Kaeson Dakano

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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on April 28th, 2012, 5:11 pm

Name: Kaeson Dakano
Basic Information
Race: Human, Mixed (Of Svefra and Vantha descent)
Birthday & Age : 12th of Spring, 493 AV (19 years old)
Gender: Male

Common: Fluent
Basic: Fratava
Poor: Ancient Tongue (Nader-canoch)

Physical Description
Kaeson is handsome, standing at an even 6” and weighs around 180. His hair is jet black and is in a constant state of bed head, and is just short enough not to constantly cover his eyes. Kaeson eyes, true to his Vantha heritage, constantly change colors to match his moods. Remaining sea blue as long as he is happy, changing to a stormy grey to reflect disparity or discontent, to a contrasting bright yellow to show fear or excitement. Kaeson enjoys an olive skin tone typical of the Svefra people

Character Concept
Personality: While Kaeson is far from a child, he still carries with him a somewhat infantile fascination of the world. Small things like an animated doll or an oddly colored cloud can hold his attention for hours on end. Kaeson is constantly asking why and his curiosity only seems to grow the more he learns.
Socially, Kaeson is a little rough around the edges. While friendly and outgoing enough, Kaeson tends to be blunt and outspoken in most social situations. Kaeson tends to be a little self-centered as he generally puts his own needs above those around and is always more willing to do something if he sees something in it for him. Kaeson prides himself in being independent and intelligent, and is always looking for new ways to educate himself about the world around him.

Ethics: Kaeson’s grandmother had a very strict understanding of morality, something he never really understood. While he understands stealing food is wrong, he also understands that all people need to eat and sometimes people have to resort to desperate measures to survive. Kaeson tries to walk on the straight and narrow path, but believes that given the right circumstances, it’s ok to wander too.

Likes: Travel (as a way to expose himself to new ideas, philosophies, cultures, and experiences), Magic, a good book, and learning

Dislikes: People trying to control him in any aspect, People who tell him what or what not to do, close-mindedness, and the mundane

Character Strengths: Intelligent, highly independent, quick learner, high aptitude for the magical arts, creative, friendly, sociable

Character Weaknesses: Quick to be offended and to offend, forgetful, no combat experience, reluctance to accept help,

Character History
Growing up in Syliras was hard for Kaeson. Young Kaeson was extremely curious, constantly asking why and how come in an attempt to understand the fascanting world around him. Eventually this drive for knowledge led him to magic, and Kaeson discovering the unfortunate views most Sylirans have towards magic and those who use it.

After being refused by many of the cities more pronounce wizards, Kaeson finally managed to get a book on basic animating principles. While it wasn't the apprenticeship young Kaeson had hoped for, the book guided him through many a failure until he successfully managed to animate a toy soldier. Though his grandmother intialy discourage his growing interest in the magic, Kaeson had shown an incredible aptitude for animation so instead she fostered his growing talent.

Kaeson's grandmother, Laura Dakano, a master herbalist and graduate of the renowned University of Zeltiva, raised him as his parents left soon after Kaeson's birth, never to return. While Laura managed to instill some knowledge of the healing art into young Kaeson, she saw his true passion in his animations, crude and clumsy as they were. She arranged for a year long apprenticeship with a Animator in Sylira as a present for his 16th birthday, a way for him to improve on his natural talents. Unfortunately, Laura Dakano died a season after Kaeson started his apprenticeship, moving Kaeson to quit his apprenticeship early and start his travels.

Since then he has never really stayed in one place for very long, seeking out a place to improve his abilities and to call home. He has apprentice for various blacksmiths and wizards along the way, but never sticking around to make much of an impression.

Starting Package :
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Starting Package Skills
Animation: 30/100 (15 starting + 15 human racial bonus)
Blacksmithing: 5/100
Metalsmithing: 5/100
Gadgeteering: 5/100
Drawing: 5/100
Mathematics: 5/100
Herbalism: 10/100

Starting Package Lores
Lore of edible Syliran plants
Lore of Sylira’s healing plants

Equipment and Possessions

Heirloom: A small toy soldier, one of Kaeson’s first animations. Does nothing more than walk back and forth in a routine fashion.

1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.


100 gold rimmed mizas
Last edited by Kaeson Dakano on July 4th, 2012, 12:19 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Kaeson Dakano
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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on April 28th, 2012, 9:51 pm


100 gold mizas (starting pack)
- 5 silver mizas (fortune telling)
- 2 silver mizas (Kelp Beer)
- 2 silver mizas (poorly cooked meat)
New Total
99 gold mizas 1 silver miza
- 1 silver miza (a small bag of chalk)
- 40 gold mizas (two classes at the University, Reimancy and Herbalism)
New Total
59 gold mizas
- 2 gold mizas (two vials of ink)
- 9 gold mizas (3 notebooks)
New Total
48 gold mizas
- 45 gold mizas (living expenses Spring 512)
New Total
3 gold mizas
- 3 gold mizas (red and gold striped scarf with two buttons sown on either side-- roughly 4 feet long)
+ 500 gold mizas (selling a 20 x 20 cottage)
New Total
500 gold mizas
+ 35 gold (Gathering Materials)
New Total
535 gold mizas
- 200gm (Making the Shell)
- 9sm (Making the Shell)
New Total
334 gold mizas 1 silver miza
- 3gm (60 long bow arrows)
- 75 (1 long bow)
New Total
256 gold mizas 1 silver miza
Last edited by Kaeson Dakano on July 27th, 2012, 3:01 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Kaeson Dakano
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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on April 29th, 2012, 9:14 pm

Kaeson's Thread List and Character Time Line

Up until the Summer of 509
Kaeson, raised by his grandmother, grew up in the city of Syliras. Kaeson leaves the city and an apprenticeship with the (NPC) wizard Merlore Dumblen immediately after the death of his grandmother, Laura Dakano. Kaeson was 16 when he left to travel Mizahar.


Early Summer to Mid Autumn509
Kaeson sails to Alvadas, arriving to the city of Ionu in mid Autumn.

Mid Autumn 509 to Late Summer 510
Kaeson grows to like Alvadas, and it's ever changing landscape. He lands himself an apprenticeship with the Animator Dredole, working for him till mid Spring 510 due to irreconcilable differences in their work ethic. Kaeson spends the rest of Spring and a good majority of the Summer season looking for another wizard to apprentice for, leaving the city after getting scammed by a so called summoner.

Late Summer to Early Autumn 510
Kaeson sails from Alvadas to Riverfall

Early Autumn to Autumn 511
Kaeson spends a year in Riverfall apprenticing for the blacksmith Sorigg, learning Akalak culture as well. Kaeson leaves Riverfall for Zeltiva late Autumn 511

Autumn 511 to Mid Spring 512
Kaeson sails from Riverfall to Zeltiva, in hopes of getting there in early spring. Due to a couple weeks spent on Abura, Kaeson gets to Zeltiva a couple weeks later then planned.

59th of Spring, 512 AV
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic18521-10.html (Kaeson's arrival into Zentiva)
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic20982.html (Kaeson's Fortune)
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic20977.html (Acquiring the Taste of Kelp Beer)

61th of Spring, 512 AV
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic94-150.html (Kaeson signs up for classes)

62nd of Spring, 512 AV
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic21372.html (So, when do I start breathing fire? solo)
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic21255.html (It Commences [Kaeson, Nai'shee]

63rd of Spring, 512. AV
[WEST WING] I's got a green thumb! (solo)

65th of Spring, 512. AV
[Streets of Zeltiva] Charity Work (Open)

75th of Spring, 512 AV
http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic21126.html (Wanna Build a Bigger One?)

76th of Spring, 512 AV
[Infirmary] It takes two to heal (Erudite) - in progress
To open a can of worms (solo)

78th of Spring, 512 AV
Gathering Materials (Tock, Nai'shee)

88th of Spring, 512 AV
It's a Door! (solo)
An Uneventful Evening (Open)

91st of Spring, 512 AV
[Kaeson's cottage] Saying Goodbye (solo)

Last edited by Kaeson Dakano on August 2nd, 2012, 10:32 pm, edited 48 times in total.
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Kaeson Dakano
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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on May 7th, 2012, 7:14 pm


(Competent) Animation: 45/100 (15sp, + 15 human racial bonus, +3, +2, +3, +3, +4)
Glyphing: 1/100 (+1)
Reimancy: 3/100 (+3)
Summoning: 4/100 (+4)

Blacksmithing: 5/100 (5sp)
Metalsmithing: 5/100 (5sp)
Gadgeteering: 8/100 (5sp, +2, +1)
Drawing: 11/100 (5sp, +2, +1, +2, +1)
Mathematics: 5/100 (5sp)
Carpentry: 3/100 (+3)
Carving: 2/100 (+2)
Construction: 2/100 (+2)

Herbalism: 13/100 (10sp, +1, +1, +1)

Rhetoric: 4 ( +1, +3)
Meditation: 2 ( +1, +1)
Observation: 9 ( +1, +1, +1, +1, +2, +1, +2)
Philosophy: 4 ( +1, +1, +2)
Writing: 1 (+1)

Gardening: 1 (+1)
Cooking: 1 (+1)
Swimming: 1 (+1)
Running: 2 (+2)

Brawling: 3 ( +1, +2)

Interrogation: 4 ( +1, +3)
Investigation: 3 (+3
Organization: 1 (+1)
Negotiation: 2 (+1, +1)
Persuasion: 5 (+3, +2)
Teaching: 1 (+1)

Wilderness Survival: 3 (+3)
Last edited by Kaeson Dakano on August 19th, 2012, 1:28 am, edited 29 times in total.
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Kaeson Dakano
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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on May 7th, 2012, 7:23 pm


Starting Package Lores
Lore of edible Syliran plants
Lore of Sylira’s healing plants

Achieved Lores
Easily Distracted
Stealing: Unacceptable Means
Animation: Forever Ambitious
Reimancy Initiation
Endured the 512 Famine of Zeltiva
Selling A House
Destroying Lunch
Speaking With Tact
Camping in the Wild
Near Drowning Experience
Throwing Weapon: Apple
Tangling with a Knife
Dreaming to Be A Legend
First Time at Carpentry
A Brief Education
An Offer of Charity
Magic and Anthropology

Mention Anselm to Zarik Mashaen
Circle of Magicians
Lari Jordacs' Promise

Zarik Mashaen: Master Animator
Marie Dodkins the Reimancy Professor
Professor Dodkins' reaction to Animation
Gardenia Rose the Herbalism Professor
Gardenia Rose's lack of punctuality
Mistress Farah: Reimancer
Mistress Farah: University Board Member
James: Tock's Coworker
Disapproval of Scarf Shopkeeper
Araline the Snake Shopkeeper
Lari Jordacs The Merchant Sailor

Anselm: Fortune-Teller
Anselm: Nuit
Tock: Address of House
Tock: Origin of Nickname
Working with Tock
Tock's Workmanship
Tock: Handy
Tock: Traveled the World
Tock: Thoughts About the Gods
Nai'shee: Initiated With Water
Nai'shee: University Student
Tock's Driving
Tock: Bitey the Spider
Tock's Tears
Satevis (acquaintance)
Saved by Tock
Saving Tock
Mordechai (Partial)
Hadrian Aelius: Stonemiller's Substitute

Animating A Door
Animation: Placing Eyes
Being a Soulcore

Modifying Designs
Picking the Right Tools
A Splinter While Building
Building a Wheel

Glyphs for stabilizing

Yarrow Syrup: Remedy for Colds
Yarrow Syrup: Possible Remedy for Colds
Yarrow: Possible Allergic Reaction (skin hypersensitive to light)
Elixer: Definition

Bar Brawls

University of Zeltiva: Professor Marie Dodkins' Office
University of Zeltiva: Wright Memorial Library
Zeltiva: Shore

Pain Of Reimancy Initiation

Lormar Symbol
Mark of Eyris

Swalden: Astral Coordinates
Summoning: Minimal Circle

Kelp Beer: An Acquired Taste
Last edited by Kaeson Dakano on August 19th, 2012, 3:08 am, edited 25 times in total.
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Kaeson Dakano
Witchin' Wizard
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Kaeson Dakano

Postby Kaeson Dakano on May 7th, 2012, 7:29 pm

Woodcarver Toolkit
Gadgeteering Toolkit
+ 1 Wheeled Base for a Golem

Heirloom: Toy soldier, one of Kaeson's first animations.
Anne, a poorly carved animated doll.

Volos: An animated wool scarf, about 4 feet in length. Volos has a minimal graps of common, and has a set of vocal commands. Kaeson programmed the scarf with the behavioral patterns of a small Timor Python, thus Volos will respond to certain stimuli in the same way a Timor Python would. Directives: Obedience, Protection of Creator, Self - Preservation, and Awarness of Limitations (which would make Volos self aware to the point of knowing NOT to jump into a burning flame, or otherwise act in a situation where the scarf would otherwise destroy itself). Skill Level: Animated at a Competent Level

Reimancy 101

+1225 lbs wood at Tock's House
+10 lbs copper at Tock's House
+10 lbs copper at Tock's House
+ 3 lbs leather, common, garment grade
+5 ([EVENT] 512 Spring Famine)
= 5 status points
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Kaeson Dakano
Witchin' Wizard
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Joined roleplay: April 26th, 2012, 7:32 pm
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Human
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