The Cellar Door
Welcome one and all to the depths of the Cellar Door. Feel free to take off your shoes and grab a recliner. Now, those of you that read my scrapbook prior to the twenty-sixth of May 2012 might be wondering where my original first post went off to, well no worries it has just been shifted somewhat Southwards. I decided to insert this introductory post in here with a few simple details about myself so that they are easy to find and give some information to those of you that don't know me but perhaps accidentally stumbled upon this bizarre repository of a middle-aged young man's ramblings and complaints. I stick up one post using the official Cellar Door template each time I get graded, though if two gradings happen simultaneously I'll generally smush them together. On special occasions I'll do a double scrap day and every season change I bring in a guest speaker. I'm still trying to figure out the kinks in the spotlight above the door, you know, for snazzy entrances. Keep it clean and avoid page six. There's nothing worthwhile over there.
My Man Monty 12/05/2012: A quick edit just for completion's sake, here's a link to A Broken Glass Boy. So, I've been here for twenty days, there or thereabouts and am pretty settled in. Got Monty off to a fair start too, methinks. I figured that, what with exams looming and all that revision piled up to do, now would be a good time to start one of these here scrapbooks with a suitably pretentious title for a suitably pretentious person. I'll probably talk about it in another post, if you don't know what it means. Besides the obvious, of course. You can Google it, but that would be cheating. Not that that has ever stopped me in the past. Anyway, I was going to talk about Monty. This is a roleplay site, after all, it would make sense to discuss the character I made for it. I would describe Mizahar as being of, certainly heavily influenced by, the fantasy genre and when I think of fantasy, I think of sword fighting, magic, and archery. Many people would probably disagree with me, but I've always seen the genre as possessing a strong combat orientated core. Perhaps this is due to the danger presented in the wilds, it is impossible to travel unless you can defend yourself, perhaps it is due to the sheer amount of physical labour required in such a world. Generally speaking though the weak and weedy of the fantasy genre are the badass mages, right? So. Monty makes glass. I don't know why I picked it really. I suppose I wanted him to be special, and figured that glassworking was not going to be all that common a skill. It certainly helped that the glassworking page on the wiki was complete, and so detailed. Whoever wrote that all up has my eternal gratitude. The other half of Monty is his illness. I think the two are linked, as it highlights his skills, I believe, in glasswork if he can't physically do much else. Sure, he faints if he runs a little too fast, sure he gets sick easy, but he can make glass with the best of them. Or will do. When I finally force some glassworking into enough threads to boost it up. Then there's his Dad. I was presented with two choices when it came to his father. One, perhaps the more obvious, would have been to have his father hate him due to the links between Monty's birth and his mother's death. I decided not to go for this, not just because it had the bitter taste of a little too much cliché, but also because the idea of option two just felt so right. Two, was that they would be very close. Monty's dad decides to do with Monty what he failed with the boy's mother, and keep him alive. But it seems I couldn't resist a little of the angsty pull of option one, as seen in Unfaithful Telling, where I tried to make Tiffan as apathetic to his infant son's plight as possible, as Herenna died. Finally, if you can identify the model for the sketch that I use to represent Monty, we will be good friends. Bonus points for his mother. -Monty |