30th of Spring 512 AV If you'd think Dalouhe Zeal Pitrius would be bedridden or taking it easy after being severely wounded during the Zith Ambush on Sultros, you'd be deadwrong. This morning, Malchius' father „Dalouhe“ was as diligent as ever. Malchius hadn't expected to see his father up from bed, let alone straining his body already, but there he was...Setting the table with an unhealthy, drained skintone as he tried to remain stable, eventhough he was as wobbly on his feet as a newborn deer. „ Didn't the healer say you were to remain in bed, and rest, for at least another two weeks?“ „I'm fine. Thanks for caring.“ His father answered with a grimace, seemingly under the impression that his son was faking concern. Malchius simply sighed as he dropped the subject and walked over to the table, placed some food on his plate and silently started to eat. His father tried to hide his pain and instability as best as he could, but it was painfully obvious for Malchius to see. He knew that his father wouldn't appreciate him outing concern for his condition, so he kept quiet as he finished his breakfast, waited for his old man to finish, and then cleaned the table. „So, what's the schedule for today?“ Malchius asked while walking around and tidying up, doing his best not to make eye-contact and roll his eyes at the stubborn old man. „Since it's been a while since you've been supervised, lets do an all-round approach today. To see where you stand and freshen things up.“ „We'll start with a light body work-out, follow up with a solid weapon training to fully utilise the minor morning-exercise, and finish with a rehearsal of basic Summoning knowledge. I'm also going to learn you something brand-new, a minor addition to your repertoire, but I'm sure it'll come in handy.“ Malchius' held back asking what the 'mysterious' subject was going to be, since he knew that his old man wasn't going to tell him anything he didn't want to say. Considering he refrained from stating what kind of knowledge or ability he'll try to add to his son's list, he didn't have any intention of doing so before this afternoon. Not allowing himself to dwell on the matter, Malchius started to prepare for the morning exercise. He had already put on his most comfortable pants for working out, and that was about as much clothing he needed during the training. He started by stretching his body and muscles properly and the way it has been ingrained into his very essence since he was a young boy. After doing so, he proceeded to ask his father what kind of body building exercises he should do today? Meaning he wasn't sure whether his father wanted to see a 'Strength' or 'Endurance' work-out. „Let me see how much you progressed in the Strength department“ „Sure thing, 1 rep / set and 5 sets, coming right up! I'll do 5, so you can't call my new record a fluke!“ |