[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Rhode on May 6th, 2011, 10:53 am

67th of Spring, 511 AV

"Of course, it's right next to the gates," Rhode said to himself, standing in front of the Welcome Center. Because of his refusal to accept directions from the knights at the gate yesterday, he hadn't been able to find the Housing Authority until it was well into the afternoon. And though he was now residing in one of the sad, little, windowless cubes within the citadel, he still required a way to pay his expenses. Such a cruel trick, that he could have dealt with this problem yesterday if he hadn't been so stubborn. "I found it eventually," he muttered, reassuring himself. If he had known where to go yesterday, he wouldn't have seen as much of the city as he had. In his head, he hadn't done anything improper, and there was nothing to regret. Rhode deftly drew his comb from his pocket, adjusting his hair. Fixing himself up without a mirror was a tricky science, but it helped that his hair was fairly easy to manage. After a few moments, satisfied with himself, he stashed his comb back in his pants' pocket, stood up straight, and prepared to enter the Welcome Center with confidence.

Just as he began to reach for the door, he stopped short, suddenly realizing something. His previous work involved travelling the roads with traders, keeping them safe during their journeys, and dealing with their problems the only way he truly knew how: by punching the problem in the face until it stopped being a problem. And up until now, that's really all that he needed to do to get paid. But in Syliras, protection was handled by the knights.

What good is a man's fists in this city? he thought to himself, unsure of his abilities. Rhode quickly searched his mind for an occupation that would allow him to use his talents to the fullest. He had passed by a gambling joint yesterday, would they pay him to fight there? No, he thought, scolding himself for even considering the idea. Fighting for the entertainment of others, especially for the entertainment of lesser races? My father would roll over in his grave. Perhaps the Syliran Knights? Impossible, he told himself. They would never have me, not without changing me. As he rapidly ran through potential jobs that would allow him to continue fighting, he soon realized the truth: the only way to make money from fighting is to fight for the sake of other people. I'm done with that. That's why I'm here, isn't it?

Rhode blinked, an afternoon breeze bringing him back to reality, his hand still hovering in front of the door. Then, he smiled, as he realized that he was getting worked up over nothing. "This city is killing me, already it's making me think like a human." Rhode pushed the door open and stepped inside, confident once more. The Welcome Center was practically empty, except for a human who sat behind a desk. He didn't bow, or take a seat, he simply spoke his intentions.

"My name is Rhode. I seek employment, in the realm of 'unskilled labor', and I have six hands to do it with."
Last edited by Rhode on May 11th, 2011, 7:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Seven Xu on May 7th, 2011, 3:59 pm

68th Spring, 511 AV

Seven's brows furrowed as he entered the Employment Office. It had been nearly three weeks since he first arrived at Syliras, and for the first time, he had gathered up the courage to throw himself to the dogs of job interviews. His heart was beating in his chest as he approached the desk slowly. Seven had spent the entire morning going over his strengths and weaknesses, any answer to any question was recited in his head, out loud in his room in front of a mirror -- as embarrassing as that was -- and he felt he was finally ready.

Approaching the desk, he laid down his portfolio gingerly and pulled out a couple of leafs of parchment. One a detailed star chart of Lhavit's winter sky, another a fragment of shoreline along the Suvan Sea. Seven appeared to be well-dressed, not a hair out of place or a smudge of dirt on his person. The only flaw the young man had was a yellow-purple crescent under his left eye.

"H-hello." Seven cleared his throat. "My name is Seven. I am ..." He paused for a moment, pupils contracting and a blush rising in his cheeks as if a strange thought had crossed his mind, before he continued with a polite and official tone. "I seek employment. I am experienced in cartography, mapping both the land and the sky. I understand that map-making requires some travel and I would not be opposed to some short-distance traveling. I am also well-educated and am knowledgeable of mathematics and literature." Seven flashed a boyish smile.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Devlin Parker on May 10th, 2011, 9:01 pm

70th day of Spring, 511 AV

Without a moment of hesitation, Devlin made his way through the city and into the employment office without thinking, eager to become part of the working class. It was only when he entered that he discovered that he had no idea what he could possibly by useful for. Looking down at his feet and to the cane that supported him, he wondered how little jobs were available in a world like Mizahar for a cripple. How can genetics screw up this bad, I wonder... He was snapped out of his thoughts when he realized he was still standing awkwardly in the doorway, so he quickly got out of the way and made his way up to the front desk without thinking any further.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for employment, I know how to read and write, and I also know how to play guitar, if that helps. " Only once the words left his mouth did he feel how ridiculous his qualifications were. He nervously waited for the worst response.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Leviathan on May 17th, 2011, 3:59 pm


His resentment of humans either failed to show as Aenysa just smiled up at him, taking a much needed break from what looked like a disorganized mess of papers. Obviously it wasn't her doing, but organization needed doing regardless."Hello Rhode. Welcome to Syliras. What is it you expect to find for work here? We have opportunities in many areas that could even assist you in growing into a craftsman yourself with a little work. Do you like animals? Fabric? The heat of the forge warming your hands? Tell me something and I can help you find a job."


The young woman watched Seven closely with eye that were practically glowing, happy to see someone that appeared educated and civilized. "Oh my. Cartography is very interesting, but I'm not sure how valuable it would be for Syliras. I don't suppose you have any other skills or interests do you? It's not that making maps doesn't have its uses, it's just that Syliras is already mapped out, a good deal of Sylira is as well. Perhaps if you found someone wanting to buy your maps, you could work for yourself, but I don't know of any such person."


Aenysa looked up at Devlin, and it was only too obvious where her eyes lingered just a moment longer than they usually would have. He wasn't the first person that had difficulties, but she got so used to healthy young vigorous men trying to enter the Ironworks or Shipyard for work that she was often surprised when someone like this entered. "I'd say the Rearing Stallion might be a suitable choice. I understand that there's always a generous hand willing to share money with a bard. You could probably learn how to cook and even brew perhaps. I don't frequent the place myself. Otherwise, unless you can make instruments as well as you play them, I'm not sure how useful your skills will be."
Bad News Everybody. School is picking up, Exams are beginning to happen, homework is growing time consuming, I may soon be evicted from my apartment, I'm dealing with severe and physical fights among several of my best friends, and I can't seem to find a time to get much needed sleep. I'm terribly sorry, but don't expect to see much of me for a long while.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Devlin Parker on May 17th, 2011, 5:00 pm

Devlin breathed a sigh of relief as the woman didn't take too much trouble looking for a place to refer him to. He tried not to get too excited, knowing that he still had to go all the way to the Rearing Stallion, and go through the nerve-wrecking process of asking for a job all over again there. "Thank you very much, I'll head over there now," he said with a smile just as he turned to leave.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dusk on May 17th, 2011, 11:41 pm


The woman smiled, the wrinkles surrounding her eyes doubling at the mischief his words invoked. "I believe I only asked you two questions, but I'll try to restrict myself to just one in the future," she said a bit dryly, though her words were not meant to be unkind.

She flipped a few pages in her book, but the smile faded as she continued flipping and finally sighed. "If you're only to be here a month then you won't be eligible for any of the tutoring positions that will earn you any good money," she said with a shrug. "The best I can get you is perhaps a week or two substituting in for a few of the squires' classes. Their teachers are always glad of a bit of a break when they can get it. Rambunctious lot, if you've the energy for it. Or even the adult classes, which can sometimes be worse since they're usually not used to book learning. The pay is ten gold for every full lesson you teach," she said, scribbling some contact information down on a piece of paper and holding it out to him. "Just take this over to the dorms in the Bittern District and tell one of the chaperons that you're there to substitute teach for a few weeks. They'll assign you to a classroom and get you started."

OOCSince this is a temp position and not a seasonal one, the amount of money you make will depend on what threads you do. You can self-mod a training thread where you instruct a class of squires (ages 13 and up) and then turn it in for grading to one of the staff and link to this post so they know to award you ten gold minimum at the end of it. You will have to have a thread of sufficient length and detail to earn the money, however - can't just say "I taught some kids and they learned stuff" and expect to make your money. :) Feel free to do as many of these as you like in the time your character is in Syliras.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Drask on May 20th, 2011, 12:34 am


NEW OOC NoteSorry about that, post is revised. Just for future reference, if I had a character who was crazy and heard voices inside their head, would that be acceptable?

71st of Spring, 511 AV

With much difficulty, Drask managed to force his way through the crowds of people that filled the city streets, weaving in and out of the small pockets of unoccupied space as he tried to find the building described to him by the guards. Never in his life had he seen so many people in one place. The marketplace was nothing compared to this, even during the Rush, and that was the biggest gathering place in his home-town. A sudden sense of loneliness surged through him. It was coupled with the feeling that everyone was watching him with judging eyes, as if he had done something wrong. He knew not a single person here, and that scared him. Frightened him rather. He began to panic. Everything was so strange and unfamiliar, like he was in another world, with large towering structures blocking the sky and the smell of sweat and ale polluting the air. His breathing grew rapid and his eyes began to narrow as he frantically searched. Of course, the fact that he could neither read nor write probably didn't aid him in his search. He looked down a the piece of paper the guard had given him, the words "Welcome Center" written in large letters so that he could match the strange symbols with the ones outside the building he seeked. At least the people here were kind, or at least it seemed that way to him.

And there it stood, like a beacon in the dark, a lighthouse at sea, an oasis in the scorching desert. Etc, Etc. The Welcome Center. He hastily opened the door that led inside and let out a sigh, relieved to be free of the moving maze. The inside of the center was cozy. It reminded him a lot of home, and he wondered if that was a good or bad thing. Before moving towards the desk that stood at the opposite end of the room he let his eyes wander around the room, the bright, golden irises sparkling with curiosity. Once he had determined that there was no threat, he approached the desk.

"Hello" He said slowly as he placed his backpack next to the chair before sitting down himself. It had been a while since he had spoken the "common" language, and he wasn't that good at it anyways. "I was told that here I could come to get a job, so I came here.. to get job.". It was cute, in a way. Cute like a child with a loose grasp of the English language. "I was living for long time with my step-father on his ranch, so I'm good being around animals, and finding them if they run away. I also need place to call my home. You can help, yes?"
Last edited by Drask on May 22nd, 2011, 4:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Rhode on May 20th, 2011, 4:19 pm

"I have no desire to learn a 'trade'," Rhode stated loudly, doing his best to keep from yelling at the woman outright. "Something simple would suffice. Picking things up, putting them down somewhere else," he paused, placing all of his arms on his hips and waist, and turning his head to the side to complete his manly pose. "These are things I am familiar with." Rhode turned his head back to lock eyes with the woman behind the desk once more. He stayed silent, choosing to wait for her response.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dusk on May 21st, 2011, 5:13 pm


Moderator's Note: Drask, you'll need to fix your character sheet per Tattoo's private messages and edit this before you'll get a response. 19 years old is beyond the lifespan a wolf in the wild is capable of, and you don't get to start with magical daggers with souls trapped in them that talk to you in your head. If you have any questions, please contact either Tattoo or myself.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Seven Xu on May 23rd, 2011, 7:19 pm

Seven's heart sank, though he masked a look of disappointment with a pleasant smile. "Interests? Skills?" Gathering his portfolio, the half-blood mulled over a myriad of premeditated responses he had prepared in his mind. "I have to be honest," White hair cascaded down over deep-set garnets as the smile on pale lips faded. "I am not that strong. I can lift my own weight comfortably, but when it comes to stamina, prolonged physical activity I am quite weak. Most jobs that I would excel at are things that involve math or writing. Working a till in a store, I could do that. I would even serve food and drink at a tavern. I am genuinely polite, and while I would prefer an occupation where I can put my mind to use I am willing to do most anything." A pause, and he raised a brow, blush rising on cheeks. "Uh, within my comfort zone. I am uncomfortable with things such as working as an escort."
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