He fet like an idiot for asking that, his mind slowly falling out of conjunction with him, and the talons of liro ripping at him to try and get him free.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 1:00 am

The man's face turned somewhat of a bright red when he looked down. He asked such a strange question. Was she the tiger that was standing there moments ago? "Of course I am." She replied. "Umm, what's wrong with your face? Is it supposed to be that color?" Sapphire wondered why men's faces did this when they saw her human form. Even Mok's face did this when he first saw her. Those wolves didn't seem to have nearly as much of an affect on him as she did. "Oh and what were you doing earlier on the ground? It looked so strange."
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 1:36 am

Xi could hardly focus on what was happening. He'd just seen a naked woman before him, his mind was spinning with hundred of different thoughts, what to say what to do. How to act how to be...His mind was just racing. Then she answered the question about her being a tiger. Of course she was where else would nine feet of tiger disappear off too? Then she asked about his face and he realized how hot it was. Heck he must have been glowing he could feel the heat coming off of it, taking a deep breath and calming himself as much as he could he heard her ask him another question. What was he doing with the ground? That's right he was doing press-ups...Calming his voice as well as he could under the given circumstances he answered her in regards to the question about wha the was doing with the ground... "I-i-i was t-t-tr-training my strength, P-p-pushing my weight up off of the g-g-ground...Oh and my n-n-n-names Ximal, X-Xi for short." Then he remembered he was shirtless and a wave of cold sweat washed over him. He couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen. Liro then began to pound at his mind hitting him, with the force of a hurricane to try and get control. Xi let me free, i want this one. It's interesting. LET ME GO. XI wondered if he would be able to hold back the blunt force of liro. Xi kept his eyes firmly shut, after all this was his one and only chance to look like a decent human being. His voice some what rattled with surprise and embarrassment he wondered. LIro was fighting strong against him. Xi fight back as well as he could. The sheen of sweat on his skin shone lghtly in the rays darting in from the foliage. Though his eyes remained closed he wanted to converse with her. "T-that t-training i was d-doing before you turned up y-you cna have a g-go at too i-if you want. j-just lie on the g-ground and push your sh-shoulders up whi-whilst keeping your toes in co-contact with the gr-ground.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 1:58 am

This man, Xi as he had called himself, had suggested that she tried this "press up." It seemed simple enough. All she had to do was lay down and push her own weight. Sure she weighed more than some human girls, but she was also much taller and stronger. "All I have to do is hold my weight?" Sapphire said blankly as she lay her bare body on the ground, squishing her chest against the earth. She then pushed her self up off the ground. It was easy, very easy. "This builds muscle on your body?" She asked. "It's too easy though." Sapphire put one hand behind her back and continued. This was considerably harder, but it still didn't feel like it had much affect on her. She carried on pushing up, her body going up and down. Ximal still hadn't answered her question, but it didn't matter much to her. She had always been curious of things, but she would probably forget about it later.
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