Everything began to blur together. Harper was aware of her overgiving; she could feel every ounce of strength being sapped from her body. What was happening? She saw Tallis perform his magic, and she saw Monsel strike down the bear... ...but what was this white creature she saw? Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. She looked around her, seeing everyone standing still, the expressions of horror on their face, yet they moved so slow. She looked back towards the creature. Whether it was really happening or not, she wasn't sure: but the creature began to walk towards her, moving faster than everything else, and it spoke: "Witch! You summoned me here with your magicks! I am the price for your power, and you shall answer to me!" Harper's eyes grew large in terror. What in the gods and spirits above's names was going on? The next thing Harper new, she was on the ground, various wounds darting her body, with Ser Brinkaas tackling the creature off of her chest. She quickly tried to stand, experiencing a severe case of vertigo in the process. She watched as the monster attacked Brinkaas and leaped towards Tallis. It must have been all a hallucination, She realized. 'Must of been' was a poor choice of words, seeing as if everything (mostly the trees) were still bleeding together, the world becoming one huge void of colors and sights. Surely it was a side-effect of her overgiving. She had performed too much magick today, pushing her limits. She feared for her life. Harper turned her attention to Tallis. Her used some sort of magick that Harper had not seen before, one that appeared to control the earth itself. She felt guilt for bringing forth this creature from the Void, something that was almost never heard of, and she felt fear for not only her life but the lives of her companions. She wanted to help, but what more could she do? She'd already harmed enough... She knew opening another Portal was not a good idea. No, this creature needed to be killed. But Harper was finally useless, out of ideas. The thought of Leeching the creature came to mind. Obviously a dangerous idea, and it might not even be effective. The creatures Djed could be very unrefined, or too great for her to handle. And what would she do after she had it? She stopped thinking. She ran for the creature, almost tripping over her own feet in exhaustion. She creature wasn't distracted enough by the stone casing on its face for it noticed Harper right away. She locked eyes with the void-being and Harper felt utter fear. No emotions, She thought to herself. They are useless. When she was almost on top of the creature, it scratched her across the arm with one of its massive claws. Harper screamed in pain, but still reached and grabbed on the creatures pale neck. It's skin felt as if paper, gritty and dry. Harper immediately began to Leech the being, siphoning its Djed into her own body. Everything began to go red. The Djed felt so unfamiliar, it felt as if her blood was being transmuted into molten lava. She screamed but held the Leech, knowing that it would distract the creature long enough for the others to kill it. "Please, gods, kill it now! Kill it NOW!" She said as she fought back the urge to vomit. |