Location [Syliras Location] Housing Authority

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on April 17th, 2010, 11:06 pm



For any traveler passing through Syliras, it is easy enough to rent a room either at one of the taverns or, if you've little coin to spend, at Traveler's Row. But those who want to stay in Syliras more permanently must petition the Syliran Knights.

Every inch of property in Syliras is controlled by the Knights and assigned to individuals upon request. The Knights built Castle Stormhold to be a bastion of safety in an unsafe world, and as such they make sure that those who live within the city understand exactly what it means to do so. Anyone who wishes a place to live can purchase use of the space for 500 gold mizas, and will be assigned living quarters.

Opening a business in Syliras is a touch more complicated, but those requests can be handled by the Housing Authority as well. Appointments will be made for the business plan to be brought to Grandmaster Dyres and reviewed.

ImageSergeant Knight Tenner Nigriso
3rd Wing, Black Company, 5th Regiment, Silver Quadron

Tenner is a hereditary Knight tracing his heritage back to the First Wing, and the son of Captain Alexa Nigriso of the 2nd Regiment. He was fostered out when he was a child and gladly joined the ranks at age thirteen. He has a deep and abiding love for the Knighthood, for the honor and justice that it represents, the bright, shining light amidst the darkness of the outside world.

It's just... he's not very good at it. Oh, the honor and justice thing, yes, top-notch at all of that - he's quite thoroughly a romantic idealist, and nothing will shake that out of him. It's just that he's not very good at fighting. And though he's not shy by any means, he's just awkward enough to make it nearly impossible for him to truly become a leader among the Knights. He seemed destined for mediocrity despite his flawless genealogy, unable to rise through the ranks as his mother had. Fortunately, Loren Dyres decided to shuffle Tenner from position to position within the Knights, searching for someplace where he could put that idealism to use. He finally found it in the Housing Authority, where Tenner excelled at welcoming new families to Syliras and helping them settle in. All the love he had for his city translated well, and within a few years he'd taken over the running of it.

Gnosis: 1 Sylir

Skill List

Organization: 65 pts
Writing: 45 pts
Rhetoric: 40 pts
Weapon (Falchion): 30 pts
Weapon (Longbow): 30 pts
Weapon (Shield): 30 pts
Riding (Horse): 45 pts

ImagePage Jinson Diranga
3rd Wing, Black Company, 5th Regiment, Silver Quadron

The teenaged page has served Sir Tenner for the last seven years, and is nearly ready to move up to Squire. He was fostered to the Knight long ago, before Tenner lost his young wife to a fever, and Jinson was almost solely responsible for getting him through that ordeal.

Now that he's approaching the point of moving up to Squire, Jinson finds that while he's excited by the prospect, he also dreads leaving Tenner's household.

Skill List
Weapon (Falchion): 20 pts
Weapon (Longbow): 10 pts
Weapon (Shield): 5 pts
Riding (Horse): 10 pts
Rhetoric: 20 pts
Organization: 10 pts
Writing: 10 pts

This location is moderated by Dusk
Last edited by Dusk on July 23rd, 2010, 3:21 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 17th, 2010, 11:27 pm

17th of Spring
It has always been a little irksome, the requirement that I ask permission for certain things. But alas, one does not always reside at the head of the table. One is not always the only gear in the machine.

The Housing Authority. It sounded so, authoritarian. Which it was. deGrey had not appealed to the Housing Authority directly when first requesting his business, so this was his first encounter with the place.

Alistair opened the well crafted wooden portal to find himself face to back with a pair of large, gruff men. They smelled of sour meat. Each wore leather jerkins and boasted a healthy number of scars on their arms and necks. One, the one on the left to be specific, heard the entrance and turned around to see deGrey enter. The hunter's face broke into a jovial smile, "'Ello there! Ye comin' teh get housin' too?" The big man moved out of the way for Alistair, while his companion just stood in place. "Eh, don' mind 'Awk, e's deaf.". deGrey moved past them with a nod, not entirely sure what he should say to the hunter.

As deGrey approached the door to Tenner Nigriso's office, who was apparently the Housing Authority, he saw a third hunter walk back towards his companions. This one also nodded to Alistair, who mustered the graces to nod back.

The door was still ajar from the last client, so Alistair saw the Authoritarian himself at his desk. The inventor tentatively walked into the office space, unsure of whether he should allow the man some time between the clients, but not really wanting to wait in any case. "Salutations my good sir... Tenner Nigriso is it?" Despite the phrasing, there was no question in deGrey's calm tone. "I am Alistair deGrey," He silently congratulated himself for remembering to introduce himself, "I would like to negotiate some terms for Mechanical Marvels."
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on April 17th, 2010, 11:42 pm

ImageThe Knight stood immediately when Alistair entered, his craggy face twisting into a smile as he offered Alistair his hand.

"Ah yes! Mister deGrey. I've heard good things about your shop. Please, sit," he said, waving him into a seat in the chair across from his desk. "I do hope you're not here to tell me you're getting out of the business?" he chuckled, dark brows rising. "You've been doing quite well, from what I've seen of your ledgers."
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 18th, 2010, 12:02 am

That is quite frightening to ponder, going out of business. I could not stand returning to the underbelly of society. I can barely survive here."

Alistair smiled a bit, "No, no, nothing like that. In fact, I am here to negotiate an, expansion of sorts." deGrey began to nervously fiddle with the bottom of his coal tunic as he broached the topic. "Recently I have come into contact with a particular, woman." It was clear that Alistair was hesitant, a little less clear was that it was due to fear of rejection. "I was curious, as to whether or not I could possibly..." His fingers moved together, intertwining, "If we could possibly, combine assets onto my premises..." Now that the proverbial cat had flown from the equally proverbial bag, Alistair's anxiety died a little bit. "It would entail, if at all possible, her selling her ceramics there as well. A kiln too, yes, a kiln is planned." A weak smile crossed deGrey's face again, more of a plead than a sign of happiness.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on April 18th, 2010, 12:33 am

"Ah-ha!" he laughed, slouching back in his chair and smiling across the desk at Alistair. "I take it you've found yourself a wife then, hmm? Well done, Mister deGrey. A family is one of the greatest advantages a man can have."

He opened one of the drawers in the desk and pulled out a thick leather-bound ledger, dropping the heavy book in the middle of the desk and lifting the ribbon bookmark to open it to the page he needed. It fell open to reveal an intricate blueprint of the third tier of Stormhold Castle, divided into the different suites and shops available, most with a tiny name delicately etched within its borders.

"Let's see, let's see..." he murmured, running a quick finger over it until he found the space with deGrey's name. "Ah yes, here we are, Mechanical Marvels. Hmm. I don't see any problem with that. Is she a resident in Syliras?"
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 18th, 2010, 12:46 am

I love it when a plan comes together.

The plead that played across Alistair deGrey's facade became a true smile. All, or rather most, hesitation melted away in light of the relief. "Yes, yes of course she is." Alistair pursed his lips, considering something, "Yes, but how would the finances be set up?" His hands untangled and fell back to his side. "Would I keep the same profit quota of two hundred and fifty Mizas, or would it increase?"

Something occurred to Alistair then, he had forgotten to ask Ha'na about this. His mind had leaped ahead, trying to solve a problem before it had occurred. Though Alistair hoped so, he was not sure if Ha'na would want to continue making pottery to sell.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on April 18th, 2010, 1:21 am

Tenner tapped a fingertip to the little representation of Mechanical Marvels, and then leaned over again to pull out another ledger. This one was filled with tally-sheets, cramped and full of numbers, flowing from one page to the next with no seeming end.

He flipped through it a moment, and finally grunted. "Well, unless you're increasing your business, I don't see why your quota would go up. As a note, I see here you haven't put in any requests for supplies - are you turning in your receipts?" he asked, glancing up. "According to this agreement, you're being paid wages of 728 gold per season, and that your supplies are to be bought by us. You were also awarded a bonus at the end of Winter," he said, eyebrows rising as he looked up at Alistair in surprise, "which was never collected. You received the letter we sent, yes? You should have just brought that here," he said, shoving up to his feet and walking over to one of the cabinets.

He dragged a ring of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the cabinet, then used another key to unlock one of the individual drawers. He withdrew a little linen sack of coins with a tag on it that said "Mechanical Marvels," and tossed it across the room to Alistair.

"You should see if that new wife of yours can keep your books," he chuckled, locking everything back up before he sat down again. "Now. Once she moves into your abode, have her come in and I'll give her some recompense for her old location - not the full amount, mind, but I can give her, say, 400 gold? Does she work as well, or will you be hiring her as an assistant?"
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 18th, 2010, 2:25 am

How delightful, Syliras just paid for Ha'na's kiln. That much more coin available to spend on her.

The sack of coins sailed across the room, and deGrey's hands barely caught the expensive projectile as it whizzed to the floor. Lovely. He reeled the coins in close to him, just holding them for he had not brought his coin purse. Not that it could hold two hundred and fifty Mizas in any case. Regardless of the inconveniences the Mizas presented, they would pay for the entirety of Ha'na's kiln, which brought much pleasure to Alistair.

deGrey spoke up again, "Err, we are not married yet, good sir..." Alistair's head was still in shock from the thought, but it was not a bad state. Perhaps once the concept of marriage wasn't so foreign. "But, yes. I will inform Ha'na of her impending compensation."

Lips pursed for a few seconds, deGrey considered the man's question. It was relatively vague, wouldn't she be working even if she was just an assistant? Alistair decided not to nitpick, "She will be creating her own works, and probably sell them alongside mine. However, for simplicity's sake we may label it as "assistant" in your ledgers." Alistair's eyes wandered to make contact with the knight's.
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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Dusk on April 18th, 2010, 2:45 am

Tenner settled back in his chair, sighing a little as he pulled the first ledger back towards him. "Ha'na?" he said thoughtfully, trying to remember something. "Ha'na, Ha'na... yes! The little Benshira potter, has that room off the wall, right? I remember her - needed something on the outside ring of the citadel for a firepit or some such. She never petitioned for a business so she wasn't sponsored," he chuckled, making a notation in the ledger over Ha'na's abode.

"If she's to be working on your property and selling your wares there, just hire her as an assistant," he said, adding another notation over Mechanical Marvels to indicate additional wages. "You've an allotment for two assistants, and if you end up needing more than that then we'll renegotiate the terms of your contract," he said, looking up at Alistair with a friendly smile. "In the meantime, if she's moving in with you, send her over here to turn over her old place and receive payment for that. And here," he said, pulling a scrap of paper over and jotting something down on it, signing the bottom with a flowery hand. "Bring that down to the commissary on your way out and we'll count it as part of your supplies for the season," he said with a conspiratorial wink. He pushed the paper across the desk, where it said simply Wheelbarrow and shovel. "No use trying to carry buckets all the way through the third tier," he said kindly.

Tenner's job was to keep track of every room and courtyard in Syliras, but that didn't mean he couldn't take care of the people in them as well - and that was the primary reason he was in this position.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Housing Authority

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 18th, 2010, 3:10 am

As kind as it initially seemed to allow me a wheelbarrow, I then realized that it was taken out of my seasonal supplies, and it would have been just as simple to purchase one.

deGrey smiled even though he was aware that this was not really a grand favor. In fact, he could probably have moved all of Ha'na's possessions to his workshop in an hour or two without the wheelbarrow. Regardless, the man believed himself to be helpful so Alistair would indulge him, "Ah yes, superlative thanks."

It was about time for Alistair to extract himself from the man's office, or that was what deGrey thought. Neither seemed the type to exchange needless pleasantries with just any stranger, and the inventor saw no reason for the conversation to continue. He backed out the door with a, "Thank you for your confirmations, my good sir."

Outside the door, deGrey noticed what must have equated to a small hill of loose dirt where the deaf hunter had stood. Alistair smiled at the thought of the orderly knight's face when he saw the dirt.

Before Alistair left, he drifted by the Commisary's office, and retrieved his wheelbarrow and shovel. The secretary was ancient and absurdly efficient, two porters scurrying out almost immediately with the prescribed items. What a lovely engagement gift from the knights.
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