Cael ![]() Race: Vantha Age: 21 Birthday: 17th of Winter, 490 Gender: Male Height: 6’ Language 1: Vani (fluent) Language 2: Common (good) Factions: Martial Association of Zeltiva Physical Description: Cael has dark brown to black hair that he keeps short. His eyes are primarily electric blue, though they change with his modes like all Vantha. His skin is surprisingly light for a Vantha, though he’s still tanned more than the average human. He usually wears dark clothes because they’re dramatic against the white snow of his homeland. When he’s in warmer climates, he prefers to wear a jacket without a shirt beneath it, which reveals his snowflake-shaped gnosis mark on the left side of his chest. His build is slender and he has an almost delicate look that belies his inner strength. Character Concept: Cael is a wizard who has an interest in practicing reimancy, though he enjoys studying all branches of magic. He’s often seen as cold hearted by other people because he believes a true wizard needs perfect control of his or her emotions. He is very spiritual , and though he worships all gods reverently, he has a special love for Morwen. In fact, he is so enamored with her, he feels he cannot be with another woman because none are as perfect as the Vanthan goddess queen. He harbors a secret passion for her that he knows is blasphemous, but that he cannot help. He lives his entire life trying to become the best wizard in Mizahar so that he can become worthy of her notice, if not her love. History: Cael has been in love with his goddess since he was a young child. He loved her snow, her ice, and the stories people told about her. One day when he saw a visiting reimancer summon fire from his hands, he found his calling. From then on he devoted his life to studying the different kinds of magic in the world. His secret goal is to become a god in his own right, or at least a wizard powerful enough to properly serve his divine idol. He has decided to master fire reimancy first as it is the antithesis of Morwen’s beautiful kingdom, and he wants to compliment her powers with his own. He then moved on to air, which he likes less and has found little use for. It surprised Cael to discover that he actually likes fire as much as he likes ice, if not more. He learned his skills from books and various visitors whenever he could. They were often secretive and he had to part with a good amount of his earnings throughout the years, but he advanced to the level of competency. Cael’s goal now is to go to the university in Zeltiva and learn all he can. He also managed to pick up the hand-and-a-half sword (also called the bastard sword) from a traveling hunter. He found that it's length and versatility suited him well. The reach fit him well and he liked being able to switch from a one-handed grip to a two-handed one easily and comfortably. In his spare time, Cael learned to carve from an older member of his hold. He often carves while he meditates, as it calms his mind. His carvings are usually of his sword, which was a gift from his mother. ![]() Skills
-Lore of Morwen and other popular gods -Lore of magic types -Strength From The Gods -Reimancy in Public -Nira'lia: Has Mage Friends -Shame to Morwen Gnosis Marks
-Single mark of Ice Reaving Equipment and Possessions: 1 set of clothing (all black) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack (comb, razor, soap, food for a week, eating knife, flint and steel) 1 bastard sword (heirloom) 1 dappled white Frostmarch horse named Emberstorm with tack 2 saddlebags 1 large tent and tarp 1 extra set of flint and steel 100 feet of rope 1 lantern 2 torches 1 bedroll 1 blanket 1 set of fishing tackle and hooks Ledger:
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