A young woman, more of a girl really, nodding and bounced forward. She had bright chestnut hair and eyes the same shade, pale skin smattered with freckles. She wore a simple scarlet dress with a symbol embroidered on the left shoulder, a circle with four vertical lines through it. A small wooden box was curled in one hand and tucked against her chest.
"Hello, and welcome to Stormhold!" she piped up, smiling down at Fherasoone with all evidence of friendliness. There was something disarmingly easy about her, as if she was everyone's boisterous sister. "I'm Aenysa, with the Welcome Center here. It's sort of my job to say hello to all the first-timers to Syliras," she said with a bright laugh. "Are you by yourself? Do you know anyone here?" she asked, brows denting just a bit in polite concern.