She stared at him blankly for a moment after his unexpectedly harsh reaction. What, was this city run by a bunch of iron fisted dictators or something? Minerva wasn't going to let anyone tell her what she could and couldn't talk about. If calling the government a pain in her arse was going to get her in trouble here, she wouldn't be sticking around this city long. There was plenty more of the world out there for her to see and study.
She could also add 'racist' to the list of flaws in this place, if this man's attitude towards the Symenestra was indicative of the general populace's mindset. Tock never understood prejudice... someone who was different just meant there was more to learn about them. She didn't see the point in hating someone when she could have she could have a lot more fun trying to puzzle them out.
She knew very little about Ravok. She had come for the architecture alone. Her initial impressions of the people weren't very favorable, unless this stranger was the exception rather than the rule. She might not want to be here long.
Now this University of Zeltiva, on the other hand...
That sounded EXACTLY like what she needed! She grinned wide at the thought of it, getting downright giddy.
"I knows enough what fer ta get by," she said with a shrug. "But oy, if'n 'at 'ere Uni teaches 'er up good, 'at sounds mighty shiny ta me. Ol' Archimaneus," she waved a hand dismissively, "'e didn't know 'ow ta 'andle a wee lil mess 'ere an' there. I told 'im, I did, I said, 'Ain't what my fault 'ere's cat puke everywhere. 'E's yer cat, ya clean 'er up yerself.' An' 'e says," she made impatient gestures with her hands as she spoke, then mimicked a man's nasally voice, "'Ya left all 'ose shavins 'round fer 'im ta eat, so's it's yer fault 'e done throwed up.' An' I says," she started waving her finger in Valerius' face as if he were the old wizard, "'Oy, ya dodgy ol' bastard, if'n yer such a great Animator, go make yerself a golem what can scrub the floors. I's 'ere ta learn magic, not be ya damn maid!' An' 'E says," she raised her fists in the air to mimic the old man's anger, "'I should make a golem ta kick yer ass ta the curb!' An I says, 'Go a'ead, ya slimy bugger!' An', well, 'e did..." she dropped her arms to her sides and shrugged, then scratched the back of her head. "But I figure, 'ey ain't gonna let cats inta a Uni, so I's golden!" She raised her arms in the air triumphantly, grinning wide.
Then, in a completely abrupt segue, she peeked at his notes and said, "Whatcha got 'at's such a big secret what ya can't 'ave people readin' yer notes? If'n 'ey're so secret, ya shouldn't leave 'em lyin' 'round the street like 'is. Anybody can jus' stick 'eir nose in 'em," she said, doing just that.