11th Day of Spring 510 AV To most the library would have seemed quiet. No vibrant conversations buzzed; the room was insulated enough to keep away the rhythmic wash of the ocean outside. Even the hum of the morning crowds of Zeltiva did not ruin the tranquility of this quiet bastion of knowledge. For Isikais, is was still a room full of sound. The erratic rustling of a students clothes as they shifted in their seats, the echo of pages turning, and always the asynchronous monotony of inhales and exhales. Few were those in Zeltiva who would know silence as deep as that of Sahova, and the unique focus it brought. Winding his way through the room, Isikais eventually found the man he sought. Centuries in Sahova had colored his expectations. The most powerful mages were always touched by madness in his mind; dress and demeanor dictated the extent of humanity lost in the manipulation of the worlds fundamental forces. It was much to his surprise therefore that Stonemiller existed in such close proximity to so many others, and that they in turn, were not overwhelmingly distracted by him. "Excuse me, sir." Voice barely above a whisper, and even. Isikais breathed deep, careful to maintain the charade of being among the living. "I have been sent to find you regarding training in the art of manipulating djed." He paused, deciding how much he wanted to reveal. "I am moderately well versed in the art of morphing, and have a beginners knowledge regarding the use of glyphs." He displayed the runes carefully lined in his palms, the purpose clear to any who practiced the arcane arts: one a focus that meant simply "change", the other a command to "return". They were incredibly simple glyphs, but impeccably drawn. |