Minerva Agatha Zipporah A.K.A. "Tock" ![]() ![]() A totally wicked drawing of Tock by the talented Nira'lia! Another totally wicked drawing, this time a Silhouette by the amazing Pa'haite! :
![]() And another one from the most excellent Seven Xu :
![]() Basic Information Race: Human Birthday & Age : 51st Day of Spring, 491 AV (21 years old) Gender: Female Languages Common: Fluent Ancient Tongue: Basic Isur: Poor Physical Description Tock stands at 5‘7“ and weighs about 130 lbs. She has red hair that she keeps cropped short, so that it won't get caught in the gears, joints, and moving parts of the creations she Animates. For this same reason she also favors trousers and close-fitting clothes, which are often as not stained from her work since she rarely ever stops building. Commonly she'll be seen with grease stains, ink smears, and sawdust covering her. She's almost never seen without a tool belt and thick leather work gloves. Always wanting to stand out from the crowd, she regularly dyes a strip of her hair on the right side, varying the color from time to time. For several years she tended to dye the strip green, but in Summer of 512 she developed a preference for purple. Ever since she began making Automatons, Minerva is rarely seen without several by her side. Most commonly of all she is seen with Grippy, her reaching tool, in a leather holster on her right hip. She also almost always has Handy, her Animated wooden third hand, strapped either to her wrist or her belt. She also has a new tattoo, located on her lower back, just above her reartramp stamp, of a fierce, black, running wolf. Tattoo :
![]() Character Concept Personality - Tock is a girl who is always knee deep in a project of some kind, often disappearing into her workshop for days if not weeks at a time. She's definitely not afraid to get her hands dirty, and will be found covered in oil and grease more often than not. Socially she is rude and awkward, having no social skills nor any care for etiquette or manners. She often ignores people entirely and doesn't bother answering their questions, until they get her talking about engineering or magic (her two favorite subjects), at which point she'll rant enthusiastically for hours. Above all else, she stands by her personal motto: “ANYTHING is possible!" Ethics - Tock doesn't care one bit about the moral questions of right or wrong. She's a creator, and is endlessly running around with ideas in her head of what she wants to build next. Her creations are far more important to her than silly things like basic human rights, law, common courtesy, and so forth. She has no care for someone's personal space, ESPECIALLY if they are in the way of her latest creation getting finished, and is likely as not to completely ignore a person's protests or ramblings unless they rise to the point of distracting her from her work. The one moral concern that is most likely to get a rise out of her is physical violence inflicted upon an innocent, most especially a parent hitting a child. However, if the person is capable of defending themselves, her concern vanishes and she considers the fight none of her business. Likes - Magic, building things, a good set of tools, a quiet place to work, learning anything new, people who stay out of her way, and people who praise her creations. Dislikes - Being told what to do, being told what NOT to do, people who talk too much, being told something 'can't' be done, schedules and deadlines, Disorganized Messes (HER messes are ALWAYS organized!), being asked "What are you doing?" (which may send her into a fit of anger or violence). Character Strengths - Highly intelligent (a self-proclaimed genius), well-organized, creative, skilled, inventive, determined, focused, hard worker, never gives up on a project. Character Weaknesses - Horrible 'people skills', limited combat experience, gets too focused on her work, forgetful (will miss appointments because she was too busy building something), overly demanding, eccentric, has anger control issues, megalomania, violent tendencies, psychosis, and delusions of grandeur. Character History Sometimes brilliance can skip a generation. Tock's grandfather was a skilled craftsman and a brilliant man. She spent much of her younger years in his workshop, watching him create and learning everything she could. As a child she continuously played with the spare scraps her grandfather had leftover from his projects. While her creations were the crude work of a child, she insisted on making all her own toys, and insisted that they were REAL. She always swore that a little wooden horse could really run, or that her straw doll knight had fought off the monsters under her bed. One day a wave of illness affected Tock and her family. Her grandfather died, and Tock herself spent three months feverish in bed. During that time, her mind was filled with dreams of building an entire city of her own creations, where her hand-built knights guarded the city streets, and clockwork animals did the jobs of horses and farm animals. When she woke and found out her grandfather was dead, she was devastated. Her father was a useless drunk, and she knew she would never get the chance to build the things she saw in her head if she stayed with him, wasting her life away taking care of a man who couldn't take care of himself. So she took her grandfather's tools, packed her things, and left that life. Since then she has sought education in every form of crafting and animation she can find. She has spent time apprenticed to blacksmiths, craftsmen, gadgeteers, and wizards. She learned as much of their trades as she could, and has never stopped seeking knowledge. ![]() Thread List and Character Timeline Up until Spring of 508 Minerva was born and raised in the city of Sunberth. She left after the death of her Granddad, Spring of 508, at the age of seventeen. [Flashback] 7th Day of Autumn, 496 - Headless Dolls [Flashback] 45th Day of Summer, 503 - A Love For Tools [Flashback] 5th Day of Winter, 504 - A Girl's Pride Spring of 508 [Flashback] All Spring Long - A Thousand Dreams Summer of 508 Minerva travels on a small ship to Mura, courtesy of the sailor Pash'nar. [Arrival in Mura in Autumn of 508] [Flashback] 78th Day of Summer, 508 - This Ain't A Cruise Ship (Tock's departure from Sunberth) [Flashback] 79th Day of Summer, 508 - Yes, we have no land out here. Autumn of 508 Minerva stays in Mura for about a year. She spends this time enjoying the wonders of this new city, so different from the home she left behind. [Flashback] 1st Day of Autumn, 508 - Arrival in a Strange Land [Flashback] 1st Day of Autumn, 508 - A Girl Away From Home [Flashback] 53rd Day of Autumn, 508 - Shellfish [Flashback] 91st Day of Autumn, 508 - Magic in the Forest Spring of 509 [Flashback] 15th Day of Spring, 509 - Can You Hear The Sea? Summer of 509 Later in the summer, Minerva leaves Mura, travelling on a ship along the Novallas route. She then travels from Novallas to Syliras. All of Autumn of 509 is spent in travel. [Arrival in Syliras at the beginning of Winter of 509.] Winter of 509 Minerva arrives in Syliras. She begins an apprenticeship for the (NPC) Wizard Archimaneus, studying Magecraft and Animation. She is apprenticed for about a year and a half. [Flashback] 3rd Day of Winter, 509 - Thoughts of Contraptions Winter of 510 [Flashback] 15th Day of Winter, 510 AV - Hands Off! Spring of 511 [Flashback] 20th Day of Spring, 511 - Please let me on? [Flashback] 42nd Day of Spring, 511 - Manning the Father's Shop [Flashback] 42nd Day of Spring, 511 - Only one drink. Maybe two? Summer of 511 Minerva ends her apprenticeship to the (NPC) Wizard Archimaneus, in the city of Syliras. Apparently his cat was rather allergic to sawdust, and thus didn't take well to Minerva's constant construction projects in the wizard's home. (Early Summer of 511, Minerva leaves Syliras and travels to Ravok. She spends the majority of the Summer travelling. [Estimated travel time of ten weeks, arrival in Ravok at the beginning of Autumn 511]) Autumn of 511 (The Season of Autumn 511, Minerva is in the city of Ravok. Late in autumn she begins travelling with a caravan heading to Nyka [Estimated travel time of six weeks, arrival in Nyka at the beginning of Winter 511]) [Flashback] 5th Day of Autumn, 511 - Mad Science [Flashback] 12th Day of Autumn, 512 - Lost and Confused [Flashback] 13th Day of Autumn, 511 - Spiders and Sunberthans [Flashback] 15th Day of Autumn, 511 - Zealotry and Alcohol [Flashback] 30th Day of Autumn, 511 - A Shared Passion [Flashback] 31st Day of Autumn, 511 - Pushing Through The Pain [Flashback] 35th Day of Autumn, 511 - Sweaty, Greasy Girls are SEXY [Flashback] 36th Day of Autumn, 511 - Untraceable [Flashback] 50th Day of Autumn, 511 - Heretic [Flashback] 65th Day of Autumn, 511 - It's All In The Wrists [Flashback] 66th Day of Autumn, 511 - We're Taking Over! Winter of 511 (The Season of Winter 511, Minerva is in the city of Nyka. Towards the end of winter, she boards a ship headed for Zeltiva, travelling the Mura route, from Nyka, to Mura, to Sahova, then finally to Zeltiva. For rest of Winter of 511 and the beginning of Spring 512 she is on the ship until her arrival in Zeltiva on the 52nd day of Spring, 512) Spring of 512 :
Spring of 512 (Note: Spring of 512 is the beginning of Minerva's gameplay)
52nd Day of Spring, 512 - Tock's arrival in Zeltiva 52nd Day of Spring, 512 - Arriving at the University 53rd Day of Spring, 512 - One's Trash Is Another's Treasure 54th Day of Spring (Morning), 512 - Where does a girl go for a bath in this city? 54th Day of Spring (Afternoon), 512 - The Seer of Zeltiva 54th Day of Spring (Afternoon), 512 - Tock's Fortune (Continued from The Seer of Zeltiva) 54th Day of Spring (Evening), 512 - Checkmate 55th Day of Spring, 512 - Good Samaritan? Nahhh, I just like buildin' stuff! 56th Day of Spring, 512 - Student Social 57th Day of Spring, 512 (Afternoon) - No Cats Allowed! 57th Day of Spring, 512 (Evening) - Homework, Schmomework! 58th Day of Spring, 512 - This Is The House That Tock Built 58th Day of Spring, 512 - House Repairs (Occurs during the course of "This Is The House That Tock Built") 58th Day of Spring, 512 (Evening) - A Proper Sendoff (The same night as "House Repairs", a few hours later that night) 59th Day of Spring, 512 - Acquiring the Taste of Kelp Beer 60th Day of Spring, 512 - Now for something completely different... 61st Day of Spring, 512 - Production Like Clockwork 63rd Day of Spring, 512 - Down at the Docks 64th Day of Spring, 512 - Ride Like The Wind 68th Day of Spring, 512 - Along Came A Spider 70th Day of Spring, 512 - Helping People Back To Their Feet 70th to 90th Day of Spring, 512 - Minerva suffers from a broken foot. She will have limited mobility, and be forced to use crutches to get around. 74th Day of Spring, 512 - Does Everybody Know What Time It Is? (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 75th Day of Spring, 512 - Wanna Build A Bigger One? (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 78th Day of Spring, 512 - Gathering Materials (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 80th Day of Spring, 512 - Restoring a Temple (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 81st Day of Spring, 512 - Zeltiva Puppet Theatre (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 82nd Day of Spring, 512 - Zeltiva Puppet Theatre Part II (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 85th Day of Spring, 512 - Mystery Machine (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 86th Day of Spring, 512 - Home Alone (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 87th Day of Spring, 512 - Zeltiva Puppet Theatre Part III (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 89th Day of Spring, 512 - Zeltiva Puppet Theatre Part IV (Minerva is still injured in this thread) 90th Day of Spring, 512 (Afternoon) - A Tale To Lift Your Spirits 90th Day of Spring, 512 (Night) - Dark Encounter 91st Day of Spring through the first week or so of Summer - Minerva's foot is healed, but still sore. She can get around on her own, but with a slight limp. 91st Day of Spring, 512 - Fire! 91st Day of Spring, 512 - Fraternization (Occurs a couple of hours after Fire!) Summer of 512 1st Day of Summer, 512 (Morning) - What is Alchemy? 1st Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - All Her Fault 1st Day of Summer, 512 (Evening) - [Event] Maria Satterthwite Memorial Cemetery 2nd to 7th Days of Summer, Minerva suffers from a broken hand (She paid 5 GM for the services of a magical healer as per ST direction). Her right hand will be unusable during this time. From 8th to 22nd Days, her right hand has limited use and suffers frequent pain. 2nd Day of Summer, 512 - Awkward Reunion 3rd Day of Summer, 512 - An Illuminating Experience 4th Day of Summer, 512 - Guiding Glyphs 5th Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 1: The Proposal 7th Day of Summer, 512 - Thing 8th Day of Summer, 512 - Just a Field Trip 9th Day of Summer, 512 - Making The Shell 10th Day of Summer, 512 - Family Outing 11th Day of Summer, 512 - It's off to work we go! 12th Day of Summer, 512 - Intertwining Roots 14th Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 2: The Recruitment 15th Day of Summer, 512 - Alchemy Basics 15th Day of Summer, 512 - Small Fish, Big Pond 16th Day of Summer, 512 - Fulfilling A Request 19th Day of Summer, 512 - Sale 20th Day of Summer, 512 - Colored Entrails 21st Day of Summer, 512 (Early morning/just past midnight) - Tea after Twilight 21st Day of Summer, 512 (Later that morning/after sunrise) - When You Need Something, Suddenly I'm Your Equal 23rd Day of Summer, 512 - Breaking Point 24th Day of Summer, 512 - Stubborn Logic 25th Day of Summer, 512 - Mommy? 26th Day of Summer, 512 - First Impressions 27th Day of Summer, 512 - Auristitecture 28th Day of Summer, 512 - Waterwheels 29th Day of Summer, 512 - Experimentation 32nd Day of Summer, 512 - Little Monsters 35th Day of Summer, 512 (Morning) - Pool Party 35th Day of Summer, 512 (Night) - Long Day 36th Day of Summer, 512 (Morning) - Build Your Own Baby 36th Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - Soul of a Sailor 37th Day of Summer, 512 - Home Invasion 38th Day of Summer, 512 - The Bad Day 39th Day of Summer, 512 - Tick Tock on the Clock 43rd Day of Summer, 512 - Auristematician 44th Day of Summer, 512 - First Daughter 48th Day of Summer, 512 - Doing Things You Might Regret 50th Day of Summer, 512 - Etiquette 51st Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 3: The Materials 54th Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 4: The Tools 56th Day of Summer, 512 - Different streets, same troubles As of 56th Summer, Tock has an infected wound (a large gash on her right leg), a result of Wrenmae Sek's carrying of the Blight. The wound will fester until treated by magical healing. 57th Day of Summer, 512 - Helping a Friend 58th Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 5: The Design 59th Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - The Meaning Of It All 59th Day of Summer, 512 (Evening) - Luck Be A Lady 60th Day of Summer, 512 (Day) - Perspective 60th Day of Summer, 512 (Night) - How To Save A Life 61st Day of Summer, 512 - Big Damn Heroes (Sword wound - Bed bound for several days starting on the 62nd-64th, on crutches for at least a week after that until around the 74th, severe pain and limited mobility until around Fall 15th) 62nd Day of Summer, 512 - Lovely Weather We're Having 63rd Day of Summer, 512 - How long will it take? 65th Day of Summer, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 6: The Carving 66th Day of Summer, 512 - Mixing Magicks 75th Day of Summer, 512 - The Drop-In 79th Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - Speak Common 79th Day of Summer, 512 (Evening) - Seeking Focus 80th Day of Summer, 512 (Morning) - I want YOU to join the Syliran Knights! 80th Day of Summer, 512 (Evening) - Getting Better 80th Day of Summer, 512 (Late Night) - Tears in the Night 81st Day of Summer, 512 - Surprise Visit 82nd Day of Summer, 512 (Early Morning/Shortly After Midnight) - Desperate Bargaining 82nd Day of Summer, 512 (Morning/After Sunrise) - Negotiating the Future 82nd Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - Life & Death 85th Day of Summer, 512 - Corrupted 89th Day of Summer, 512 - Knight in Shining Armor 90th Day of Summer, 512 (Morning) - The Aching Road 90th Day of Summer, 512 (Afternoon) - Manipulation 91st Day of Summer, 512 (Early Morning) - Trance 91st Day of Summer, 512 - Back to Work Autumn of 512 1st Day of Autumn, 512 (Morning) - Dissection 1st Day of Autumn, 512 (Evening) - Knight and Nurse 3rd Day of Autumn, 512 (Early Morning) - Tock's Inquiry 3rd Day of Autumn, 512 (Late Morning) - The Con & The Gadgeteer 3rd Day of Autumn, 512 (Evening] - Blind Telescope 4th Day of Autumn, 512 (Morning) - Minds of Their Own 4th Day of Autumn, 512 (Afternoon) - Stone and Garden 5th Day of Autumn, 512 (Early Morning) - Live Animal Testing 5th Day of Autumn, 512 (Morning/Afternoon) - Bureaucratic Bull Shyke 10th Day of Autumn, 512 - Not an Old Man Anymore 14th Day of Autumn, 512 (Morning) - Stalking is Hard Work 30th Day of Autumn, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 7: The Defining 70th Day of Autumn, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 8: The Polishing 80th Day of Autumn, 512 - The Zeltivan Monument Series Part 9: The Display Miscellaneous Tock's Correspondence Thread - For letters, etc delivered to Tock. |