Samara listened, a brow quirked in curiosity, as Clyde stated his reasoning as to why Juliana should live. Indeed, everything he said made perfect sense. There was no real reason to kill her, other than to force Clyde to do it. There would be no gain to Rhysol if she died, and indeed she might even become an asset to the city. But... That was not the point. Not at all. "Oh, Clyde, Clyde, Clyde... I had honestly never considered killing her. Funny that your mind would go there, but now that you mention it, it would certainly solve all of our problems, wouldn't it?" Juliana began to struggle again, more desperately, but Samara ignored her. "I mean, who wants to do all the paperwork of getting her registered as a citizen? And of course even then she would still be homeless, wouldn't she? Killing her would certainly spare her from all that hassle. Although I'm sure she could find work easy enough, considering how willing she was to bed a complete stranger. I'm sure the House of Immortal Pleasures could find a use for her." All of her struggling was for naught, Juliana could not break her captor's firm grasp, but when Samara turned to her and issued her next command her eyes widened in surprise. "Let her go, and give her back her clothes. We wouldn't want her to catch a cold." Samara turned back to Clyde, a smug grin on her lips. No, she wasn't going to make him kill her, not yet anyway. Clyde wasn't ready for that. "You just have a little bit further to go, Apprentice. Once you set foot back in Ravok, make your way to the Vitrax. They'll be expecting you." Samara and her lackeys left after that, leaving Clyde alone with Juliana, who quickly threw her arms around the mage. "I thought they were going to kill me!" Juliana quickly broke down into tears, and it would be some time before she recovered. She wasn't going to be granting any more favors that night, though she would sleep next to Clyde if he returned to bed. If not, she would accompany him to the city, and there they would part ways for a time. She promised to find him as soon as she completed her transactions, that way he could still get his reward for helping her, but until then, he had other things to worry about. The Vitrax awaited. OOCFeel free to make a final post, I'll be awarding XP and stuffs after that. |