Vannes Ezra
Physical DescriptionName: Vanness Ezra, though he prefures Ezra.
Nickname: He will occasionally allow Ness, though grudgingly.
Race: Human/Vantha
Age: 26
Birthday: 12th day of Winter, 495 AV
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6"
Weight: Approx 150lbs
Build: Lean
Character ConceptEzras typical demeanor is one of annoyance, deadpan, detachment, seriousness, exasperation and frustration. The cause of this is undoubtedly his father’s harsh expectations of him, his siblings unwarranted torment and the depression left in his dead wifes place.
Despite that he does have a rather large soft spot, like most men, for beautiful women. That’s not to say that he is easily taken advantage of, but he is quite a bit less withdrawn and moody. When he smiles (which he rarely does) it is more of a smug smirk than a gesture of happiness.
While he had previously focused himself solely (more or less) on studying and learning the secrets of Animation and other paramagics and magics, his attention has now shifted to practices of a less than legal kind.
He is of a stoic nature and is quiet, thoughtful, logical and intuitive. He dislikes too much physical activity, but does his best to keep fit and avoids talking about himself and his past. He finds himself intrigued by studies of the philological nature but can't help but to despise the subject's uselessness despite this.
Character HistoryEzra was born to a large and wealthy family living in the heart of Avanthal. The middle of three children he was always treated differently; his elder brother was the one expected to achieve great things and his younger sister was the beloved baby of the family.
Ezra, on the other hand, was a disappointment. He had no interest in joining the Icewatch like his brother, nor did he wish to study healing, like his sister. Instead magic, a practice despised and disproved of by his father was what caught his attention.
After a few months of studying secretly he discovered he had a knack for Animation, and took his findings to his father. Outraged that his son had dabbled in such ‘forbidden’ and ‘unnatural’ arts he commanded that Ezra discontinue his re-search. Ezra promised that he would, fearing what his father would do if he refused.
A few years later at the age of 20 Ezra was wed to a Vantha woman named Kiana. He moved from his family home so that they may live together. Not more than a year later Kiana fell ill and within less than half a season she had passed away, despite the tireless efforts of many Healers.
Ezra, devastated and depressed from his loss fell back into his research of Animation and left Avanthal, moving away from the harsh words of his father and all remaining memories of his beloved. He took only the bare necessities with him, and his wifes faithful pet Jivatalus Ghost Dog, Zip.