Fall AV 499
The orange dawn was still very much sleeping and the dew of the tall grass cool and wet when Grenland roused his younger brother Aolther, stiff and swimming in the depths of night. A kick removed blanket and opened eye to a quiet and dark world. Removed from the sanctuary of bed the pavilion was still and chilly. “I have lost them” Grenlad said hushed and shaken. “And I was only gone but a short while!” Groggy Aolther wiped the sleep from his eyes only half listening to his elder brother “All of them? "
"Well not all, three, the young female and two yearlings, father…” Aolther knew tonight was his brother’s watch over the grazing herd and being a budding youth was prone to stealing off to warm himself with Erma, a neighboring redheaded girl. The loss of a young child bearing female Zibri would certainly spurn father’s wrath.. Silent, Aolther wrapped his green cloak about his small shoulders, pulled up his breeches and laced up his dusty leather boots. The hearth fire was low, starved and dying. Aolther groaned knowing no rest would be had tonight.
Outside the pavilion the moon was waxing and shed a pale light upon the rolling plains like a giant luminescent candle. The winter months were fast approaching, the hours of light would slowly recede like the bales of wheat as the cold dark idle hours grew. The ground was hard and the grass glowing with crystals. Long before the Zibri’s udders offered milk in their routine early morning ritual, and the cracked hands of women kneaded and worked the flour for the breakfast cakes, the boys mounted their striders and crept off into the night.