Tetreka nodded enthusiastically on the resolution for buying drinks, "We might have looked stupid, but I'll bet we made enough show of it that nobody would say it." Despite the lack of clean technique or martial success, observers would still have noted that it was a big strong man being violent with a less big yet still strong and violent man.
Tetreka returned the shake with one of his hands, smirking with delight at acknowledgement of his size, "Tetreka re Ahnatep. And you are not so big." When the barkeep had ale in front of them Tetreka took a huge gulp, again managing to get almost as much drink on himself as down his throat.
"You are not so big, but you certainly fight like it." He almost let that thought hang in the air, but he followed up on it. Leaning on the bar with two elbows, Tetreka gestured at him, "How do you fight like that? I've seen swiftness in people of all sizes, but that strength rightly belongs to only the blessed or bulky, are you marked the way that the beast men, the uh..." He pointed at the circle of men, trying to indicate the man Gracen had just fought, "Myrians, are you marked as the Myrians are?" Tetreka didn't typically differentiate between different types of humans, though he as a rule didn't enslave any of them with boats.
Tetreka knew almost nothing at all about magic, and the idea of it giving a man an edge in a fistfight seemed in that post-fistfight moment especially intriguing.