A hunting we will go![Apple]

Rykanis goes out for a hunt, and meets a new hunting partner.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 18th, 2012, 10:42 pm

17 Spring 512

It was a nice day out, so why not go for a hunt. It never hurt to go outside of the city a bit, to work on some of your skills, to get some fresh meat.

So on that day, Rykanis went out, still a bit early in the day, the sun not even yet directly overhead. His lakan were on his hip, ready to be pulled out if need be. Though that would not be needed until the deathblow...

So he headed out to the plains, to see what he could hunt. His infravision would certainly come in handy, seeing the heat signatures of the animals, making it a bit easier to pick them out from the surrounding lands.

He smiled to himself, as he walked along, wondering what he might run into today... What beasts... Or if there would be any other hunters. It was interesting to see others doing so, especially the ones that were really good.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Apple Cretshaw on May 18th, 2012, 11:21 pm

She loathed mornings. Actually to be honest she loathed all time of the day till late afternoon. Or maybe it was simply lack of sleep that had her on edge. She hadn’t slept well since arriving in the city and soon after the ridiculous storm had struck with its vile birds. She just couldn’t catch a break! She had hoped things would get easier with her little venture but it seemed to be quite the opposite.

Pulling herself out of her mental rage she peeked out her window and smiled slightly. At least here she was free to do as she pleased.

By herself.

With no one else.

No one at all.

Her tiny apartment seemed to shout with a silent agreement and she realized she might be a little bit lonely. How vexing. She didn’t want to see them let alone miss them! Running her hand up and down her arms lightly she scanned the empty room. She had little possessions and one could hardly tell she lived there let alone any being at all. Finally her eyes fell on her small toolkit. A gift from her brother that had yet to be put to use…

“It’s a perfectly fine day to be outside.” Of course, she sounded anything but excited.

The girl made quick work though, falling into old habits without realizing it. She managed to make it all the way to the city gates before it dawned on her that she was repeating her previous routine. Gritting her teeth against a sudden surge of annoyance she strode forward and tried to avoid eye contact with any who passed her.

It was not so easy though. And glancing to her a little in front of her she noticed one of the natives walking in the same direction. The people here were interesting it not terrifying. Huge and all blue, they were friendly enough, not to mention ridiculously tall. Maybe it was her loneliness or maybe she was simply so focused on staring at the giant blue man that she began to follow him without another thought.

If he was leaving the city he was obviously going hunting as well. Or at least she hoped.

Raising a hand she made an odd wave, mostly more of a flinging of her arm, “Hello. You are out to hunt as well, are you not?”
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 19th, 2012, 12:31 am

In some ways Rykanis looked like the average akalak. He was tall, taller even than the average akalak, though by now means above the norm range. He was though much darker. A shade different than the most common blue, his skin was such a deep dark violet, it was nearly pitch black.

He walked along, his lone weapons of his twin lakan, one on each side of his belt in its scabbard. One his own forged for his right... His other his fathers, given to him when he left Riverfall... Perhaps so he would know he could always track down his son...

As he made his way, he did notice something... He was no longer alone... He was being followed... Or at least they were going the same way as him... If she continued to follow him without addressing him, he would get suspicious... He was always wary of others trying to track and spy on him, sometimes in retribution for his own spy work, or to get some dirt on him...

Though if this was a spy, she was not a very good one... He was thinking this, as she addressed him, asking if he was out to hunt. She was a slight little thing, even for a human, as he assumed she was... She also seemed a bit young... Not even a full woman... And probably did not speak tukant, which meant he would have to use his less used language of common...

"Yes, I am on my way to hunt. Though to be honest I am not to good... I could certainly use someone who knows a little bit more about hunting along with me... Are you knowledgeable in hunting?"

Rykanis smiled at her, trying to put her at ease... She seemed nice enough...

"I am Rykanis by the way..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Apple Cretshaw on May 19th, 2012, 4:01 am

For a moment she bristled slightly misunderstanding his questioning her knowledge. So many times she had been asked the same question but in more hostile tones. Simple-minded men who thought she was a better decoration than a work. But his smiled did not imply any hostility.

Rolling her shoulders lightly she patter the satchel on her back. “This is a gift from my brother along with some knowledge of hunting. I am not master nor an expert.”

She was stalling slightly for she was unsure if she should mention the small fact that while she was learning the mechanics she had never actually been allowed to hunt before. That and the only prints she were familiar with were hoof prints of a deer and all others were nearly unrecognizable. Instead she changed tactics, following along beside the tall man now and nearly ignoring her surroundings.

“What is it you wish to hunt?” she gazed up for a moment, “Bird? Small things? Deer?”

There was a bit of hopefulness in the word deer as if she was telling him that was his only option. Keeping her eyes locked away from the Akalak she tried not to let him see the bit of nervousness that now crept up her spine with each step away from the city. She had heard rumors of the things that lurked outside the city. Growing worse with the storm. Would a deer even be a dear anymore?

This was her chance though and Apple was not one to change her mind. Inclining her head at his introduction she clasped her hands and straightened her shoulders, trying to stave off the slight tremors that threatened her body. She was half tempted to not return his introduction either, people tended to find her name odd. That or pester her about apples.

“My name is Apple Cretshaw. Pleasure to meet you, Rykanis.” Pausing their walk she held out her hand with a light smile, “Shall we hunt together then?”
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 19th, 2012, 4:54 am

It seemed she did have some experience with hunting, or at least she was equipped for it... Would someone have a kit to use for hunting, if they did not already know how to hunt... Well possibly... It was a bit hard to say... But it seemed from what she said she did have some experience... She was not overstating her knowledge, saying she knew a lot... Which was either the signs of a jerk overstating, or a master who was to puffed up.

Going along with it, Rykanis continued walking, going along with her, letting her continue on with him. It seemed they were both going along to hunt, it at least appeared she was not here to spy on him... If she was, she did not mind direct contact, was certainly not spying passively... Though what to hunt?

"To be honest... I am not really certain what to hunt... I have not hunted much... I am not sure how you would even hunt birds without bows, which is something only you have..."

He did watch her, saw as she spoke the last thing... That of deer, the emphasis she put on it... Clearly that was the one she was trying to convince him to do, to get him to go along with it without realizing she was steering him... Though he was getting better at noticing such things, and so just smiled and went along.

"Deer I suppose, would not be to dangerous or difficult... We could try for some of them... And though a bow like you use might be better, in a pinch we could do it up close with my weapons..."

"Nice to meet you apple... Sure, I would love to hunt with you... Lead the way..."

And Rykanis would lead his hand out, letting her take the initiative, and show which way she wanted to go, and go along with the way she chose.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Apple Cretshaw on May 20th, 2012, 8:32 pm

I have sent you a PM with some questions before we continue :)

Apple nodded and bit a slightly caustic remark about his lack of bow. Hunting did not require a weapon but knowledge or so her brother had drilled into her. It was more her own sense of fairness that made her chase after the deer in a haphazard manner. Instead she tried to be more eloquent.

“That is true but hunting does not require a weapon. Trapping is common too and many traps can be made…although I, myself do not have that knowledge.” Finally glancing at him fully she took in his features; it was more than a crane of her neck to do so. It took a full tilt of her head, her eyes squinting against the light the interfered with her vision. He seemed kind enough. Smiling frequently as he spoke and keeping a mellow tone. It was very different from her families’ incessant shouts or abnormal silence.

Her hands clapped together lightly but loudly in the silence surrounding them as they walked further from the city but she was thrilled they would hunt something she was familiar with, “Deer are simpler to track I would think. I should give fair warning that my shot is horrible, being that I am still a novice with the bow. But I agree combined we may be able to bring something back.”

Happy as she was she hesitated as the larger man gave her the right of way. She was nervous again and now it was almost as if he was saying he was in her care. For a few moments she stopped walking before nodding in ascent and picking up their pace again. To be frank while she could track she was unsure of how to navigate the land and she was not sure where to even begin. Allowing the silence to reign she carefully arranged her pack so it laid on her stomach and she could sift through for bow, arrows and her small vial of deer piss. Originally she had the toolkit in a small pouch but she found her own pack to be a much easier carrying tool.

Stalking forward she switched her pack around once more, tucking her arrows awkwardly under one arm while her bow she slung over her shoulder. Holding the vial she pointed in a random direction and tried to sound confident.

“A bit farther away and I can release spatter the area with this…” she held the vial up, “and we can wait, if we are lucky we may even hit tracks.”
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 20th, 2012, 11:14 pm

He supposed she was right, in that you did not have to use a weapon when hunting. Though most of the people he had seen hunting used them... Plus they allowed you to fight from a distance with things like bows... Traps were well and good, but only if your prey stumbled into them. And it would take a lot intel gathering to know were they would be going with any accuracy.

"I suppose you can also trap and such... Though that seems rather passive to me... Plus a bit unpredictable, if none stumble by..."

He smiled once more, as the woman craned her neck to take in his full form... He supposed he was pretty tall, especially for a small human like her, who was not even full grown...

"That is fine. Once we find something, you can try and get it from a distance, and I will try and come in close and take it out. A good cut to the throat will put it down. Just make sure not to hit me by mistake."

Rykanis let her take the way, lead him along to whichever way she thought they should go. She seemed to have a bit more knowledge as to were stuff to hunt were. She seemed to know what she was doing... But it was a bit hard to tell... He did not know her well enough to know if she really knew what she was doing, or pretending...

Then she held some vial of something up... What was she going to do with that?

"What exactly is that? And what is it going to do?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Apple Cretshaw on May 21st, 2012, 3:33 pm

He was quicker at picking up the obvious than she had been. As a child she had been much more curious as to why the animals fell for the trap rather than the wait or how far up the tree she could get. In a way he reminded her of her brother although he spoke more. Much more. His strategy was sound and she gave a delighted laugh and another clap, though this one was silenced by the bottle in her hand.

She ignored his question for a few moments, trying to decide if this was the correct choice of action. Gut wise she felt there was nothing else to be done. The grass here was tall and the trees sparse. Still the few tall trees she spotted might be better for deer. Or at least for her to try and climb a tree for a better shot. Nodding her head firmly she muttered a quite yes.

“This,” she began, once more holding it up as she walked and slowing so he could see it better, “is deer urine. Once we are closer to the trees I can sprinkle a few drops and the scent may attract others. We can hide in the trees. Ah, there is a small problem though.”

She paused, now unsure of how to go about. If they were lucky they could do as she and her brother used to. Covering themselves in a layer of mud or—she hoped not again—dung and waited for their prey. The winds would carry the necessary scent but it would also carry theirs. “We will have to coat ourselves in something to mask us. Or we can try to stay downwind of the deer if any come about.”

She stopped talking to try and gauge the distance but her mind was beginning to pull her towards the fact that they had no cover currently. And she did not wish to think of what else the scent could bring about. Last time her idiot brother had let out a scent too close to a mother bears den and it had not ended pleasantly for anyone.

Still she trekked on though. Letting the silence reign as for began to sprinkle bits here and there the closer they got, hoping by doing it this way they could also see when other strange animals would come. She was not even sure of what the hunters of their lands looked like, she only heard whispers. Running a hand through her hair she wished she had brother a tie for pieces continuously feel and stuck to her face. And by the time she had reached the clearing she was tempted to cut it all off. Except it was not a clearing.

"There is not anything here to truly cover ourselves so we will have to hope the deer cannot smell us before it comes in range. If not we can begin tracking it if nothing else."

It was more of a spatter of trees growing about the taller grasses. She hoped the animals in this region were not green or else they would find nothing. Point to a smaller tree she began a quicker walk to it, pouring what was left of the vial.

“Up here we can wait.” Climbing, of course proved to be much more difficult than she had originally thought. She found her hands burning and scraping against the bark painfully and pulling herself up over the branch was just as much of a pain. The wind whooshing out of her with a soft ‘oomph’ as she ended up slung over the branch like a sack of apples. Looking over at her companion she spoke swiftly, not in embarrassment but more annoyance at herself, “May I ask you to give me a boost?”

You are welcome to make the deer appear in the next post :D
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Apple Cretshaw
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 21st, 2012, 8:06 pm

He was a bit surprised by her playful reaction, clapping and laughing like a child would. It reminded him a bit of a few kelvics he had met. Though he supposed that was more to do with her still being so young. It took time for people to mature. She did not have the benefit of the many years he did.

He simply smiled back at her, at her reaction. She seemed to know what she was doing, so he would play along, even if she was acting immature. Perhaps she would still surprise him...

Though deer urine? He did not want to know how she had collected that... Though he supposed it might not only attract the deer themselves... But also the things that hunted them... And he was not in the mood to have to take on a glassbeak...

Rykanis simply followed her lead, going along with her plans for the hunt, and to go after whatever they would... And eventually it ended with them getting into a tree. Though she seemed to have a bit of trouble in getting up into it. Lucky he was tall, so it was not to much trouble for him to give her a good shove, so she could get situated. Then he jumped and grabbed a sturdy branch, swinging one leg up and onto it, and hefted himself along with her, though onto a different thicker branch. He did not want to risk the limb snapping off.

Then they had to wait... Rykanis used his infravision, looking for the sign of a warm body... He could at least tell when it was approaching, as a deers or whatever thing came would be emanating heat, much warmer than the surrounding ambient temperature of the landscape and flora...

It seemed to take forever in his head... But in reality it was not even half a bell, before some warm body came walking up... For know the wind was in there faces, so they would scent there prey before it got them... Then Rykanis made a small motion to Apple, to get her attention, and tell her without making noise that something was coming... He would let her make the first move, since she had the bow...
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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A hunting we will go![Apple]

Postby Apple Cretshaw on May 21st, 2012, 9:38 pm

I apologize in advance for the overly long post. I got a little excited.

Giving soft thanks for his boost up, Apple made herself comfortable and tried not to let the thought of the long hours ahead bug her. She was not the most patient person but the thought of how the hunt could possibly end as well always made her gleeful and the wait less painful. Trying to keep an eye out she carefully craned her head each way, her nails biting into the wood for fear of falling off. She was beginning to think she had a fear of heights. Or maybe it was that Riverfall always seemed to far from the ground she was perpetually scared of falling. Either way it did not stop her from beginning to nod off. The sun beating at her brow, her pack sliding from her shoulders and her bow become slick in her hands.

It was funny how quickly one could fall asleep like that. Especially when she was sure it had only been half a bell or so. Maybe even only a few chimes. The heat tended to do that to her. And so the Akalaks sudden hand gesture a bit too close to her head nearly sent her tumbling off the branch. Her whole body snapped to attention and a sharp bit to her tongue the only thing keeping her from shouting aloud.

Inhaling deeply and little loudly she followed his general gaze and could see the rustle. Something was coming. Hopefully prey and not the opposite. Straightening her pack she carefully slung her bow over her shoulder and once more pulled and arrow out. Placing said arrow in her mouth she wiped her slightly sweaty palms out her pants and adjusted herself so she and the pack leaned heavily on the trunk.

Her hands hand began to shake slightly but not with fear as was earlier but with an impatient excite. Predator or prey she wanted her shot. And with her bow in hand she felt nearly invincible. Out of her mind fly most of her training and her eyes glued to the grasses in front of them, watching and waiting.

Flexing her finger she took her arrow from her mouth and began to line of her bow. Originally she had been taught with a long bow and switching had been hard but now it was much easier. Out of the grass came a delicate nose. Deer? She couldn’t really tell but it looked like it but the coloring was strange. Fumbling slightly with her bow due to her odd positioning. She had a terrible habit of shooting her bow sideways like a crossbow rather than a regular stance but it worked for her.

Now she was trying to ensure her grip was proper. Working it till it felt comfortable and in the same position it was always in. Watching for the faint indents and peeling of paint and shine to show where she always held it. Before beginning to pull the string back she took aim. Watching in fascination as the animal emerged from the grass completely. Taking aim roughly at its neck and slightly over excited she failed to take notice of its odd coloring or the fact that its face was more canine than deer.

Pulling back her arm she felt her shoulders muscles pull tight and held the tension freezing in place as the creature rose its head and snarled at her. That was not a deer. In her shock she released the bow, the unexpected jolt in her arm sending her flying backwards and landing hard on her back, though her bah took the brunt of the fall. Her bow flew from her hands and knocked her in the head on its way down making her blink rapidly.

Sitting up swiftly she was able to see her arrow locked in its leg as the creature jumped over her head and crashed through the grasses. It was going to die by that unless it became infected. Still that knowledge came swiftly and left just as swiftly.

“That was not a deer.” It came out as a mild scream, "Deer do not have teeth! We have to--we have to--"

Her eyes landed on the tracks before raising to meet Rykanis' eyes.

"Should we follow it?"

OOC2 :
The Deer!
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