[Verified by Yig] Ignotus Everto

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Ignotus Everto

Postby Ignotus Everto on May 7th, 2012, 12:11 am

Physical Description
Name: Ignotus Everto
Race: Nuit
Age: 76
Birthday: 82nd Summer, 440AV

Spring 512AV-61st of Summer, 512AV A pale, slight man who appears to be in his late forties. He’s about 5’3 and 120 lbs. He has brown hair that’s beginning to bald, green eyes, long, spidery hands with meticulously kept nails, and a gaunt face that used to be chubby and boyish when the previous owner of the body was alive.

3rd of Fall, 512AV-80th of Winter, 512AV: An old, rotund cabbage merchant in his mid fifties with close cropped, sandy blonde hair, and baby blue eyes. The fat is vanishing rapidly, and his face is starting to look thinner, if not quite skeletal yet. He's still a little short, 5'5 this time, and 183 lbs. With every week that passes from the day he occupied the body, he loses 15 lbs until stopping at around 91. The nails are still as clean as ever, but the fingers are stubbier.

80th of Winter, 512AV-91st of Winter, 513AV: A change of pace. A tall, lanky man standing at 5'11, with long, gangly limbs and digits, and a solid torso. He appears thirty one years of age, with short, well groomed black hair, steely grey eyes, and a slender, well defined face. Having been thin from the beginning, this body doesn't look quite as unnatural as the others, though it is still far paler than it should be.

91st of Winter, 513AV-70th of Spring, 515AV: The distinguished gentlemen continue! A polelike fellow of five feet and ten inches, with a solid torso and limbs that held great power in life. His hair is greying, and thin wrinkles started forming on his cold face before Dira took him. In age, perhaps forty three. In short, the body of a strong, severe man. Hopefully for Ignotus, the sort of body that inspires loyalty. Maybe. Possibly.

70th of Spring, 515AV-Present: A spritely, round-faced man of thirty eight years with curled pitch black hair, vibrant green eyes and exceptionally good teeth. Five feet seven inches tall, with typical Nuit thinness and pallor. While the vigor and energy of the body mostly died with its owner, it still lends just a little bounce to Ignotus' step. Just a little.

Character Concept

Ignotus is, above all, a lie. His name is a lie, his outward appearance of benevolence and compassion is a lie, his megalomania is a lie, and his dominating paradigm is a lie. Igon Everto, as he should properly be called, is a Hypnotist with an ambitious vision for the future, an incredible intellect, a devil-may-care attitude, a deep love of learning, and a callous disregard for human life. Friend, foe, father, Ignotus cares little. They are all tools to him. Tools that can be discarded and, indeed, disposed of once their usefulness has come to an end.

Cold, calculating, and utterly ruthless, Ignotus Everto is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and will not tolerate the existence of anything that could stand in their way. His plans are far from risk free, too. Ignotus is a gambling man, and the higher the stakes, the bigger the payoff. He's also a fond reader of fantasy.

Character History
Early Childhood-

Middle Childhood-
Fish Don't Wheeze

Power of the Mind

Young Adulthood-

Middle Age-
Thwarting Tanroa

Post Turning-


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
- White silk gloves
- Embroidered black silk shirt
- Black silk pants
- Brocade velvet vest
- Robe, Arcane
- Fur trimmed, damasked black velvet cloak
- Swoooord caaaane!
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Vino the Animated Golem
secret :
A simplistic wooden wheeled golem with a 360 degree field of vision, and programming ordering it to either flee from or approach anything that moves. Designed by Ignotus with a Tock's assistance as an early warning system of sorts. Unfortunately, Iggy's less than stellar Animation skills have left it with quite a few faults that make it more viability than asset. Even so, Ignotus takes the little fella with him when he can.

Heirloom: An old iron dagger
100 Gold Mizas


To be determined


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cash-in House +500 GM 600 GM
University Tuition -60 GM 540 GM
Paying Anselm -1 GM 539 GM
Seasonal Wages +910 GM 1449 GM
Living Expenses -5 GM 1444 GM
Puppy Orphans -500 GM 944 GM
Robe, Arcane -45 GM 899 GM
White Gloves, Silk - 15 GM 884 GM
Denvali Donations -500GM 384 GM
Seasonal Wages +920 GM 1219 GM
Living Expenses -135 GM 1084 GM
Seasonal Wages +1840 2924 GM
Living Expenses -675 2334 GM
Fur-liked Velvet Cloak, Damask - 16.5 2317.5 GM
Embroidered Silk Shirt -3 2314.5 GM
Silk Pants -20 2294.5 GM
Brocade velvet vest, fur trim -10.95 2283 GM
Swooord caaaane! -35 2278 GM
Living Expenses Spr 515 -135 2143

Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages
Skills :
Skill EXP Proficiency
Fishing 1 Novice
Negotiation 7 Novice
Acting 5 Novice
Subterfuge 9 Novice
Interrogation 3 Novice
Observation 15 Novice
Intelligance 1 Novice
Investigation 3 Novice
Rhetoric 23 Novice
Stealth 1 Novice
Socialization 19 Novice
Persuasion 27 Competent
Hypnotism 88 (26 SP) Master
Animation 11 Novice
Reimancy* 57 (19 SP) Expert
Projection 8 Novice
Glyphing 13 (5 SP) Novice
Intimidation 6 Novice
Acrobatics 1 Novice
Brawling 1 Novice
Tactics 10 Novice
Logic 6 Novice
Teaching 10 Novice
Philosophy 6 Novice
Embalming 10 (10 RB) Novice
Singing 2 Novice
Gambling 5 Novice
Birdkeeping 1 Novice
Bodybuilding 1 Novice
Intelligence 1 Novice
Organization 1 Novice
Endurance 1 Novice
Leadership 3 Novice

*Fire, Air, Water


Cordas 1
Secret :
A small, blue sigil over Ignotus' heart that seems to throb in the dead organ's place.

Night Stalking 1[/url]

Nightstalking 1
Practiced Languages:

Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nader-Canoch
Poor Language: Kontinese


Treval Codex: Favored Tome
Vocal Disregard for Civilized Dining
The Satisfaction of a Flawlessly Executed Plan
Unabashed Philanthropy
Inherent Bond of The Parentless And Childless
Jovial by Nature
The Effects Of Time
Searching For Immortality
Calculating Probabilities
Touched By A Nuit
Ignotus Everto: Hunger pains
Ignotus Everto: A haunting quote
Social Advances With A Nuit
A Bargain To Die For
Reveling In A Trade
Crimson Dreams
The Taste Of Death
Downing Nuit Ichor
Pros and Cons of being a Nuit
Vomited On
Empty Promise of Tea
Attempted Empathy
Nuit Pride
A Silver for the Soul-less
Blood, Sweat, and Life
A New Body: Drykas, Human
Repetition For Perfection
The Force of Good Routine
Coming Down From a High
Overthinking Your Sense of Worth
Making Your Own Success
Lore of Self: Hero of Zeltiva
Biding Your Time
Placing Your Sense of Purpose in Magic
Amusement in Manipulation
Abused as a Child
Fishing: Losing the Net

Evalin (Acquaintance)
Evalin Has Scarlet Eyes
Evalin: Coincidence In The Name?
Evalin Has A Black Tongue
Evalin Is A Nuit
Evalin The Immortal Darkness
Runo's Fear of Fire
Lore: The people of Zeltiva want blood
Wren's ambitious organization
Suspecting Wren of being the blighter
Anselm the Fortune Teller
Anselm the Nuit
Mikey the Sick Kid
Tock: Animator
Tock's Magic Puppets
Hana Is Dead
Gale McCenry the Bullied Kid
Manipulating Gale
Driving Gale to Kill
The Innocent Sailor Named David
Ignotus Everto the Magical Garbage Man
Anselm's Age
Edreina: Dislikes being interrupted in prayer
Edreina: Scarred, tattooed and changed.
Edreina: Horrible at secret keeping
Samantha Lives in the University
Samantha's Color Changing Eyes
Samantha's Magical Knowledge: Auristics
Samantha's Magical Knowledge: Shielding
The Magic Knowledge Exchange Deal with Samantha
Miranda: Adarin's right hand
Justus: The charming Denvali
Ennui Azarov the Projection Professor
Valo the Returned
Valo (Acquaintance)
Azarov's Famed 100% Initiation Preparation
Anar DuFarro: Resides in Sylira
Anar DuFarro: Keeper of the Box
Anar DuFarro: Target of Treachery
Found out by Ricky for being a hypnotist
Rayage: Not a Man of Chance

Syliran Culture
Zeltiva: The Infirmary
Sahova: Home of the Nuit
Sahova's Library: A rich source of information
Tock's Home
Zeltiva: Layout of Refuse
Zeltiva: Fractured and in need of leadership
Sunberth: Magic Synonymous with Lynch Mob

Death Comes To All
Searching for which god caused the plague
Fortune Telling is not Future Telling
Learning Animation from Tock
Singing: Tone, echo, voice
Educating a Commoner
Observation: The smell of damp and mould
Preaching One's Personal Philosophy
Anselm's Advice: Everything I need is right here

Sagallius Hrinn: The Puppeteer God
Vayt is responsible for the plague
Gods are Unconcerned with Mortal Affairs
Cordas: The Mark of Sagallius
Lhex: Favours the bold
Akajia: The Mistress of Shadows
Akajia: The kind goddess
Makath: The language of Akajia's faith

Preparing For A Fight
Cordas: An Effective Contingency Plan
Purposefully Captured by Bandits
Capturing Adarin
Manipulating Ricky by playing on his loyalty
Successfully diverting a conflict with Ricky
Forcing a confessions from Wrenmae
Planning The Heist
Defusing The Situation
Demanding To Escape Death
Mutual Suicide: A Possible Gambit
Danger in the Shadows
Using Light to Fight the Shadow
Fooling A Young One
Hiding Madness
60% is Still Favorable
Efforts of a Cordial Corpse
Falsely Cultivated Bon Vivant
Planting Anger In One's Mind
Bringing Around Familiarity
Teaching Bullies a Lesson... the Magical Way
Hoping An Opponent Will Overgive
Forcing the surrender of the Denvali
Brinkmanship: Fire & Blade

Hypnotising To Relax
Hypnotism: A large angry crowd a risk
Hypnotism: The power of the mind
Using Obsession to drive Miranda insane
Reimancy: Using Res for light in the dark
A Rather Queer Ritual
Animating Dead Animals
Rebirth By Sleep
Symptoms Of Rebirth
Animation: Forming the Soulcore
Animation: Programmed Thoughts
Animation: Basic Commands
Animation: Directives x2!!!
Animation: The Undead Pigeon
Animation: A Perfected Minion (Pigeon)
Initiation in Projection by Azarov (Unprepared Method)
Hypnotism on Animals: Playing the Pied Piper
Hypnotism: Feathered Allure - Pigeons
Calming Wrenmae with hypnosis
Magic: Feeling of Freedom and Superiority

Thread List
Fish Don't Wheeze +1 Fishing, +1 Bodybuilding
Thwarting TanroaPhilosophy +2, Observation +3 Socialization +2 Persuasion +2 Hypnotism +3 Reimancy +2 Seduction +3
Understanding You
Interrogation +1
Hypnotism +1
Reimancy +1
Power of the Mind
Observation: 1
Logic: 1
Socialisation: 1
Investigation: 1
Stealth: 1
Organisation: 1
Endurance: 1
Philosophy: 1
Hypnotism: 1
Love Burns
+1 Hypnotism
+1 Philosophy
+1 Teaching
+2 Subterfuge

Summer 512AV
Ignotus's Fortune +1 Subterfuge
Turning Tables
Rhetoric 2
Negotiation 1
Persuasion 1
Hypnotism 1
Birds of a Feather
Hypnosis 1
Reimancy 1
Intimidation 2
Rhetoric 1
The Corpse and the Man of Clay
Tea after Twilight Persuasion +2
Long Day
Persuasion +2
Hypnotism +3
Carving +2
Carpentry +2
Drawing +2
Observation +1
Out Of Body Experiences
+2 Projection
+2 Hypnotism
+3 Persuasion
+1 Gambling
The Heist
Tactics +2
Hypnosis +1
Observation +1
Intelligence +1
Deadly Attraction
Investigation 1
Observation 1
Rhetoric 3
Hypnotism 1
Reimancy 2
Negotiation 2
Remember Me?
Hypnotism +3
Reimancy +1
Observation +1
Subterfurge +3
Interrogation +1

Fall 512AV
Natural Selection
+1 Persuasion
+2 Hypnotism
+2 Intimidation
+3 Reimancy
+1 Observation
+1 Brawling
+1 Glyphing
The Warren
Anselm's Advice
Close Calls
+1 Reimancy
+2 Hypnotism
+2 Persuasion
+2 Acting
+2 Observation
+1 Negotiation
Winged Death Pt. 1
+2 Animation
+1 Hypnotism
+1 Glyphing
+1 Singing
Winged Death Pt. 2 +2 Animation, +1 Birdkeeping, +1 Glyphing, +1 Hypnotism, +1 Singing
Out Of The Woodwork
Mortal Combat
+4 Gambling
+2 Tactics
+1 Hypnotism
+2 Socialization
+2 Rhetoric
Where Shadows Fall
Observation 2
Investigation 1
Tactics 3
Acrobatics 1
Reimancy 2
Rhetoric 2
Philosophy 2

Winter 512AV
Investigative Journalism?
Reimancy 1 xp
Projection 1 xp
Hypnotism 2xp
Intimidation 1xp
The Winter Ball
Splinter Cell
Projection +1
Hypnotism +1
Subterfurge +2
Sudden Death
Late For Class
Part at Table, Part in Memory
Socialization +2XP
Rhetoric +1XP
Logic +3XP
Hypnotism +1XP
A Bad Day Gets Worse

Spring 513AV
Bridging Gaps
+1 Rhetoric
+1 Persuasion
+1 Strategy

Fall 513AV
Pilot Flame
Teaching +3
Reimancy +1
Glyphing +1
Happy Trails To You!
Your Mind Is What Matters
Observation +1
Hypnotism +1
Teaching +4
It's A Beautiful Day For A Test!
Rhetoric +3
An Unstoppable Force
Rhetoric +2
Persuasion +2
Negotiation +4
Hypnotism +1
The Time Is Here!
Hypnotism +4
Persuasion +5
Negotiation +3
Leadership +2
Reimancy +2
Fire Forged
+1 planning
+2 observation
+2 Reimancy
+1 socialization

Note: threads with nothing next to them have no XP tied to them or are ungraded.
Last edited by Ignotus Everto on June 2nd, 2012, 2:52 am, edited 8 times in total.
A thousand thanks to Phoenix for the gorgeous blue frame, and a thousand more to Edreina for her beautiful magic-themed one!

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Ignotus Everto
Only Mostly Mad
Posts: 601
Words: 292905
Joined roleplay: May 6th, 2012, 5:57 pm
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Nuit
Character sheet
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Medals: 2
Featured Character (1) Overlored (1)

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