by Sahashkalila on May 10th, 2012, 7:01 pm
So I realized that I never really showed a pic of my face to people, at least a recent one anyway, and so I have set out to change this and tell everyone a bit about myself in the process.
My name is Laura and I'm 21 years old. I work as a part time bartender for a country club that is more ghetto than it likes to believe and I went to culinary school for two years until I decided to change my major to business management. I'd honestly rather be majoring in journalism, but business seems to be the way to go these days. Anyways, I'm 4'11 and fun size, which is what I keep telling myself and buy lots of heels to emphasize that. I have blue eyes and dark hair, and I don't tan worth a damn, so I guess I look like a china doll . So yeah thats my physical description.
I'm a rather quiet person, I prefer my own company over others sometimes, only because I value my alone time. I do enjoy being around people and enjoy my job at times because I like to be social, but taking time for myself is a priority too. I love to read, I think my room has basically turned into a personal library, and I like to watch a lot of old school cartoons and movies. I guess I'm really a big kid at heart because I think that you are never to old to enjoy a cartoon. I like going to the beach and listening to loud music, I like to watch anime and munch on popcorn, I like to joke around and have a good time with friends, and I enjoy a good philosophical discussion over coffee any day. And.....well yeah, that's pretty much me haha. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff, but that's me in a nutshell cause I'm terrible at describing myself.
I kind of felt like I was filling out one of those adds in the paper like I'm looking for a date or something.....oh well. Just wanted you to get to know the owner of this scrap  |