Sarafine (Sara) Grey
B a s i c I n f o r m a t i o n
Race : Konti
Birthday & Age : 80
Gender : female
L a n g u a g e s
Language 1 (f l u e n t): Kontinese
Language 2 (ba s i c ): Common
Language 3 (p o o r ): Denvali
P h y s i c a l D e s c r i p t i o n
pale white skin, white-blonde haire that falls that falls down her back in long, graceful waves, Green eyes that are both pale and vibrant with streaks of bright violet, the god Laviku has given her the amazing scaled pattern that entwines her legs and arms in bright green and violet designs that remind people of beautful intricate vines and flowers
C h a r a c t e r C o n c e p t
shy and quiet, she keeps toherself alot and doesnt trust easily do to her long troubled past but when she does let someone in she is incredibly loyal, is peaceful
C h a r a c t e r H i s t o r y
sara was born far from the island city of mura near alvadas in the region Kalea. her father, of course, had no part in her life. her mother, while on the journey home to mura, died of old age, being 249. after that, she was left alone with her mother's diary and a broken heart. she traveled by herself on the way to mura, caring for and protecting herself along the way. just as she thought she would never find home, the konti islands came into sight. som would call it luck, she calls it fate. now, she is among her own kind, but she fears they won't except her.
T r a i n i n g
Skill: poetry and storytelling-20 pts, healing-30 pts
Lore: lore of the lands of Mizahar, lore of both healing and poisonous herbs
E q u i p m e n t a n d P o s s e s s i o n s
violet cloak and black shoes, one waterskin, one backpack containing toiletries, food for a week, and an eating knife, her mother's journal, 100 gold rimmed mizas, a beach bungalo on the coast of mura
L e d g e r
T h r e a d L i s t