Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Ilana is 'reborn' from the oceans of Riverfall.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ilana on June 8th, 2012, 7:55 am

Ilana laughed, a smile spreading her lips. "Well, you're quiet the gentleman then, aren't you?" She felt relieved, as though a weight had been taken off of her back, a weight she hadn't realized was there in the first place. It felt good, refreshing, or at least as refreshing as it could be seeing as she had been born barely half an hour ago.

"Well, I will trust your sense of direction," She smiled. Wrapping his cloak tighter around her shoulders she took a step closer to him. "Lead the way." She waited until they began walking before she asked her next question.

"I hope I'm not being too rude, but I have to ask. Do all the people in this area have violet skin? Or are you a special case?" A though occurred to her. "Oh! Or are you of a race other than the human kind?" She waited for his answer, tilting her head back to look at him.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 8th, 2012, 8:06 pm

Rykanis wondered for a bit, as the woman called him a gentlemen... For offering to take her to the place he had mentioned, that would take care of her... It seemed more common courtesy... He wondered what types she had been meeting, that made such manners odd...

She seemed satisfied with his words, and seemed to trust him... It was hard to say if that was a wise decision... Even Rykanis did not know himself well enough to know if that was wise...

As she came in closer, and began to walk, Rykanis would begin walking also, though at a shortened pace from his normal gait... If he used his normal speed, with his long legs and height, he would leave her behind in his dust.

He would also offer out his empty hand, to hold if she accepted... Not in a romantic way, as holding hands sometimes was used, but as a show of companionship. It would allow her to have a bit of calming physical contact, and assure her she was not alone.

Her next question... Well was really odd, considering she was so near Riverfall... How did one get so near there, without hearing of an Akalak? Of course most were blue... His own color was a bit odd, but within the norm for his race. He simply smiled at her, and did his best to answer.

"Actually, as you guessed, I am not human. I am an Akalak. We are much taller than most humans, and are usually a shade of blue, or in my case, the more unusual violet. But all of my race appear more or less like this. Riverfall, the city I mentioned, is mostly inhabited by Akalaks. I am surprised though that you ended up so close to our city, without ever hearing of us."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ilana on June 13th, 2012, 6:10 am

Ilana accepted his hand with a gentle smile as they walked forwards. Her feet sunk in the sand and her hair, by now nearly dry, was caught up by the salty breeze. She watched him carefully as he answered her question.

An Akalak? she wondered. She wasn't exceptionally tall as it was and the thought of entering a city full of tall blue people was quite daunting.

"I suppose it is odd." She murmured quietly. Flashed of memories reached her, barely recognizable fragments that made no sense. A frightening thought made its way to the surface. "What if I have heard of your kind, and I simply don't remember it?" But that was not possible... was it? She remembered the home she held in Syna's realm, but what about her life before that? Her previous life? She found it hard to believe that her goddess had cast her down, abandoned her in a world she did not know, with no memory to speak off.

With a small frown she glanced at Rykanis, hoping he had any idea of what could have happened.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on June 19th, 2012, 4:07 pm

Having lost her memory? It did not seem crazy, that she might have once knew of the Akalak race, but forgotten it with other things... Though he though, a bit proudly, they were not exactly an easy race to forget...

Along with that, she seemed to have lost many other memories... Did not even recall how she had gotten there, how she had seemingly dropped out of the sky newly born. The thought of that made Rykanis crack a smile... The ridiculousness of someone being birthed out of the sky... Mizahar was not that crazy, as far as he knew, for such things to occur, in anything but stories.

"That seems possible. I mean, if you have forgotten all that you have, forgetting a race is not so crazy. Or perhaps you just never knew of the name? It is hard to say... I am sure there are even some people who live across the suvan, who have never heard of the Akalaks... And you do seem to have washed up on shore here... Maybe you are from across the suvan?"

Rykanis looked over at Ilana, getting distracted by a view of her horns... That would take some getting used to, to seeing that on a mainly human form... He had seen a creature once that had them, but on a woman?

Regardless, they were nearing Riverfall on there walk, and the edges of the city could be distinguished at the top of the giant waterfall that made up Riverfall.

"I am no expert on memory, but perhaps it is not permanent, and you will begin to recall things after some time? It is hard to say, but it does seem possible this is not forever."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ilana on June 27th, 2012, 10:20 pm

Ilana looked away, thinking. The Suvan? Did he mean the ocean? The idea seemed believable. It would explain why she did not recognize any of her surroundings. Ilana did not answer his first question, too entranced by her thoughts.

At his next statement however Ilana glanced up and smiled at him, giving his hand a grateful squeeze.
"Your probably right." She murmered. She was very lucky that he had found her. It could have just as easily been a creepy sleaze to find her; she shuddered at the thought of what might have happened.

Looking up she gazed wondrously at the huge, beautiful waterfall ahead of them. The sound it made was getting louder the closer they got. Perched at the top of the rocky falls were the beginnings of the city, looking over to the ocean. Ilana gaped at the size of it.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 1st, 2012, 1:18 am

As the woman returned to him a smile, and a squeeze of the hand, Rykanis smiled right back. Clearly she was upset by all that was going on, and confused. He would find her some help, which she clearly needed... But right now, she more needed someone to be there for her.

He laughed a bit, as Ilana reacted to seeing the waterfall. He could imagine what he might think, seeing it for the first time. He had spent most of his life here, so it was a normal sight for him. Or maybe she was looking at the city, perched on the edge of the cliffs, carved right into it, tiered along with the dropping waterfall...

It was a bit hard to say really. Either way, they were getting close now, and the city was within sight. He went on, leading her, holding her hand, until they finally arrived at there destination he had mentioned, Godiva Refuge. Though he would not leave right away, he wanted to make sure she was safe, and got settled in, since he sort of felt responsible for her, having found and rescued her.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ilana on July 2nd, 2012, 2:01 am

Ilana gazed up at the tall building as they approached. It was quiet large, and taller than most of the buildings that surrounded it. She glanced to Rykanis and bit her lip as they walked up the steps that lead to the open door.

As they entered a young woman approached them, a warm smile spread across her lips. She greeted them kindly and sent Rykanis a curious and slightly suspicious glance- no doubt wondering what he was doing escorting a young, naked, horned woman.

"Welcome to Godiva’s Refuge! How may I help you?" The woman looked away from Ilanas horns for a moment to cast a critical eye over her form and the cloak she was wrapped in. "May I ask what is going on here?"

Ilana glanced up at Rykanis once again, unsure of how to explain her predicament.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on July 2nd, 2012, 10:19 pm

Rykanis squeezed Ilana's hand once more, trying to comfort her, as her face clearly showed her unease at arriving at the place.

As a woman came over to speak to them, she clearly assumed something nefarious was going on. As if she had never seen a akalak rescue a naked woman before. He had even lent her his cloak, so that she would not be totally naked.

He had nothing to hide, had done nothing wrong, and sent a glare right back at the woman, who assumed Rykanis had done something wrong. Well he would set her straight.

"Yes, you can. You can start, by getting this woman some clothes to wear, so she does not have to stand around wearing just my cloak, instead of jumping to conclusions!"

Rykanis turned back to Ilana, giving her a warm smile, and another squeeze of the hand, to assure her she would be fine, and he would set things straight.

"I was going for a walk near the water, when I saw this woman washed up on shore. She had no possessions, no clothes, and seems to have lost her memory. "

"I fished her out, and lent her my cloak, and took her here, so that she could get some help. This is a place to help woman is it not?"

He said this last bit, more to shame the woman, who had been so concerned with being judgmental, that she had not been doing her job of helping woman.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Ilana on July 9th, 2012, 2:37 am

OOCKind of shorter, sorry. I wasn't sure what to write :P

Ilana hide a smile as the woman stumbled over an apology and hurried away to fetch some clothes and prepare a room. She turned to Rykanis and smiled shyly. She was filled with gratitude for the man before her and was very glad that she had been fortunate enough to meet him. It was a good start to what was sure to be a wonderful time spent in a wonderful city.

"I just wanted to say before I forget; Thank you so very much for being so kind, I appreciate it more than I can say! And just to let you know, if there is anything I can do, anything you need that I am capable of doing then please say so. I owe you and I will not soon forget it." Feeling bold Ilana leaned up on her toes and pressed a grateful kiss to Rykanis cheek.
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Rebirth [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on August 4th, 2012, 3:41 am

Rykanis smiled back at Ilana, the ever present grin once more on his face. It seemed he had a grin on his face, more often than anything else. It had long since become something close to habit, as he knew it often could defuse a situation. Only when he had to be a bit more blunt, such as when talking to that woman, did he take on a sterner demeanor.

As the woman thanked him, and gave him a grateful peck on the cheek, Rykanis shook his head.

"It was no big deal. Any decent Akalak would have done the same. It was just by chance that I was the one to find you. Perhaps we will meet again, under better circumstances, and once you have gotten a bit more situated."

As the woman came back with the spare clothes, and handed them to Ilana, she began to lead her off to a private place to get dressed.

"Well, I guess this is were we will part ways. I am sure we will meet again. I am sure you will get all the help you need here. And in might go a bit smoother, without me imposing. Goodbye."

With that, Rykanis waved, and was off, leaving Ilana in the hopefully capable hands of this place. But he was sure, even if that one woman had been overly judgmental, others would be less so, and more helpful.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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