81st Day of Spring, 512 AV Minerva was back at the Infirmary every night to get her foot checked and have her accelerated healing magic done. She was back at work during the day, mostly still restricted to light duty. Her boss insisted she only perform tasks she could do sitting down, both because he didn't want her hurting her foot more, and because her coworkers were very uncomfortable around the magic crutches. He had almost tried to get her to leave them home, but that just wasn't happening. So instead, he made sure she did her carving seated, with her foot up, and with the crutches parked safely in a corner. After work, she had classes at the University some nights, and usually headed straight to the Infirmary from class. Being there every day was starting to depress her... not because of her own injuries, but because of the kids. There were far too many sick and injured kids. She'd helped a lot of them out last week by making crutches to get them back on their feet, but they were still stuck in the Infirmary. It wasn't fair... Tonight, as she was waddling down the hall from class on her animated crutches, a child pointed at her and said, "Look, Mommy!" This kind of reaction was common, and she just waved at the kid. But then the kid added something unexpected, "She looks like a puppet!" Minerva paused and looked down at herself. Between the way her feet dangled just above the ground, and the jerky, clumsy movements of her crutches, she supposed she did look like a puppet. She looked at the kid. He was clapping and laughing. Minerva watched him for a moment, then a grin spread across her face. By the time Satevis found his way to her for the nightly foot healing, she was delving into a detailed, yet simple set of blueprints. If he looked them over, he would see what looked like a small puppet stage. About six feet wide and tall, it consisted of a simple wall in the front with a window at about waist height. A short stage three feet deep was attached to the window, and there were short side walls, but no back. The three-sided structure would be the right size to hide a couple of puppeteers behind it, with a wooden rack above the stage to hang the puppets from. A curtain would hang behind the stage to preserve the magic of the show, so the children would never know there were people behind the puppets. Without looking up from her drawing, Minerva said to Satevis, "Oy, you's a good story teller, ain'tcha? Ya wanna write me up a script? Somethin' 'bout ya Dad, Leth?" |