Casper gets help tracking an elusive target.
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Casper on May 2nd, 2012, 11:10 pm
36th of Spring, 512 AV
The sun was coming down fast, filling the sky of Sunberth with an orange hue. Thoroughly annoyed, Casper decided that now was a good time as any to head back home, knowing the streets at night to attract far more trouble than Casper liked. He had spent the entire day looking for a man named Marius who owed a hefty amount of money to Zeke, the owner of the Fence and Casper's boss. Apparently, the man was quite connected in the business of smuggling questionable items around Sylira, and did a good amount of business with the Fence. He had borrowed money in order to travel to Ravok or some such city for business. When Zeke learned that Marius had been back in Sunberth for weeks and still had not payed him back, he asked Casper to pay him a visit.
The problem was that this Marius was nowhere to be found. His home may have well been inhabited by ghosts, and Casper spent the entire day visiting the popular locations in Sunberth, looking for someone who fit the description, to no avail. By now he had grown so frustrated with the task that he wondered if he would even have the willpower to resume the search the next day.
The sun was no longer in sight by the time Casper reached the Pig's Foot, and the smell of ale and food welcomed him in graciously. He greeted the barman with a wave, sliding onto one of the seats at the counter. A mug of Ale, and ssomething to eat," He requested with a tight lipped smile before his facial expression returned to one of brooding. His hand on his chin, he wondered why Marius was nowhere to be found. While he did owe money to the Fence, it usually was an easy enough sum to pay up, definitely not worth the extra effort of hiding like a cornered rat. Perhaps the man had more to worry about than Casper hassling him for some cash. Or maybe he had not even come back from his travels yet, and the rumor that he was back in Sunberth was false.
Casper pondered over the possibilities as he sipped on his ale, as well of how Zeke would react if he simply told him that Marius had disappeared. He quickly decided to forget about the stupid dilemma the moment his meal was served to him. The Barman knew him well enough to have served him a proper chunk of steak, having realized in the first few weeks of Casper's stay that he ate little else. It was not amazingly cooked nor was it disgusting, and Casper dug into it ravenously, silently acknowledging that he had been much hungrier than he had thought. |

Casper - Player
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by Apos on May 3rd, 2012, 11:19 pm
Crimson eyes narrowed at his surroundings as he trekked down the street. There were no rolling hills of grassy plains, no impassable tree fronts, or predatory beasts. This place was nothing but buildings, dirt, and discord. He loved it. Settled down and feeling his way around the city, he'd grown quite fond of Sunberth. Joining the Crimson Edge made his fight against the odds a bit better, but he knew in his heart that the only source of true survival in these streets would come from his own particular will and strength.
As he neared the Pig's Foot Tavern he fished in his pocket for a piece of paper, and began to read it as he slowed down his pace. His face became distorted as he continued to read. The name popped up a few times to Apos earlier, but he'd never felt that his case was serious enough to take action on. Apparently he owed a lot of people money, but the sender of Apos' letter wasn't looking for a refund, he wanted the man's head. Apos didn't mind. He did what he could to pay the bills, and it just so happens that he kills people to get bread in his hands.
He folded up the paper and placed it back in his pocket as he neared the small gathering in front of the door to the Tavern. Apos snaked into the thick of it, and gently pushed civilians and thugs out of his way as he made his way to the front and entered. He could clearly remember when he was a stranger to these parts, everyone giving him crazy glances, wandering what a Myrian was doing in Sunberth. But now he was respected by most, even being able to get free drinks out of the bartender of the establishment.
As he sat down, Apos looked at the man to his left, one of white hair and a lean, muscular build. He finished his cursory glance, and looked forward and held up a hand and said; "Water."
The bartender looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "Water?" He fished under the bar for a glass, and turned around to fill it with the cool, requested liquid. "So whats his name." He said as he sat the glass down.
Apos considered the answer he'd give before taking the glass, but didn't see much harm in saying it aloud.
"Marius." |

Apos - Did you come here for answers? There are none
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by Casper on May 4th, 2012, 12:37 am
Pushing his finished meal aside, Casper cupped his ale in both hands, staring down into the mug as though he were having trouble deciding whether to drink it or not. Instead of taking large gulps of a man looking to get drunk, he only sipped the sour liquid, offering a quick glance out of the corner of his eye to the man who took a seat near him. He was taller than the average man, clearly respected in the eyes of the men who saw him come inside the bar. Even though Casper frequented the bar often, he wasn't really recognized by anyone but the innkeeper. His thoughts drifted away from the newcomer as he wondered whether he would prefer to be known or remain in the shadows. He couldn't quite tell unless he experienced both, not really caring if the former ever happened at all.
He immediately put down his ale when he heard the name, not really thumping it noticeably back on the counter but clearly intrigued. Had he just heard him say 'Marius', or was his mind playing tricks on him after the long day? Probably not. Casper let his thoughts wander sometimes, but he did not daydream so much as to mistake the words that came out of someone's mouth. He inspected the red-clad man more carefully this time, noticing a piece of paper crumpled up in his hand.
"Good luck findin' the basstard," Casper ventured a passing comment as he took another sip of his ale. His eyes trailed away from the man as he spoke, his expression returning to the frown he sported earlier as he reminded himself of the unfruitful search. Now that he had actually initiated some form of conversation, he tried to think of how many men were named Marius in Sunberth. Hopefully, not many. |

Casper - Player
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by Apos on May 9th, 2012, 11:03 pm
"Marius eh?" Said the bartender.
The man before him hummed, sounding like he did it moreso out of habit than any other reason, then slid down the bar to tend to another customer. Apos played upon the rim of his glass, pressing his finger down, letting the cup spin on the edge of it's base as he looked at it in a bored fashion. He considered getting up to leave as he slapped his palm on the glass to hold it still and look to his left at the man who'd just spoken. Apos, ever so slightly, raised an eyebrow out of curiosity as he raised his chin looking at him more clearly this time as he spoke.
"And you know of Marius?"
Just from his previous statement alone, Apos had already come to realize that the man was perhaps more wanted than he'd thought otherwise. Should the man before him not seek ill intention and competition over the head of Marius, he would very much so like to partake in conversation with him. From Apos' point of view, joining men to a single cause, seemed a much more feasible cause then to do it alone, and face the others who sought him in battle, merely fighting over whom would gain credit for the target's death. Apos was confident in would could happen with this opportunity though. If the man sought to fight over the hit, then he wouldn't have come off as calm and friendly as he appealed himself to be however, and Apos would already be swinging. |

Apos - Did you come here for answers? There are none
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by Casper on May 11th, 2012, 7:59 pm
"Not perssonally, no, he replied, looking into the man's red eyes. The unusual hue was distracting, and Casper figured that he just might not be entirely human, but that didn't really bother him. He wasn't either, after all. "But he does owe money to certain people, and I'm sstuck with the dirty work." He said the last part with irritation at first, but ended up smiling to himself as he recalled the pleasure he took from the jobs he pulled in the past. It was only out of common courtesy to his own mind that he occasionally thought that he ought not to enjoy the pain of others so much. He didn't really believe they always deserved it, but it was simply a personal luxury that he couldn't quite explain.
"Hey, I don't know what you want with the guy, but if you do ever get your handss on him, you know where to find me," He added, hoping that he wasn't assuming wrong when he thought that the sombre man was also after money -- or worse. After all, he was beginning to think that this Marius fellow was in much more trouble than Casper had initially assumed.
oocSorry for the short post, I couldn't think of much to write u_u |

Casper - Player
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by Apos on June 6th, 2012, 8:42 pm
"Does he now, well we-"
Apos stopped abruptly in the middle of his sentence. He gripped the edge of the counter releasing an immense amount of pressure as he squeezed down on the hardened surface. He clenched his jaws as he bore his teeth so hard against each other his gums began to hurt. His steadily rising heartbeat rose as he very slowly stood to his feet, bearing his crimson eyes into the man before him. He let go of the bar and pushed his glass away as he looked to his belt at his weapons then back to the man before him, narrowing his eyes as he did so.
Apos wandered how he hadn't noticed it before this moment. He'd been raised to identify certain sentients almost immediately, but obviously Sunberth'd dulled his perception a bit when it came to certain things. The bartender cruised back down to their proximity, noticing the poised stance of Apos.
"Apos! What is your problem! Don't you kill another patron in my bar!"
The solemn Myrian didn't say a word however, he chanted something almost incomprehensible in Myrian tongue, and soon after his face distorted into a look of disgust as his mouth curled upside down, no longer attempting to conceal his emotions. His tunnel vision was focused on the man he'd just recently spoken with, as his hands went to his waist to rest on his ulaks.' The basic language is only hissed like that from one particular race of beings...' Angered now at Apos' lack of adherence to his rules, the bartender yelled again, this time drawing the attention of the other patrons in the bar.
Forcing himself to speak, Apos said aloud;
"This man is abundant with the blood of the Dhani." |

Apos - Did you come here for answers? There are none
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by Casper on June 8th, 2012, 1:17 am
It took Casper a while to realize the danger he was in, not having noticed the sudden transition between nonchalant conversation and enmity. He was only confused when he saw the man rise to his feet, every muscle in his body visible tensed. Had he said something to piss the guy off? There was something very disconcerting about the way his crimson eyes bore into Casper's.
It was just when he was about to ask if he had said something off when he heard the bartender cry out, "Apos! What is your problem! Don't you kill another patron in my bar!" The reaction was instantaneous. Casper jumped to his feet from the bar, took a step back from Apos, his hand immediately reaching for his Tulwar just as the man placed his hands on his own weapons. His legs poised in a fighting stance, Casper said in a low, irritated voice, "What the hell do you think you're doi--"
His eyes widened at Apos' accusation, a sudden flurry of thoughts running through his head. And after the second it took for him to understand the situation he was in, a wave a fear coursed through his veins. He had had his fair share of punches and beatings for being what he was, but that was in Syliras, the city of so called peace and prosperity in Mizahar. Now, he was in a completely lawless city, confronted by someone who looked like he knew how to use the ulak's at his side much better than he knew how to use his sword. Hell, he had only begun to learn how to use the damn thing. He wasn't ready to fight a bigger, more experienced foe with it.
Despite all the factors that spelled out death for him at this moment, he wasn't about let anybody know about his anxiety. Maintaining his poised stance just as the crimson eyed man was, he retorted with a smirk, "Sscared of ssnakes, are you?" His eyes darted quickly around him. A few people had gathered to watch the scene play itself out, but he was more interested in mapping out the objects and furniture around him. He might not be much of a swordsman, but he had all sorts of resources at his disposal in this tavern, and he had to be ready to use them. "You know, I sseem to recall that humanss don't have red eyess, either. Sso, what kind of freak might you be, if I dare to assk?" |

Casper - Player
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by Apos on June 8th, 2012, 2:49 am
Apos' hands continued to massage the grips of his curved blades as he slowed his breathing into a more controlled manner. He narrowed his eyes at the man before him as he stopped mid-sentence realizing Apos' intent. He'd never thought that he'd carry the grudges of Taloba all the way to Sunberth with him, and he believed that once he left the Jungles of Myri that he would do away with certain things but as it has turned out, some lessons are taught too extensively to simply forget.
"Scared? I've hunted the Dhani since I learned how to first hold a spear. I fear no being that is not titled the Goddess of War."
Apos usually didn't pick fights with people bars. But, as if it were written into his DNA, he felt that he was wired and almost forced into this predicament. Whom could have at one point been a potential ally was now the opposite, and like moth to flame Apos found himself helpless against his genetic urge to do battle.
"I am a "freak" of Taloba. Nothing of the likes around here, just like yourself. I am a full-blooded Myrian, one who has been blessed by the beloved Myri. Should she be able to see me from afar-" He said as he drew an ulak into his right fist and hung it at his side- "she would surely be proud of this sacrificial offering..." |

Apos - Did you come here for answers? There are none
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by Casper on June 12th, 2012, 10:19 am
His gaze transfixed on Apos' every movement, Casper considered his options with increasing anxiety. As far as he could tell, he had the same basic two options most people had when confronted with danger: Fight, or flight. For the first time in a while, he considered the flight option, but his dignity kept his feet securely on the ground with no intention of moving. He wasn't about to run away from the tavern he slept in every night.
He could feel the Myrian's pride in his voice, and couldn't help but wince. As much as the crazy bastard was going to kill him for such a stupid reason, he couldn't help but feel envious. Even though he belonged to a hateful race, Apos knew to love his race and have faith in his goddess. Casper wasn't even sure what god the Dhani even worshiped.
His thoughts did not dwell long on such trivial matters as the Myrian drew his blade. Casper did not hesitate to unbuckle the shield at his side and draw a sword of his own. In the corner of his eye, he noticed the people back away considerably as they noted the length of his curved Tulwar. Still, they watched, from a further distance, but watched nonetheless. He drew proper footing and said sarcastically, "And I thought we could be friendss." His Tulwar set horizontally across him in a defensive position, he tapped the blade against the shield tauntingly. |

Casper - Player
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by Apos on June 13th, 2012, 1:12 am
"And I thought we could be friendss."
"So you believed."
Apos' right fist shook with frustration as he gripped the ulak. He had the urge to sheath it to his belt and put this behind him, but the Myrian in him wouldn't allow the moment to pass. Battle infatuated him and gave him a surge of adrenalin like no other. His own depression could lead to his battles also. Though strong on the outside, he was driven by hatred and sorrow. He often inflicted pain on others and even his own body to remind himself he was alive. Though it could be attributed to his title of being a psycho-sociopath, his closer friends knew the real motives behind his murders, which weren't always for the sacrificial means of his rituals to Myri.
He took two quick steps forward, closing the distance between the two as his left hand swiftly moved down to his belt and grabbed his remaining ulak. He flung it from his belt allowing the shining steel to flip twice before grabbing the handle and making an upward slash, looking to cut his opponent's chin open, then afterwards punched his right ulak towards the man. If he didn't deflect it, the blow would both inflict blunt damage and cut his chest. Apos however, was hoping he'd use his shield to defend. He wanted to test the material of the defensive tool, seeing if it would hold up both to his natural Myrian strength and his divine strength and speed aided by his Gnosis mark. |

Apos - Did you come here for answers? There are none
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