Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Nya Winters on April 20th, 2010, 4:46 pm

ImageTimestamp: Very Early Spring
Location: On Route to Their Quest in the Wildlands
Purpose: A Little Fun - Combat - Char Development

She woke with a yawn, slowly, her moss green eyes luminous in the late morning light. Her skin prickled with sensation and had she been in her human form, she'd have groaned with the whole host of emotions that woke with her. She rose, feeling strong, almost superiority so - and stretched. Everything felt sensitive, new, and her body burned slightly. There was a hunger in her, but its source of her need was not centered on her stomach. Glancing around, she spotted Shai. He was busy working on his blade - the Kopesh - sharpening it with a whetstone, though he had his oil and a soft cloth out as well. He worked focused, concentrating on the task at hand. He looked so weak, suddenly, to her emotionally charged mind. Rising on all fours, she stretched again, sensuously and flicked her tail.

Nya was strong, far stronger than any of them - any males. She felt deliciously strong. Slowly, she stretched her paws out in front of her and eased forward, arching her back and showing off her physique. Then she leaned backwards, stretching again.... feeling beautiful. Nya padded the diameter of the camp, pausing to rub her jawline upon a tree here, a stone there, another tree in the next few steps.

Something coursed through her, something dangerous, and it was rising like the hunger that was already infusing her. Ignoring Abashai altogether, Nya lifted her neck and sniffed at the air, hoping to catch the scent of another forest cat. There was nothing, though she knew there wouldn't be. They were too far south, to far away from Taldera where all the best males were. Here they were too near Cyphrus. It angered her suddenly. They shouldn't be near Cyphrus. Nya belonged in Taldera where there were plenty of males to choose from... plenty that would fight for her and fight TO impress her.

She glanced at Shai and growled, annoyed. Her hunger rose again, though the cat knew it had nothing to do with food, she sought some. She wanted sweet and knew Shai kept hard little candies in his bag. She stalked over to it, still ignoring him though her bond would be broadcasting her hunger, irritation, and something more - something dangerous too him. She tried to open the pack with her paws, not wanting to loose her better form, her stronger form, the form the males would fight over to win the right to court her...

But she couldn't manage it. She took it in her paws, chewed on it, but the tough leather wouldn't give. She growled, which came out more of a frustrated yowl, and shifted. Hands were better for such things, even if they annoyed her because in her condition humanity had no place. She opened Shai's pack wide - something she'd never ever done without asking him or unless it was at his request - and plunged her hand down into the middle, seeking the small bag of candy. She made frustrated sounds when it didn't come right into her hand. Finally, furious, she upended his rather substantial pack, shacking the contents of it onto the ground until the bag holding the candy spilled out.

She snatched it, didn't bother to pick up the mess, and retreated. She assumed a corbie's crouch across the camp from Shai and opened the candy bag to dig out half a dozen pieces. They all went into her mouth at once. Nya's cheeks puffed up like a chipmunks, but she kept savoring the flavor as her green eyes blazed across.

Vaguely, she knew something was wrong. That was the human side of her. She'd been running low on the herbs her mother had insisted she take with her, so Nya had been splitting them up, spreading them out, making them last until the quest was either faced or failed. They prevented, her taking them, another incident like had happened at Lormar where her father had almost felt the need to kill her. In fact, even as she thought about it, Ny a glanced back at Abashai who was now studying her with a very puzzled but calculating look on his face. He was somehow stronger looking now, physically fit, and obviously interested. Candy was rearranged in her mouth so she could lift her head and scent him. He smelled good. So she flashed her teeth at him, hissed a warning, and went back to eating her candy.... no Shai's candy. Another handful went into her mouth, but it didn't seem to be helping her hunger at all.

Nya wanted to challenge him - she wanted to fight. She wanted to see if he was strong enough, and if he was she wanted to do something altogether different - something dangerous. And that hunger was broadcasting straight into ABashai through their bond.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Abashai on April 22nd, 2010, 4:00 pm

The task of tending his weapons was one Abashai performed with joy. It was a form of relaxation, and in the quiet of the morning, he found great solace in the practice. His attention dwelt on the small oiled whetstone he was running along the broad blade of the khopesh. The grinding sound of stone on steel, and the scent of blade oil invigorating his senses.

The Benshiran had not heard Nya awake, the forest cat moved without a sound, until an uncommon growl rumbled across their camp. Abashai glanced up from his chore, over his shoulder, suddenly disturbed to find his bondmate's snarl appeared directed towards him. Nya moved in his direction, her approach not the typical casual jog, but a purposeful stalking, targeted at his pack.

His mate made no eye contact, intent solely on opening the pack. In and of itself, her behavior was unusual, he thought as she begun to fumble with the pack. He began to speak to her, when the bond opened up with a series of strong emotions and instinctual responses that forced his tongue to still. Shai sensed Nya's hunger, that was not unuasal, he felt that one almost constantly. but it was coupled with agitation and, most disconcerting, some raw primal current that he found vaguely familiar. Abashai had detected it in only flashes recently. Blasts of hostility or threats that lasted only breaths before vanishing. But now, he could feel it coursing through Nya. It did not recognize him, he knew, it acknowledged him only in relation to his capacity to supply for or deny the forest cat's driving needs. The most alarming thing was, he could barely detect Nya's humanity through the bond.

Carefully rising to his feet, Shai simply watched as Nya's paws tore at his backpack. She finally shifted after a yowl of frustration, still ignoring her mate. His own anger flared as she upended his pack, the contents spilling onto the ground. As she retreated, he waited a few chimes, watching the nude Kelvic hunker down and devour the candy like some wild child raised in the wilderness. This was not her, he told himself. She must have eaten something poisonous, for a moment he even considered some magical influence.

Then she glared at him, baring her teeth and snarled. Even in her human form, Abashai recognized the posture, the intent of Nya's gesture. It was threatening, but even more so, it was a challenge. Concepts and memories began to congeal. Nya's parents literally forced her away because she had entered a cycle, as a forest cat, that caused her to become dangerous. Dangerous enough that she may have even hurt her father, a strong Kelvic horse. The forest cat was ready to mate.

Nya was supposed to have herbs to prevent it. He knew she was short, they had talked about getting some more, but obviously something went wrong. Abashai was familiar enough with wildlife to have some idea what was happening. She wanted to mate, needed to really. But not like a human. The fact that he was her husband would mean little. Had they been in Taldera, he would have dire forest cat males as rivals. Bu the most unsettling thing was, he believed that the chosen male would have to best her, fight for her, and then with her.

A cold sweat suddenly coated Abashai's skin. His adrenaline began to pump, along with a thumping in his chest. He knew this too was part of who Nya was. He did not know what he was going to do, but he was not going to flee, she was still his. His wife, his mate.

Muttering a prayer to Yahal that neither of them would be killed, or maimed, the Benshiran summoned the gnosis power of his Lord. If he had to face off with Nya in some way, he would need the strength and granite resolve of his God. He looked at the heavy bladed weapon in his hand, then let it drop. Gods no...he could not imagine. Even as the ennervation delivered extraordinary strength to every part of this body, Abashai carefully approached Nya.

He pause at a safe distance. Shai's stance was wide, his back straight, he would not show weakness to the cat. Nya's underlying current through the bond swam with carnality... hunger for food, hunger to fight, hunger to mate. The voice he employed was firm, but not threatening. "Nya, what are you doing?"
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Nya Winters on April 22nd, 2010, 6:34 pm

Nya simply stared at Shai. Wasn't it obvious, after all, that she was stealing his candy... now hers? It was hers now because he wasn't strong enough to defend it? Was he even strong enough to defend a good territory? How come he never wanted to stake one out? Nya felt resentment rising in her. She had a great territory. It had everything the couple needed to survive - shelter, abundant food, clean water, and proximity to other people. And all the did was talk about traveling. He wanted to go south to see Yahaleb. He wanted to go north to see her mother. He wanted to visit the peaks of Kalea and the jungles of Falyndar... and why hadn't he mentioned walking on Syna or Leth for that matter?

Nya peeled her lips back.

"I took your candy." She said, her mouth stuffed full of it. Nya was generally never greedy or possessive, but in this instant the emotions of both were rolling through her body and feeding Shai's own emotions with their heavy influence. "You couldn't stop me could you? I'd never let someone take my candy... just up and take it. That is weak Shai.... weak." She said. Her words made no sense. Had she listened to herself in a better frame of mind she'd have laughed herself silly. But in that instant, she was wholly serious. She rose from her crouch, the bag now empty, and tossed it down. He could feel how delicious the sweet tasted to her and how it fed her hunger, even as she swallowed the last of the pieces whole. She moved, flowing towards him with all the grace of the cat locked up in her human form. Nya growled low in her throat as she circled Shai, keeping her eyes locked on his, judging him - her emotions boiled through him making him feel like just a piece of meat she was analyzing to decide if it would be delicious or not.

Everything rolling off her - the emotions, the looks, the actions - whispered of what was wrong. And they told him something very very clearly. She was going to fight. She was excited about it - aroused in a way that Shai had never felt from Nya before. Normally his bondmate had insecurities. She hated who she was, wanted to be human, was fascinated by people - and felt dirty about being a kelvic... as if it were inferior.

Now though, this was a different Nya. She oozed strength and pride, feral desire, and a need to test him. It was as if in that moment she knew she was beautiful. She knew she was strong. She knew all her strengths and that none of her weaknesses mattered. Nya growled again, low in her throat, and ran a hand up the length of her body - as if soothing the skin where it burned. And though her skin was scarred, she traced them with pride, letting her fingers bump and catch on them seductively even as she ran her hands up over her breasts to rub at her neck.

Nya told him - without words - how unworthy he was.

Every breath, every second her eyes remained locked with his seemed to challenge him on some primitive level and speak to him of ways as old as Miahar itself. Her need to fight infused him. She would not settle for weaker, less driven, less fierce. And for a heartbeat, Abashai would understand, even for a split second what it was like to stare into the face of Caiyha for Nya in that moment was one of her creatures. It was no wonder her mother had held her down and wrapped a collar around her neck that would keep her from shifting. Nya like this, in human form, was terrifying. If she transformed into her forest cat guise, the situation would be life threatening for Abashai.

There was no playful breezes escorting his bondmate like companions nor fierce winds encircling her feeding her information and talking about all things they touched. This was something far more grounded to the very body of Mizahar. This was something else... something Zulrav abruptly abandoned the girl rather than face. But Shai wasn't left alone. The God of Winds had never been his Lord. Yahal was.... and he didn't fail his follower when Shai pulled at his Gnosis and brought his strength and vigor and resilience to a forefront. It made him Nya's equal - in every way.

She circled him a second time - needs rising even higher. It was undiscovered country for both of them. And though he was no forest cat - no creature of a half mad summoner's design - he wasn't left unaffected. Abashai felt the strongest urge to meet her challenge - show her who was stronger. For those emotions affecting Nya were infusing Shai as well, and if he didn't keep a tight hold on them himself, he might run the risk of feeling slightly superior himself and showing her exactly how wrong her thinking was.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Abashai on April 22nd, 2010, 7:56 pm

Abashai heard Nya's words, her brash taunting. The Benshira tried to keep a tight mental grip on the situation. It was not Nya, he told himself. But the bond they shared flooded him with sensations and urges in a bombardment that battled against his gnosis-bolstered will. Nya the animal circled him, flaunting her human form, the body he had explored intimately a myriad of times. Every scar her fingers traced, every curve she caressed, had been his to enjoy. A burning rose in his core, a dangerous infection that Nya fed. He understood, both rationally and now in some primal fashion, that to have her in that way now, he had to prove himself. Her glaring green stare, hard, dangerous and seductive, told him as much.

Struggling against the overwhelming desire to engage Nya at her primal level, Abashai suspected that there was more than the impact of Nya's condition through the bond that stirred his reactions. Chemicals, pheromones released by Nya that triggered the basal male instincts, ignited to fuel the fire the man tried desperately to contain. It fed his pride, encouraged him to indulge in the incredible strength coursing through his limbs, tempting him to test his power, to exercise his masculinity.

No! Abashai shook his dark mane, as if he could shed the intensity that felt like iron claws in his gut. He feared giving in to the impulses. The seething Kelvic felt no fear, he knew she would not worry about injury to herself, or her bondmate. If Shai lost himself to the urges, one or both of them could end up dead. The man knew, if Nya shifted, he may very well end up dead anyway.

Nya stalked around him again, her eyes piercing, coaxing him to meet her challenge. He could sense the scents she smelled. The aroma of sweat and musk and oil made his head swim. The bond now screamed at him, buffeted him with raw need and bravado. Shai's heart was racing and a heat rose from his abdomen to his chest. He found himself breathing through clenched teeth. Suddenly the very sight of the woman stirred his anger. Her indolence and pride! How dare she violate my possessions!

He wanted her. He wanted to dominate her, place her in submission. He could do it, he knew he could. She was a woman, weak. He could crush her throat with his bare hand if he wanted to. A voice hummed in his head, warned him. Somewhere in his soul, he knew he was losing a fight already, not because the divine power bracing his willpower was not sufficient, but because he did not want to listen to it. With a grunt he threw off his coat and tore off his tunic, baring is chest. Easy....you are defending, his near non-existent conscious admonished. Abashai stood his ground, feet spread, arms cocked and hands open. The man lowered his head slightly and glared back at Naya from under his brow. A low growl rumbled from his throat.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Nya Winters on April 27th, 2010, 9:38 pm

Emotions infused her. Had the situation calmed slightly or Abashai had talked softly to her using their link more than his voice, Nya might have backed down a slight bit. But they were in many ways incredibly tightly bonded so her emotions were infusing him even before she herself was fully awake and completely on the offensive. And she was full of offense truth be told. He was on the small side, for all that among humans he was considered strong. Walking upright gave him no balance, not like a forest cat had. His head couldn't even turn like hers could and his eyes were small, placed too close together, so all he could see was in front of him.

Nya sneered.

She knew what he was thinking. The forest cat turned human could feel his mental fingers on her scars and tracing the contours of her body. But she wasn't a creature, not at the moment, that wanted to please him. The human Nya, the one the cat so longed to find, was a thing of the past. There was no place for her now, for the love she housed of the male before her. The Nya of right now cared nothing of minds. She cared nothing for the man's stories and feelings and touches. She had no use for his love and understanding. She was a creature that wanted to fight him. What she really wanted was to see his strength.

Super charged hormonal blood raged through her veins fueling her needs. The forest cat was a creature of instinct, and it was spring. Had she been older, she'd had long since given birth as the last of the snows fell and would be slowly weaning them. Had Shai been a male forest cat he'd have killed her offspring unless they were his, simply to bring her into season earlier. It was a trick older than time and one every female forest cat knew about. Nya knew. Males were dangerous, unpredictable, and necessary. She snarled in displeasure even as he moved closer.

Caiyha's dance was one creatures had played out countless times before. And she knew it as the two individuals slowly circled each other. The male shook his mane and seemed to struggle with himself. A slow jeering smile filtered across Nya's face. Weak. So weak. He couldn't even decide if he wanted to try for her. She seemed to dismiss him then, glancing around, scenting the air. Was there anyone else around? The forest cat in her human guise drew in a deep breath, not able to scent past Abashai. Even as she tasted the winds - dismissing the playful ones that came close enough to gasp at her aggression and dart away again - but all that was on it was his scent.

Her eyes turned back to Shai, considering, even as her body slowly began to burn. Just him being there was feeding this thing inside her, this need, this aggression. She circled him again, still watching the emotions cross his face; resistance, denial, confusion, acceptance, and then... rage. Nya snarled in reaction to his rage and came closer. She had nothing on - needed nothing, wanted nothing - for clothing would have hurt her tender skin in this condition. She wanted to tease him with what he couldn't have. Nya wanted him to want it so badly and then withhold it because he wasn't worthy. She felt strong - incredibly strong - and that strength coursed through her.

But he moved instead.

Throwing off his coat, tearing off his tunic - he bared his chest. Nya studied him, judged him, and almost smiled. It wasn't mirth that curved her lips upwards. It was admiration. He was going to fight. She could feel his lust building, matching hers - but she could also feel his need to dominate her. She wanted no part of that. She was her own woman and he would bow to her before she'd ever bow to him. He was weak - pure human - and couldn't even begin to match what she was. Strength. Beauty. Speed. Nya was a predator built for killing. He was a scholar built for reading his beloved books.

She sneered again... and slipped up behind him. She nosed his neck, inhaling his scent, in the beginning of a ritual that had existed since forest cats came into being. Nya was not fully a forest cat, nor was he one at all, so she felt no qualms when she rubbed her muscled body against his back, letting him feel the softness of her breasts just beneath his shoulder blades. Her arms slipped around him, touching his chest and dropping lower to slide over the evidence of his masculinity still covered by his pants. Her arms were deceptively gentle, her touch light, as she laid her lips against his ear from behind, rising up on her toes to do so.

"Do you honestly think, human, that you could ever be as strong as a kelvic?"
Her breath was harsh now, giving away the fact that being so close to him was indeed effecting him. "I want someone - need them - to do something for me. But I don't think your male enough to do the job Benshira." The name came out of her mouth like a curse - like something dirty - like an Eypharian would say it. He felt her meaning behind it: Slave. She trailed her mouth away from him now, arms still around him, and licked the top of his shoulder. She tilted her head so she was still looking at him as she laid her head on his shoulder and finished her thought with a cruel smile. "I know what you want. You want submission and a taste of my flesh. You won't have the pleasure, Abashai. I'll never drop to my hands and knees for you and offer myself freely like a whore. I'll never let you crush my throat in your hands or sink your teeth into the back of my neck like I know you want too. Would you like that dear Shai? A whining begging female in estrus? That isn't me....." She lifted her head again, moving back over to nuzzle at the nape of his neck with her lips and nose again.

The scent of her current condition infused the whole of his being. Heat.

Suddenly teeth sunk into his neck, biting him hard, holding him in place, dominating him. Her whole body spoke volumes. He was weaker. He was the one that would submit. Her hands came up to his shoulders and her human nails raked at his skin, drawing first blood even as her sharp canines broke the skin of his nape in a sharp acute pain. It was as if she thought he'd drop to his knees for her - to let her dominate him. That knowledge flooded him at the same time the pain of her back-of-the- bite did. It wasn't a significant wound, but it was humiliating.

She laughed and danced backwards... releasing him. The next move was his. And she hoped his baiting set him into aggressive action - for as long as he wasn't fighting she had morals enough not to attack him. But the instant he moved... she'd unleash herself as well.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Abashai on April 28th, 2010, 4:11 pm

The familiar sensation of Nya's warm flesh pressed against his back and the gentle caress of her hands momentarily distracted Abashai, as if suddenly the forest cat was his mate again. When her hands passed over his stirring manhood, his desire piqued and a low moan escaped. But she was being cruel, merely taunting him. Nya took her verbal jabs at him, barbed darts aimed at provoking him. The words penetrated deep, Shai only vaguely recognizing her intent. The hormone-maddened Kelvic fed the Benshiran her animal passion through their bond, fogging the human's ability to maintain rational thought beyond the instincts that had seized his mind.

Then she gripped Shai in her embrace and bit him. It was in no way the playful biting his mate employed during lovemaking. It was an act to establish domination. Abashai growled loud and deeply, but did not flinch. He would not yield an inch.

Her provocation proved successful. Abashai was enraged. I want someone - need them - to do something for me. But I don't think your male enough to do the job Benshira. Her spiteful words rang in his head, which now pounded with anger. Someone!? Someone besides him? The thought of another having her drove him mad. She was already his. No one would have her but him. He would thrust a meter of cold steel through the gut of any rival, human or forest cat.

Abashai's icy blue-green stare fixed on Nya. His breath came in quick, sharp gasps. The throbbing sting on his neck and shoulders only focused his feral intent. He could feel the welling blood drip down his back in a warm rivulet. Shai reached a hand up to run it along the wound, examining the deep rusty stain smeared across his palm.

The Benshiran had given in to the age-old dance, knowing there was no other recourse to keep Nya than to face her. He absorbed the raw natural instinct pushed through the bond, melding with his own masculine desires and pride. He was burning, from his core to his neck. Lust for violence and lust for Nya flooded his consciousness as if to burst from his chest. His eyes caught a glimpse of Nya's Chevas mark, evident just below her ear. It was an exact match to the one divinely etched in his own neck. At that moment, those marks meant nothing ...and everything.

Abashia savored the gnosis flowing through his body, tightening and relaxing supernaturally powerful muscles. Nya was wrong. Abashai was not weak. Right now, his strength was two-fold that of other men, more than enough to overpower her human form. And his will was unshakable. He would not relent, nor retreat, and never would he submit.

Calculating, assessing the Kelvic he knew so well, or thought he did, Abashai would no longer hesitate. He could not tolerate the mocking, smug look Nya shot at him. In a breath he bunched up the muscles in his thighs and calves, springing forth and lunging at Nya. His left had shot out, intent on grabbing her right wrist and jerking it away from her, compromising her balance His charge would take him to her right side, his own right arm coming up to hook around her shoulders. If successful, Shai would shift his momentum in a slight rotation to his left, pulling Nya off balance with his left hand, throwing her to the ground with the arm around her neck.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Nya Winters on May 3rd, 2010, 9:19 am

Inside her body, things were happening to Nya that she had only vague memories of from before. Herbs had long repressed her natural instincts and dimmed the bestial side of her that demanded her body procreate. In some species, such actions were gentle and soft, filled with tenderness and even an elegant dance that displayed prowess and health. But Forest Cats cared little for such things because they were meaningless in terms of creating strong offspring. Before a male was accepted, he had to be prove himself as strong or stronger than his mate. He had to have the best health, the best stamia, and the superior intelligence or else she flat out wouldn't accept him. His territory had to be superior. His available food sources had to be top notch. And clean water with deep shelter had to be present on his land or she would flat out reject him. And this was all forest cat, for certain, because Abashai had already had the woman part of Nya.

The woman had come to him shy but willing. They'd taken it slow and made their love last the whole of the night. For both of them, it had been something new and incredibly passionate. For Nya it had been the dissolution of rules and boundaries that allowed her to touch her bondmate in ways she'd always wanted too. The kelvic had absolutely lost herself in her husband that night as they slowly discovered together what it had been like to be lovers. Shai, in truth, was almost as ignorant as Nya had been since his one and only experience had left lasting scars on the whole of his youth. But they worked through it together, and in the end Shai had no doubts that Nya was his would only ever be his because of the blood he spilled that night even as he delighted her.

This was different though. He could understand why Zilvia Winters had found the biggest collar she could find and had wrapped it tightly around her daughters neck while her father had fled the scene before certain disaster or violence had erupted. This was not about love and not about trust. This was about survival and was a deeply programmed urge within his bondmate's body. And it was affecting him too. Deeply.

Nya had a smell to her that his unaltered senses could easily pick up. It was a delicious appealing scent that seemed to augment her beauty and stress her physical health. She was strong in comparison to other humans. Her limbs were corded with muscle that would never perhaps make her a popular dancer or artisan, left no one in doubt that she was strong and fit. And she wore her nudity like some warriors wore their armor - owning it without shame or awkwardness. Sweat glistened across her body, driven by the high temperatures and the even higher levels of excitement within her. There was no more perfect time for her and her body knew it. She breathed heavily because of him, not because of any other. It was Shai and his constant close proximity that had brought this common springtime condition on so fast and furiously. And even though she taunted him, baiting him to mindless rage - he could still feel her through the bond. She loved him. Nya would happily rip his throat out, but she deeply loved him. And he was driving her crazy.

The bond spiked as soon as his tunic was ripped off even though the sneer didn't change a thing. It was all bravo and infused blood, and no one was going to separate that out. He also knew one important thing as well... she wasn't going to shift. At least not right now because she was too interested in him and her reactions to him. She wanted to feel his teeth in her flesh, his arms holding her down... his body invading hers. Nya snarled, too full of herself to notice Abashai's plan unfolding. She expected a frontal fair and notoriously badly designed assault... for honest men made terrible mates. She expected patience and a long drawn out contest based on rules and boundaries.

That was Shai. That was his way.

Instead, he struck hard and fast - faster than she would have ever thought possible. His spring was worthy of a forest cat, so too was the arm that snaked out to grab her and knock the wind completely from her chest. Nya went down hard with a squeal that sounded altogether feline. It didn't last long because his arm snaked out and cut off her wind even as he compromised her sense of balance. She choked, landing flat on her back in a beautifully sprawled out position. The Kelvic arched her back, clawed at the air to follow through with her threat to rip his throat out, but found she couldn't get to him with the position she was in and how neatly he held her. She would have swore it wasn't an arm around her neck but rather a steel band that cut off her ability to breath and left her thrashing on the ground with her face turning red with rage. Nya spit and hissed like a pit viper but couldn't break Shai's ironclad hold.

It was too bad he still had clothing on. If he too was naked he could have taken advantage of her helplessness and breathlessness to follow through with what the game was about. But, as it was, he would have to let her go to get to his things... and if he did so, he might not get a hold of her again. She wasn't the brightest creature on Mizahar - none of the kelvics were - but they tended to learn from their mistakes and adapt. Nya would definitely adapt - and already was.

She kitten cried - a piteous mewing that tended to tug at his heart strings - and changed tactics, purring in her human throat. She arched her back, digging her fingers into the loose dirt to either side and beneath her, and grabbed a fistfull of it. Meanwhile her traitorous body exploded in sensation as Abashai's roughness triggered a whole new stage of readiness in the kelvic. Her body burned momentarily, cramping slightly, as she felt the violence drive her to ovulate abruptly. Some races never knew when such things happened, leaving it all to chance. But with forest cats, violence had to trigger it. The rougher he was, the longer they fought, the more eggs a forest cat would release for the male to fertilize and the larger and stronger her litter would be. In the case of Kelvics, there would be no litter. They gave birth in their human offspring nine months after the mating.

Well, there wouldn't be any offspring while Shai was busy trying to keep her from tearing his throat out. She bucked again, deliciously, then spit and hissed at him, managing to twist her head just enough to sink her teeth into his forearm. She was mad. She didn't want to be pinned, at least not in a way that made him dominant - and this definitely did. She bucked once more and then froze, the taste of his blood once more on her lips. She licked them, mewed like a kitten again, and rolled her head enough to get a breath.

"Let me go... you can't do what you want to do holding me like this. Let me up Shai." She said, her body starting to shimmer slightly. Her voice wasn't convincing at all. Pale lights started to appear to dance across her skin as she attempted to loose her form. It was a bet... a bet that he'd release her neck before she finished shapeshifting. If he didn't, she wouldn't complete the change. She hoped the threat would be enough to have him back off. Because once he did...

Her mind didn't let her continue her thoughts. She bucked suddenly, the twinkling pinpoints of light disappearing across her skin, and lashed out with her foot. She kicked high, over her head which wasn't difficult for her being flexible, aiming for Shai's head. He had her body from the neck up restrained. But there was no such restrictions on her torso or legs.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Abashai on May 4th, 2010, 4:40 pm

Abashai's manuever proved successful, and the two of them impacted against the ground with a bone-jarring thud. His arm encircled her neck like a python, constricting her layrnx. He could feel her rage, even as she hissed and spit at him.

Shai's breathing came in deep quick breaths, each one filling his lungs and senses with Nya's mating scent. Its powerful effect fed his fervor for the ritual, Nya's own hormone-driven needs still gripping his mind through their strong connection. She bucked and struggled beneath him, her writhing against him was pleasing to Shai, now only a bestial shadow of the man who desperately loved Nya.

Even as Nya changed tactics, mewling pitfully, the Benshira found some clarity in the chaos of emotion. He knew now that he was not just another suitor. Nya recognized him, through the madness he felt her love. But there was a dichotemy. Again, Shai had to adjust his paradigm. Nya was a kelvic. For her, loving him, and requiring that he engage her in this struggle to mate with her was pefectly natural, its what the strange desires were driving within him as well. His sense of purpose solidified. This was not a battle, as his martial instincts had directed him. The goal in this engagement was a different form of victory. He maintained his hold, but loosened it so she could breath. He did not want her unconscious.

The Benshira's momentary lucid moment was shattered as Nya's teeth sunk into his arm. He yelped and growled. Abashai's bondmate paused her bucking, purring again, her mouth smeared with her husband's blood. She spoke to him in a familiar voice. She was trying to play upon his humanity. Nya was right, though, he could not mount her in his current position, or state of dress. But he did not want to let her go. Hik!

Those issues became secondary as he she threatened to shift. Grave concern bolted through his mania as the telltale lights started to dance across her flesh. Even his primal survival instincts knew that if she changed, his life would be in extreme danger. But would she do it?

Only a quick shift in Nya's hips preceeded the sudden blow to Shai's head, a flash of startling white in his vision breaking his concentration. Nya's kick was unexpected and well placed. Shai rolled to the side slightly, his grip let loose and his arm raised to fend off further strikes. His other hand managed to seize Nya's upper arm. He scrambled to climb on top of her while she was still prone, but Nya was already in motion.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Nya Winters on May 12th, 2010, 6:36 pm

The kick was satisfying. How dare he try and hold her down, choking her? She was stronger, faster, not constrained to human rules She was not human. Nya bared her teeth at him and hissed even as his kick caused him to loose his grip on her. Her breath came fast as she tried to scramble away to regroup and get a better position.

But he was fast. Nya wasn't certain why he was so fast. In her overstimulated brain there was no time to think or to recognize his gnosis in use. All she knew is that she couldn't get away fast enough. He seized her upper arm in a punishing grip that would leave a hand print bruise deep in her flesh and tried to haul her to him. She rolled so he wouldn't get pinned and ended up on her hands and knees with Shai above her, still gripping her arm. She paused a moment, panting - in an incredible suggestive pose beneath him. And shook her head. She couldn't understand how he was stronger, faster.... how he kept catching up to her and seizing her limbs.

She held still for him while she caught her breath, teasing him by splaying her knees out and arching her back. Twisting, she looked over her shoulder at him, and smiled slowly - presenting herself like an animal would. "Take it off, Shai... I want to feel your skin." She said, rolling her spine teasingly and rubbing a hand across her chest. Then she twisted, bent low, and siezed his pant leg in her teeth - her sharp sharp teeth - and ripped at the fabric tearing it upwards exposing a long line of muscled thigh - cutting it open too. Once she tasted his blood, that was it... no more posturing, no more teasing. The fight was back on.

And she was taking no prisoners. Yanking her arm out of his grip, she balled up her fist and let fly a punch aimed right for his nose.
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Lest He Forget She's Not Human (Abashai)

Postby Abashai on May 13th, 2010, 6:44 pm

Abashai suddenly found himself in a position of opportunity. Through her attempt to escape his grasp, Nya had unwittingly placed herself in a perfect mounting posture. In the few breathes of stillness as the two of them caught their breath, the Benshira was furious to find he was unable to take advantage of his fortune. He was still clothed from the waist down. "Hik," he cursed.

Shai growled angrily as she wantonly teased him. He tugged off one boot, struggling with the other as the Kelvic tore at his leg. Flinging the boot away, he winced and grunted as her teeth shred open the flesh on his thigh. Nya's strike to his face came fast and Abashai had to shift to defend himself. Ry'vata training kicked in and he pivoted on his foot, swinging his body to the side like an opening door. Nya's fist missed his nose, but glanced off of his cheekbone, snapping his head back. With a quick reach he grabbed her fist as it continued past his head, carrying Nya along with her own momentum and his strength. His other hand grabbed her shoulder and as she stumbled forward, he pushed her, hoping to take her to the ground again.

Quickly Abashai undid his belt and slid it from his pants. With the other hand he started with the rip Nya had made and tore the rest of the garment off. Throwing the tattered breeches aside, Shai stood still, panting, his muscle-corded body covered in sweat and blood. The rousing result of her teasing and the primal urges she fed was clearly evident as he stood naked before her. Abashai stared her down, his black curly mane hanging in his face. The belt remained in his left hand, lowered at his side.

Abashai had been lost to the dance, the bond that tied them together passing the carnal drive of Nya's cycle between them in waves. Abasha was determined to see it through. He now muttered in Shiber, Nya's scant understanding only enough to know he was telling her what he wanted to do to her, but could not discern the details.

Beneath it all, if Nya could have touched the human in herself, she would still feel Abashai's love. It had only taken on the guise of a predatory suitor, simply becoming compatible with what Nya had become. Finally her husband spoke up in Common, the words thick with his desert accent. "Nya, why do you fight me? This is what you want." He grinned is own feral grin. "You underestimate me. You are already mine. I will have what belongs to me." At that he lunged at her again, attempting to get his arms around her and pin her arms down.
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