His surly demeanor held until the boy entered the room. Something about Sturlin made him partial to children, perhaps the difficulties he himself had encountered at that age. The smile he offered the kid was more frightening than his normal face, which was probably one of the things which kept him distracted while his teacher worked. While Tomas was around, Sturlin's taciturn nature seemed to be toned down for his comfort.
Ignoring a needle was surprisingly simple when compared with the complexities of emptying your mind. Sturlin allowed his eyes to shut. Visualizing his leg, he imagined a string connecting the pain to his lungs. With each breath he pulled in, he focused on 'pulling' the pain up the string and into his chest. Every gust of air pushed out of his lungs was filled, in his mind at least, with the pain he was suffering from the healer's work.
Things continued this way throughout the stitching. While the pinpricks were still felt clearly each time she pierced the flesh, the radiating pain which would have stung the wound of an unfocused mind was carefully inhaled and expelled. His mind returned to focus only when they began discussing the price of their services. As the boy offered him a shy smile he winked at him with his good eye. Five gold Mizas seemed rather high, but he had to admit that she took very good care of him.
The sleeping draught bothered him. His mouth opened to speak, and then he shut it. Rewording his question in his own mind was top priority. How these knights dealt with magicians within their walls was still a mystery. Marks of the gods were one thing, Reimancy was quite another. When he raised his voice to speak it was clear and concise. "This drink. Will it hamper my mind in any way? Side effects perhaps?"