Location [Syliras Location] Housing Authority

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Flick on June 3rd, 2011, 9:48 pm


Flick couldn't help but smile widely at the man. He wasn't scary, or mean or...frowny. He was nice and friendly and welcoming. The young kevic had compared the knights to the akalak warriors - as she hadn't known anything else - but these men and women were nothing like the stoic blue men.

"I'm not...really sure? I don't need much. Just something to keep me warm and dry, and safe. I don't need anything special." Shrugging, the fox looked at the man expectantly.

"It would be nice if it had a bed, and a fireplace...but I can cope without."

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hadyn Skellig on October 16th, 2013, 4:17 am

25th of Fall
513 AV

Hadyn hesitated in the antechamber of the Housing Authority's offices, the pause allowing her to sweep the empty space. The padded benches lined against the wall called out to her to rest her feet, but she had an agenda. It'd been years since she'd wandered to this side of the castle and quite frankly felt rather awkward awaiting Ser Nigriso - if in fact he was still serving as the chair of the Housing Authority.

It was time for a larger apartment. Friend after friend had commented (none too subtly) that the chamber she lived in was much too small for a newborn and far too cramped for a new mother. So the woman resigned herself to finally upgrade her situation - if only to calm their concerns. She could certainly afford it, living well below her means at Traveler's Row. But the idea of moving and uprooting simply because her predicament called for a change didn't sit well with her. Adaptation to change was not among Hadyn Skellig's graces.

Waiting in the atria the woman glanced down at her steadily growing belly. Hopefully with it on full display she wouldn't be required to do much explaining. The less talking the better. Crossing an arm below her breasts she rested the other elbow on her forearm, chewing on a nail as she waited to be seen. Hopefully this wouldn't take more than half a bell.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Accolade on October 17th, 2013, 12:32 am


Tenner was in a good mood on this day, either that or he was just pleased with life in general. There hadn't been many to open a business in the city for a few seasons now, but there were those still buying up space to live in. The city was always busy and coin flowed just as much as the waters in the wells.

The pretty young woman that entered, caught his attention and seeing that she was with child, he sought to be on his best behavior. The Knight rounded his desk and made his way towards the woman to take her hand.

"Hello, and good day to do. Tell me, how can I assist you?"

Allowing her to speak, he would lead her, should she allow him and seat her in the chair opposite his desk where they could discuss matters and help her to be on her way.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hadyn Skellig on October 21st, 2013, 7:37 pm

Hadyn turned to see Nigriso himself, his smile as warm as she recalled from years ago. Canting her head appreciatively as her hand slipped into his, following him to the chair. Seating herself carefully the woman returned his smile as she waited for him to return to his desk.

"And to you,"
she replied politely. "Thank you for your time, Ser. I've come seeking a your guidance in findin' a larger apartment. As you can see I'll be needin' space for more than just myself. I am curious what you have available."

The brunette flashed another smile, allowing herself to rest her back against the chair as she waited. Despite the concerns of others Hadyn didn't mind Traveler's Row. Sure it could be a bit dicey at times, but it had always suited her alright. But with a baby on the way perhaps she ought to defer to the Knight before her to advise where she ought to live.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Accolade on October 26th, 2013, 5:15 pm


Tenner took his seat and got to work at helping Hadyn with what she needed. She was looking for an apartment, something for her and her child to live and of course she needed to be placed in a safer area to raise her child also.

"You've made good timing, I have a few places open in good locations. Now I'm sure you want some place more protected for you and your child, but it would also depend on how much you want to spend."

Sitting back in his seat, the Knight pulled out a sheet of parchment and started to read over it. "I have in my listing a place in the Jordon District, one of the more protected areas in the city, but it can get noisy at times. The Roshin District has a few openings, it's much quiter there and the Maiden District has a place or two." He didn't go higher or lower in the standings until Hadyn told him what price range she was looking for.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hadyn Skellig on October 31st, 2013, 3:45 am

Hadyn nodded patiently as he spoke, considering the options he mentioned. Having spent her life living in a tiny apartment the thought of moving to another district was somewhat uncomfortable. But it was the logical thing to do. Glancing up at the Knight when he fell silent, somewhat engrossed in her own thoughts.

"Apologies," she replied with a light smile. "I suppose the Roshin District would be a fine place to raise child." Not that she would know. "Not lookin' for anythin' outrageous. Just place large enough for the little one an' m'self to grow into. How much are the listed apartments in the Roshin goin' for these days?"

Hadyn smiled apologetically for her lack of knowledge on the subject. But it was likely Tenner was used to folk like her arriving in his office without a clue. The Maiden District wasn't half bad either. But the Roshin was close to the Stone Garden, of which the weaponsmith had become rather attached. And, she thought offhandedly, it wasn't far from Orion should he wish to drop in. Looking to the Knight once more she hoped he wouldn't quote her some obscene amount thus forcing her to admit she couldn't afford it. She half wished he'd just point to a vacant apartment and tell her to move there. Much easier. But she smiled again, appreciative of his patience.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Accolade on November 4th, 2013, 8:06 pm


"Good choice, very little crime in that part of the city, and it is mostly quiet. I think it is also well in distance to the markets. But I would hope you had someone to fetch those things for you?" He was fishing for information here, seeing such a lovely young woman with child, he wondered if the father was someone he knew. "Well for prices....I would say a 500 sq ft apartment 5gm/day. It is a more upscale living, and fully furnished apartment, with bigger windows than you would find in other districts."

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hadyn Skellig on November 4th, 2013, 8:18 pm

The woman's smile faltered only the slightest bit when the Knight commented on an errand runner. She couldn't blame him. Most pregnant women would come with their significant other if at all to seek new housing. Being alone and with child had her sticking out like a sore thumb. Adjusting her hands in her lap Hadyn nodded once before answering.

"I think I can manage the markets on my own,"
she replied diplomatically with a smile. Although Tenner was the head of the Housing Authority it was entirely possible he knew of Orion (seemed there were few who didn't). And while Hadyn really had no problem making the squire look like an ass she wasn't interested in doing so at every turn.

"As for the price, that should be just fine. Thank you for your time, Ser." The woman nodded again as she prepared to stand - ever a balancing act in her present state. Although the rent was well above what she was used to the thought of moving into an apartment that required little to no furnishing on her part made her breathe much easier. After a moment she paused to look at him, still seated, a sheepish smile on her lips. "Forgive me but, I'm not in the best... shape to be haulin' my appurtenances around the city. D'you suppose it would it cost much to employ someone to carry my effects to the new apartment?"

A sharp man like Tenner would pick up from this query that she had no one present to do the moving herself. Aware of this Hadyn merely rose her eyebrows in question, unashamed in his knowledge that she was a single mother. It wasn't like he ought to care.

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Accolade on November 5th, 2013, 1:34 am


If Tenner thought about it, he already knew the answer to his question given the fact that Hadyn was there alone while being very pregnant. But he wondered, and women were talkers and while he didn't know her story, if she happened to need an ear, he had time at the moment. But it was good that she excepted the apartment and he felt better knowing that she and her child would have a good home.

"Ah, I'm glad to hear it. Wonderful, I hope you find the place to your liking."

Tenner quickly stood up as Hadyn tried to wobble her way back to a vertical base. The knight moved around the desk and held out a supportive hand and placing the other upon her back. "I will see too it, I know a few men that could use extra coin. I will handle the tab if you don't mind?"

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Hadyn Skellig on November 5th, 2013, 2:24 am

Roshin District. She was feeling better about this already, the initial thought of moving across the city leaving her apprehensive. But it took less sorting than she anticipated and Tenner was exceptionally helpful. They were settled and done. Hadyn accepted his assistance, removing herself from the chair carefully and using his proffered hand to steady herself before offering the Knight a smile.

"You are too kind," she answered with an appreciative tone. While it suited her personality to insist she pay for their help she couldn't find it in her to argue. "Thank you again."

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