Name: Rahaisha
JamouraDoB: 359 AV
The SpiresTitle: Manager of Petal of the Watching Owl
Skills: Construction 71, Architecture 63, Carpentry 55, Organization 41, Leadership 35
Sharai is the eldest of three sisters all sired from different mothers, with the same father. She is the most patient, and caring, of the sisters. After the Djed Storm, the sisters quickly took over management of the three residential Petals, a position formerly held by their father. Rahaisha is calm, gentle, giving. Her work comes along slowly, but is always a beautiful and functional home, and is always a gift. She refuses to charge people for their homes, so she gives them to those that deserve them. She can usually be found working on a new home, or in her own on the Petal, which also serves as her office.
The Housing here is for those who provide some sort of special service to the city. This can include
Hahk'Shatara members, Deacons, and others. These homes are not available for purchase, but rather must be earned through one's deeds. They elicit Common Living Expenses 135 gm/s (1.5 gm/day).