Tock had spent the whole next day working, making as many sets of crutches as she could manage. It still wasn't enough for the huge number of patients the Infirmary still had, but it was a start. She would spend some of her free time the entire rest of this week working on more. She needed to get back to her studies and her real job, but in between all that, she would be making crutches. And she wouldn't stop until each and every patient was back on their feet. Considering the reactions she had been getting from people, she decided NOT to wear her animated crutches as she handed the regular ones out. This was mostly met with relief from the parents, though a bit of disappointment from the children. As she hobbled into one room, reluctantly using a normal crutch with one hand while carrying a child-sized pair with the other, one of the kids looked up at her wide eyed and asked, "Don't I get magic crutches?" She grinned at him, handed him the crutches, and then tousled his hair. "'Ese are magic, kid," she said. ""Ey's special ones what won't letcha get 'urt no more. 'Ey's gonna 'elp ya walk real good..." She gave the mother a reassuring look and a shake of her head to assure her that no, these didn't REALLY have any magic in them. Though seeing the way the child's eyes lit up, she felt there was some magic there. Satevis got there in time to help her finish passing out the rest. "Oy, I can't 'elp ya 'eals people up wit' moon magic the way you do," she said as she handed him an armload of crutches, "but I think I did awright..." OOCThat should be my last post. Let me know if you want to post one more yourself to wrap it up, and then I'll submit it for grading. We can handwave the remaining heals on Tock's foot as happening behind the scenes, unless you want to start another thread at the University? |