Lewis acted in response to everyone's return to his greetings. However, he had a little question. He leaned his head in next to Syrah for a moment and asked in a whisper that was a little too loud to keep it just between them. "Dressed up to what T?" Getting a few odd reactions to that, he leaned back up and frowned slightly. Then he heard the quiet bark from Raj, under the bench. He leapt forward in happiness to scratch his ears a little and reacquainted with him a little. Raj seemed nervous in the people, which was probably because he didn't have a human form to blend in. Dex stood back up and scuttled next to Syrah. Serrif and Ishara gave the idea of going inside to the whine topper. A hurried nod came from Lewis, although Syrah stayed quiet, which he thought odd since she was the one that invited him. "So when do we start whining? And is there a specific thing we should whine about, or do we just make it up as we go along? I've never done this before." Lewis gave off a confused look, amplified by a few random emotions swirling inside of him. He still didn't have all the information about where these emotions came from, but he did know a little. Anyway, he nudged Syrah to lead him in, and that he was right behind her. Probably whether she liked it or not. But Lewis was going to have fun. |